(John 10:34)
Who Today Can Correctly Answer These Crucial Questions?
What is the Purpose of the Life we are Living?
Plato's Cave States That Sex Is A Spiritual Symbol That Organic Man Engages In Without Understanding
If Childbirth Is A Byproduct Of Sex, Then What Is The True Purpose Of Sex?
Modern Man Dwells in Abject Self-Ignorance And Cannot Answer These Question
If You Are Among The Few Who Knows The Answer, And you Misuse Your Sexual Energy, Then You are Among The Greatest Sinners Of All
The Great Question Each Person Must Ask
- Is The Purpose Of Sex Primarily Offspring-Propagation:
Those few who understand the analogy of Plato's Cave in which mankind is
portrayed as
prisoners who see and interact with shadow-images -- all of which are
projected from a higher unseen metaphysical realm and are in fact symbolic of our own higher
reality. Those few who understand the symbology, are the few who understand that sex and procreation are
symbols that portray our own subsequent stages of birth -- see
The Divine Marriage
http://DivineMarriage.org .
There is a deeper meaning and purpose to sex that is not at all understood today. To the degree that many of our supposed scholars confuse different forms and varieties of what can be portrayed as mutual masturbation with actual sexual interaction -- and many of these self-proclaimed authorities can't even define what a woman is. Therefore, if you can't understand the reason why man and woman are representative of opposite polarities of mind -- much less the deeper purpose of sexual interaction -- then you are a slave to your own ignorance that can be portrayed as a prisoner of Plato's Cave of Illusions -- Illusions that are Allusions to a Higher Soul Reality that exists beyond our perceptive-understanding. And if I make the statement that Sex and Offspring-Propagation are in fact a secondary byproduct of the Primary Purpose of Male and Female Sexual Interaction, perhaps only a mere handful of people could understand the real purpose of Sexual-Intimacy and the higher purpose of the Life we are living today.
If this is true with respect to a Higher Fact of Life, does this matter? It matters if you desire to live a successful life that fulfills the very purpose of the life you are presently living. A successful life is presented in the words: "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more" (Rev 3:12). Overcome What? Only a handful of people understand what we must overcome? And what of the words: "Go Out No More" Where? Unless you understand the meaning of the phrase: "and he shall go out no more" -- then you lack any understanding of the purpose of the life you are living. Which provokes the question: what is the hidden manna that can only be received by the person who overcomes -- i.e., "To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:8-17). What this means is that your sexual energy is Sacred. And unless you use your sacred energy in a Sacred manner and environment, you will never be able to evolve your mind to Higher Maturity -- and you will never receive the Divine Manna that will enable you to understand the meaning and purpose of the life you are living -- and you will never Overcome. Modern Man's inability to receive the Divine Manna, has made him a prisoner of the proverbial Plato's Cave who is shackled by his own Self-Ignorance. And it all begins with his inability to understand the symbolism of the Genesis account and the true reality of Adam and Eve as aspects of your Self.
As A Man Does
To Woman -- He Does To Himself: Man and
Woman are Opposite polarities of Mind that have been separated, so higher growth and development
can be achieved through direct interaction. Polarized Positive, Man is
imbued with the Generative Power, and is physically stronger than Woman --
being physically stronger, man can literally force women into a mindset and
lifestyle of man's own design.
History has demonstrated that man has the ability to physically dominate and
even imprison Woman. But there is an important statement of reality
that few people understand -- i.e., Show me your
strength, and I'll show you your weakness. Therefore, Man's
physical strength is in fact the embodiment of his non-physical weaknesses
that causes him to be a victim of his own dominant power over Woman.
Therefore, as a man does to woman, he is in fact the victim of his own
actions -- physically, mentally and spiritually.
In the allegorical account of The Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Peter as representing the (male) linear-rational spheres of mind states of the intuitive visions and wisdom of Mary Magdalene: "...These are certainly strange ideas". And in this respect, such biblical figures as Mary Magdalene is not the personification of an historical person named Mary -- but rather, the purification, development and raising up of the (feminine) intuitive aspects of the disciples own mind. In the Gospel associated with Mary Magdalene it is written: “She speaks to the other disciples about Jesus and what she’s seen, and Peter says, ‘I don’t believe the Lord said these things. These are certainly strange ideas.’ And she says, ‘Well, do you think I made them up? Do you think I’m lying about the Lord?” In this allegorical representation of the scriptures, the linear-rational aspect of mind is represented in Peter's inability to comprehend what the feminine-intuitive as represented in the allegorical personification of Mary Magdalene reveals. And since these intuitive visions, impressions and wisdom does not support the linear reasoning of the masculine vision of this world and Creation, in most people they are rejected. The Feminine-Intuitive as manifest more deeply in Women, possesses crucial inward-looking attributes of mind and consciousness that is suppressed in her male counterpart -- attributes of mind that he desperately needs to escape the shackles of his inherent intellectual and spiritual poverty that causes him to be a prisoner of his own making. When rightly understood, the higher purpose of Sex is to initiate and release the Transformative Power of Women that Man needs to release himself from his own intellectual shackles that enslave and suppress his consciousness. But history is also proof that few Men possess the intellectual insight to understand the dynamic equation of Man and Woman.
The Male/Female Reality:
Why does man and woman marry? Sexual reasons? Emotional reasons?
To produce and rear
children? Only a handful of people understand that the primary purpose
of sexual interaction is for Spiritual reasons? Posing this same
question from a little understood higher spiritual level: What man marries a woman because she has the innate ability to reveal to him
the mysteries of Creation that transforms him into a god? It is
important to understand the word innately as defined:
a way that is inborn or existent from birth". What this
means is that from a male linear out-looking perspective, woman's ability to
transform man is not consciously understood -- and it exists as an unknown
and unrealized motivation. AND, from an opposite
What woman marries a man because she innately knows that the male has the inherent Power to Ignite her
Spiritual Abilities of Alchemical Transformation that enables her to take
her place as a goddess? Thus, these motivating factors are
imbedded deep within the core consciousness of both man and woman -- and not
at all understood by the vast majority of people. Which provokes the
question: What man or woman enters into a relationship
to bring about these higher purposes of a Manifest Spiritual Marriage? The answer to the question
for the vast majority of people is that neither the
man or woman have any understanding of the mental and spiritual purpose and
attributes of a Spiritual Marriage -- and in their ignorance, they throw
away the most important opportunities of life. Which provokes a second
set of questions: Should the Man and/or Woman be told that there is a
higher and ultimate spiritual purpose of sex and marriage? Should a
young virgin girl be told that if she has sexual relations with many men,
that from a spiritual perspective it will be very difficult to impossible
for her to bond to just one man? And does she even need to bond to
just one man? At the present, the vast majority of young men and woman
are being denied the knowledge associated with the higher spiritual reality
of Marriage and the Natural Laws. Do they deserve to be informed,
so they can make informed decisions? And should they be told before they begin to make choices in their lives? What if there is a process that is embedded in
the Natural Laws in the Divine Design of Creation that brings about the
Spiritual Transformation of Mankind? "Jesus
answered them, Is it not written in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?"
(John 10:34). If Jesus confirmed the Law which declared that we are
gods, then what is our true nature? And perhaps even more important is
the question: How do we get there -- and fulfill our true potential?
The Law Is:
There is a Divine Pattern that is holographically replicated into all of
Creation. Therefore, what is true on the
physical, is also true on the mental, and is ultimately true on the
spiritual level of our Threefold-Being. And those who were successful
in their search for higher consciousness could demonstrate a Fact of Life
that is not at all understood by those whose thinking and mindset are
limited to surface-consciousness that lacks any depth -- i.e., a reality
that wise men of deep consciousness understood as the foundation of the
Trinity or Divine Pattern of Creation. Birth is a matter of Law
and its fulfillment thereof. Throughout history there have been
groups that demanded celibacy and a suppression of man's lower sexual
nature. Others have equally stated that only through a Consecrated
Marriage, can the lower nature be transformed. An informed person
should know both sides of the equation in order to make the proper choices
for them. And when rightly understood, in both instances it is a
matter of fulfilling the Natural Laws of God. Which is why the original Ebionite
followers of Jesus stated that Jesus became Anointed/Christed by (quoting) "fulfilling
the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had
observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of
the Law, he would have been the Christ, for
they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see
Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). And even more important is
the quotation where Hippolytus states pertaining to the Gospel teachings of
the original followers of of Jesus that "...when
Ebionites [or any other person] thus fulfills the law, they are able to
become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like
sense with all humanity"
(Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).
When Jesus stated:
"They that are
whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to
call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).
What Jesus was stating was that those people who he portrayed as
"righteous", did not need him as a
physician who came to heal the sick, because they had on their own taken
advantage of the Natural Law that provided them the opportunity to bringing
about Wholeness, Perfection and Completion. What is the Natural Law with
respect to the reality of Sex? A male is
born with male-"Y" and female-"X" chromosomes -- and many of he celibate
paths claim that man has the capacity to bring about Wholeness without a
wife. Other groups state that the male generative ("Y") power
suppresses and inhibits his "X" female nature from developing.
Does it matter which path a person chooses?
In the same way that physical-life can only begin when male-sperm unites with female-ovum to form a physical-embryo, the same Laws that are true on our physical level of being, are also true on our mental and spiritual levels of being. Which means that mankind's potential as a god can only begin and develop when a Mental-Sperm connects with a Mental-Ovum and forms a Mental-Embryo -- and thereafter, intimately interacts with each other to prepare for birth inside the womb of the Feminine -- or what can be portrayed as the Womb of Mother-God. And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that while physical birth can be portrayed as a cookie-cutter process in the development of the body, mental birth requires the living out of the choices the person makes within the Transformative Power of what can be portrayed as the environment of a Mental-Womb. Which provokes the question: What man and woman today enter into a Sacred Marriage Union, in order to fulfill their True Destiny as Gods? And from a Spiritual Perspective, this same question can be posed as to how many lives will be required, to achieve the necessary Wholeness and Completion that initiates and brings about the Final Cycle of Birth? While these ultra-important questions were answered in the original teachings on Law and the Gospels, these teachings were suppressed and even outlaws under fourth century pagan Rome.
The Subsequent Stage Of Birth:
Nicodemus And The Law Of Birth:
When Jesus stated to Nicodemus that
"...Most assuredly, I say to you,
unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
(John 3:3) -- Jesus was not at all making reference to a dogmatic religious
belief that in modern times is being promoted by many Christians who fail to
understand the Law of Birth. But rather, Jesus was portraying the Natural
Laws that are the foundation and reality of Human Nature. Birth is not a
matter of belief. Birth is a a matter of Natural Law that requires the
merging and oneness of the Universal Polarities of Positive/Male and
Negative/Female Polarities that must become ONE. And the
paradoxical polarities of Male and Female are representative of the very
Foundation of Consciousness. Without the opposite paradoxical
polarities, Consciousness cannot exist at an enlightened and all-knowing
level of Mind. Your birth was a matter of the Natural Laws which many
people correctly believe is the result of Divine Design of a Man and Woman
coming together. And when Jesus posed the question to Nicodemus, he was in
fact asking him if he understood the Natural Laws that enables you and all
of mankind to achieve the subsequent stages of birth? When Jesus portrayed
the need to bring about a subsequent stage of birth, his use of the term
birth made reference to a non-physical birth that was brought about through
the interaction of Male and Female on a higher mental and spiritual level of
consciousness. The original followers of Jesus who witnessed to the fact
that Jesus was physically born in the conventional way as the genetic
offspring of Mary and Joseph, portrayed the Virgin birth as the interaction
of the Higher Male and Female Spiritual Birth that each person must bring
about and experience. Why did the original followers of Jesus take the
position that he was the genetic offspring of Mary and Joseph? Because
he stated that to them. And Jesus also explained to his original
followers the meaning of the symbol of the NON-PHYSICAL Virgin birth that
must be brought about in order to be restored to the Kingdom.
Like his statement to Nicodemus, Jesus stated that EVERY person must achieve
the subsequent NON-PHYSICAL (Virgin) birth -- but the Gentiles who did not
understand the Natural Laws, corrupted the Gospels and made the Virgin birth
applicable only to the man Jesus.
When Nicodemus did not understand the threefold process of birth that the Soul of each person must evolve through, Jesus then asked how he could be a teacher of Israel, and not know the Law and these natural human realities of birth: "...Nicodemus answered and said to Him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said to him, Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? What the vast majority of Gospel readers fail to understand is the fact that this statement applies to every person who has ever walked the face of the earth with respect to the birth-process, and every person who is or has been in the position of a teacher -- i.e., you are presently dwelling in a Mental-Womb, and unless you achieve the next stage of birth, you cannot enter into the future life in what is personified as the Higher Kingdom of God.
An important consideration is the fact that Jesus did not portray Nicodemus as a teacher of the Jews -- but rather, "...Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? Unless you understand the symbology of the allegorical text of the scriptures, the difference will be meaningless to you. But, from a spiritual perspective, what is the difference between a Jew and Israel? A Jew symbolically represents a person who has received the Law of God, but observes it outwardly in ritual and tradition (see Christianity - The Modern Spawn Of The Devil http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#ChristianSpawnOfTheDevil ). Israel portrays a person who has turned the scriptures within their own mind, and is using them as the Key of Knowledge that brings about Wholeness of Mind and Being by achieving the next subsequent stages of birth. Therefore, anyone who is a teacher of those seeking to achieve Wholeness, must understand the process that brings about the subsequent stages of birth. And when Nicodemus further questioned Jesus about the need to achieve the next stage of birth, Jesus replied: "...Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness." Which should provoke the question: Who is the "We" that Jesus is referencing who experienced the subsequent stage of birth? Thus, by virtue of his words, Jesus expected a teacher to understand the subsequent stages of birth. Why? Because we are dwelling in a Mental-Womb where through our growth and development, the mental-bodies are formed which enable us to see and understand all realities of Creation. Further, it is important to note that Jesus was not speaking only of himself -- i.e., in the singular -- but rather, he was speaking in the plural with respect to the higher reality that ALL who achieve the next subsequent stage of birth know, have seen, and can witness to the mysteries and higher realities of Creation.
Mental Sperm/Ovum Join To Become Mental
the following we will demonstrate that in the allegorical account of Genius
when woman was draw from the side of man, creating in their separation what can be portrayed as
a Mental-Ovum and Mental-Sperm at a level where the
"Two that are Joined as One" are designed to evolve the mind to a
state of Absolute Enlightenment and Consciousness. When Jesus made
reference to achieving the subsequent stages of birth, if the
Natural Laws are understood and embraced, Eve/Woman who is an opposite
polarity of mind, holds all the mental-attributes to supply the Adam/Man all that he needs to
develop to his higher level of Mind -- and while the Man holds all the
mental-attributes to supply the Woman all that she needs to develop to
her higher level of Mind -- few people even possess any understanding of the
purpose and depth of the Consecrated Marriage Union that is necessary to
bring about and experience this growth through the process of
mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.
While Woman and her Intuitive Nature possess all that the Man and his Linear Nature needs to develop to his highest potential -- and Man has all the Woman needs to develop to her highest potential -- the vast majority of male/female unions are little more then sexually driven pseudo-marriages. In order to enter into a marriage, the man and woman must become an integral part of their spouse, who are committed and willing to share their unique abilities for the benefit of their Spouse. Why? Because as their Spouse evolves and arises out of their organic condition as a Mental-Sperm and Mental-Ovum, can the rapid process of Mental-Expansion and Spiritual-Deepening be brought about. And this Fact of Life was declared and removed from the Gospels in the suppression of the teaching when the disciples posed the question to Jesus: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" And "...Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." How does the male and the female become "...one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female" -- which is necessary to "...enter the kingdom" This ultra-important teaching is not only found in many early scriptures, but also in the Second Epistle of Clement which was sent to a first century congregation of Christians (see Epistle Of Clement http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org#EpistleOfClement ). The fact that this teaching was discussed in a first century congregation -- and would be rejected today -- demonstrates that the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the original Gospel teachings.
The Gospel states: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh" (Matt 19:5-6) -- and it is this condition of Mind and Being that is necessary to achieve the next stage of birth and to "...enter the kingdom". When Jesus said these words he was not making reference to a physical marriage -- but rather, a highly developed Spiritual Marriage where the two come together to develop their Spouse to their Highest Potential of Mind and Spirit in the Oneness of the Union of Opposites. That Jesus was referencing a Mental-Marriage Union, is confirmed when Jesus warned: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:28). And this violation of the Natural Laws that diminish the spiritual integrity of the Marriage Union, inhibits the Natural Laws that bring about the fulfillment of the teaching: "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female". Unless the male and female halves are united and the Full Wholeness of Mind is achieved, the man and woman will fail to reunite and develop -- i.e., quoting the Gospel of Philip: “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more”.
Development Using Scriptures: An extremely important core Gospel teaching has been preserved in the
Homilies of Clement and the quotations of the Apostle Peter.
When you apply the Key of Knowledge to the scriptures, you turn them within
your own mind -- not interpreting them outwardly or historically as events in the outer world. When
used as the Key of Knowledge, the journey is within one's own mind as the
person is able to begin to tap into the Core Source of Consciousness within
That the Jews interpreted the scriptures outwardly, is why Jesus portrayed
them as the "devil's spawn" who could not understand his teachings.
That the modern Christians read the scriptures outwardly and historically in
the manner of the Jews, is why the modern believer fails to make spiritual
progress. And this
is why In the Homilies of Clement the Apostle Peter is quoted as
warning: "...therefore
great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read
according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings
in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one
has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought
not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from
without". What does this mean? By design, the
scriptures cannot be understood by the Linear (male) outward-looking spheres of mind. And this
fact is confirmed when Peter stated:
"when the law of God (scriptures) is read, it be not
read according to the understanding of our own mind"?
Why? Because it is composed in a symbolic language that can only be
interpreted and understood by the inward-looking Intuitive spheres of mind.
The outward-looking Linear spheres of mind attempts to interpret all things
literally and historically -- which is why Peter warns that
"...For there are many
sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which
every one has preconceived for himself". Further, Peter
warns that "...For you
ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought
from without". What this means is that if you attempt to
interpret the scriptures in accord with a Biblical Commentary -- or in
accord with the teachings of a Church -- or from a human thought-perspective
-- that you will not only fail to understand the meaning of the scriptures,
but you will alienate and disenfranchise your mind from the true spiritual
meaning. Why? Because the scriptures are composed in the allegorical
language of the Soul that employs allegorical catalysts that are used to
develop the inward-looking Intuitive Spheres of Mind.
The scriptures are designed to develop the mind and enable the marriage partners to achieve the next subsequent stage of birth. Traditionally, to study Jewish Mysticism, a man had to be thirty years old, married, and living a Torah-oriented lifestyle. Why? The man develops the mind by embracing the scriptures from a Liner-driven mindset, in order to embrace the written word and Intuitively learn the meaning of the allegorical symbols. By studying the scriptures in conjunction with his wife, he is then able to bring the Male-Linear and the Female-Intuitive together, to bring about the Higher Development process of Mental-Expansion and Spiritual-Deepening. Which answers the question as to why the man studying Jewish Mysticism had to be married. When the male and female differences in consciousness is understood, we can begin to understand the answer as to why the man needs a wife in the movie Yentl, which stared Barbra Streisand. Quoting the Wikipedia (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yentl_(film) ): "Yentl is a 1983 American romantic musical drama film directed, co-written, co-produced by, and starring American entertainer Barbra Streisand. It is based on Isaac Bashevis Singer's short story 'Yentl the Yeshiva Boy'. ...Yentl Mendel is a woman living in an Ashkenazi shtetl named Pechev in Poland in 1904. Yentl's father, Rebbe Mendel, secretly instructs her in the Talmud despite the proscription of such study by women according to the custom of her community. Yentl refuses to be married off to a man. After the death of her father, Yentl decides to cut her hair short, dress like a man, take her late brother's name, Anshel, and enter a Yeshiva, a Jewish religious school in Bychawa."
Why did an Orthodox Jewish family reject teaching a Jewish woman the Talmud? Because teaching a woman from a Male-Linear perspective, inhibited and even atrophied the development of her Feminine-Intuitive attributes of mind -- thereby robbing her of her greatest mental strength and God-Given Gift. In an Orthodox Jewish community, other women taught young girls how to develop their intuitive feminine strengths into a transformative power that was both equal and opposite her future husband who was a student of Torah and Jewish Mysticism. And through the process of working with his wife who provided him insight into the spiritual meaning of the allegorical symbolism of the scriptures, the man and woman in a Consecrated Marriage Union could begin to develop the necessary attributes of mind that enabled them to begin to achieve the next stage of Mental-Birth. Of the original story the Wikipedia writes: "In Singer's story, this dual betrayal of nature and the divine plan dooms Yentl to a life of pain, alienation, and shameful dishonesty. After her marriage ends in disaster, Yentl remains trapped forever in her disguise, unable to find redemption from her rejection of a normal life—a take on the legend of the Wandering Jew". The Wikipedia then states: "In Streisand's film, Yentl's defiance of expectation and definition, a rejection of sexist gender roles, is treated as a virtue".
One of the greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must learn is that equal does not mean the same. Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of the long ignored book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote: "Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie". The key to the dilemma that confronts us today is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture: "What you will read in this book about the differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence". The book then goes on to embrace the very real statement that "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke." More recently another (female) researcher named Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind. Dr. Brizendine, whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, added: "There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality. I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us. I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men. If women attend to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their lives." These more informed decisions are basically impossible for most women in today's culture because of the biological lie that is being promoted due to political correctness. The problem is that because we dwell in a world that is generally defined by a male linear perspective, the true nature and depth of the feminine mind is largely an unexplored realm of vast substance and opportunity. In fact, once this far reaching reality is truly realized, one must begin to acknowledge that even men are severely anchored and inhibited by their own and societies ignorance with respect to the higher purpose and untapped potential of the female mind. In this respect, woman is the missing element in (male) man's search for God and the meaning of life -- and vise versa.
The Fact Of Law That Cannot Be Evaded:
If a physical sperm and ovum fail to unite, they are expelled from the womb
of the woman as having failed to unite and develop into an embryo and fetus. From the perspective of the Natural Laws:
What is true on the physical, is also true on the mental, and is also true
on the spiritual -- which means that the objective is for a man as a potential Mental-Sperm,
to Join with his wife who can be portrayed as a potential Mental-Ovum, and
in a Spiritual Marriage where they become "one flesh", then are then able to begin to develop by becoming a
potential Mental-Embryo where Oneness must be Achieved. Why potential?
Because on a mental level of being, the choices a person makes has the
capacity to develop the husband and wife who are "ONE". Few men and woman
understand the true depth of a Divine Marriage -- and fewer yet are prepared
to make the necessary commitment to their spouse, in order to bring their
Ultimate Destiny about. And
therefore, those men
and woman who fail to achieve this Union and Development, are expelled from
the Mental-Womb of Mother-God and dumped into the astral relms.
Having failed to join and manifest a
Spiritual Union, they cannot enter into the
Life in the Kingdom as Jesus taught: "and when you make the male and
the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female,
female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." And
this Fact
of Life and Law is confirmed and rightly understood when a physical sperm and ovum fails to develop and
join as One. From a Soul-Perspective, how many lives of failure will
be required to achieve the next stage of birth and fulfill the Destiny of the Soul? But this is not at all
understood, because the fourth century Church of Rome removed the teaching on
the pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the
course of many lifetime (see
Pre-Nicene Church Taught Reincarnation
). Yet, it has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas where it states:
Jesus said,
"When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which
came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how
much you will have to bear!" Your
"likeness" is your True or Higher Soul-Self -- while your images
"...which came into being before you, and which
neither die nor become manifest", are the
previous lives that have been squander4ed away, in order to complete the
Cycle of the Threefold Birth. Are you squandering away your
opportunity to fulfill your Soul-Destiny and achieve the Final Stage of
Spiritual Birth and Arise as a god? -- i.e., "Jesus
answered them, Is it not written in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?"
(see Ye Are Gods
https://beingoflight.brotherofyeshua.com/#gods ).
How deep can you take your Marriage? By design, Marriage was intended to take you to the very Core and Essence of Self -- and eventually to God as the Common Source of Consciousness of all that exists. The teachings of Jesus was founded upon a spiritual mindset and lifestyle that was the Natural Environment to bring about spiritual growth and development -- built upon Consecrated Marriages that spawned natural growth and development beyond organic human consciousness, in Spiritual Communities that acted as a Cocoon for Spiritual Advancement and Manifestation. The original Ebionite Nazirenes lived a Holistic Spiritual Lifestyle in Consecrated Marriages and highly advanced Spiritual Communities that enabled them to refine their lower earthly nature -- and this refined lower physical nature permitted them to comprehend man's higher Soul and Spiritual Realities that is beyond the comprehension of organic "natural" man. This Higher Spiritual Knowledge has been portrayed as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. As it is written: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:17)
But only a handful of people understand the depth and reality of the joining of opposites and the Marriage Potential in any given generation The wise person knows that the bringing together of man and woman in a Consecrated Marriage Union where Oneness is achieved, is in fact the Divine Pattern that is holographically replicated into every level of all of Creation. But since the vast majority of people define and think of marriage as the means to bring about sexual release and perhaps procreation -- and they base their thinking almost exclusively on sexual interaction and/or the begetting of offspring -- they fail to grasp the reality that sexual interaction and the Consecrated Divine Marriage Union is much more about the pro-creational process of the begetting of the Self that you are in this life. When rightly understood, producing offspring can be seen as a secondary purpose of -- or as a byproduct of sexual intercourse, and not its primary purpose -- which of course is in conflict with the vast majority of man's religions. Procreation then, is almost an (allegorical) symbolism of the higher reality of mind and spirit that is beyond organic man's ability to comprehend from his individual male or female intellectual perspective. What this means is that in the same way that the union of man and woman has the ability to bring about physical birth (of offspring), the higher purpose of the male female union is to bring about the subsequent stages of birth within the union of the husband and wife who truly become "one flesh". Moreover, even the bearing of offspring has a primary intellectual and spiritual reality that few men and woman possess any understanding of. When a man and woman raise their children, the children have the ability to act as a catalyst of healing and development that has the capacity to undo the spiritually deficient upbringing of the parents. But to even begin to understand this Fact of Life, the man and woman must understand the difference between what can be portrayed as the Essence-Mind, and the False-Personalities created by the programming of the mind of the child. In the same way that sexual intercourse and the exchange of DNA creates an ætheric connection between the man and the woman that is designed to develop their higher attributes of mind, even after physical birth there also remains an ætheric connection between both biological parents and their offspring that impacts the development of both the parents, and the Conscious-Essence of the child. And this biological and ætheric connection that has the ability to develop both parent and child, can only be manifest and brought about by the actual biological parents and offspring as explored at The Sin Of The Parents And Organic Blindness http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org#SinOfTheParents ). When parents abandon their children to be taught and cared for by the people of this world, they not only inherit the same unspiritual environment in their own future lives -- but they fail to develop important attributes of mind in their present life. To heal and bring wholeness to your own childhood, you must heal yourself through your own actions toward the Souls you have committed yourself to raise as your children. By providing the spiritual foundation that you were lacking in the upbringing of your children, you will begin to heal your own spiritual foundation. Worse yet, when a child is aborted, Laws are invoked that inhibit important developmental attributes of mind that enables the parents to develop beyond organic (carnal) consciousness -- and these limitations remain in future lifes. Thus, in accord with the Natural Laws, as you do unto your offspring, you are doing unto your own self.
What does it mean when Jesus stated
that you must "turn about", and become
as a little child in order to "enter the Kingdom"?
Do you understand this requirement set forth? In the Gospel of Thomas
as well as other Gospels, the disciples
portray themselves as children -- i.e., "Shall we
then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
In the
Gospels, Jesus places particular attention and importance on Children who
are often referred to as the "little ones".
Jesus taught his followers that they can only receive the Kingdom as a child
-- i.e., "Truly, I say to you,
whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it”
(Mark 10:15).
Believers are warned that if they fail to
"turn about", and
become as a child, they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:3;
19:14). But this provokes the question: What does it mean to
"turn about", and
become as a child? Modern Christians have been denied the answer to this
ultra-important question, because the Church removed a teaching on becoming
a "little one".
(see The Removed Verses On The Children
http://BrotherOfYeshua.com/children.htm#TheRemovedVerses ).
The Real
Facts Of Life You Were Never Told About: Back in the days before social media, when a young
boy or girl arrived at an age of maturity, one of the parents would
explain what was portrayed as the Facts of Life with respect to the
sexual interaction between a male and female -- often portrayed as the
"birds and the bees".
Back in the day, the gender differences were acknowledged, and these
physical differences were even celebrated. And
therein lies the very core of what can correctly be noted as
the embodiment of Self-Ignorance. Why Self-Ignorance?
Because the gender differences and unique abilities between a man and
woman are a great deal
more than physical sex and the birth of children. In the Genesis
account, woman was portrayed as
of man -- or, what would constitute man's most
immediate savior.
Which provokes the question:
What could possibly make woman the most immediate savior of man? Thus,
it is
these partial facts and realities that has been traditionally portrayed as the
"birds and the bees",
that has had the effect
of alienating the person
from their own True-Self and the higher purpose of the life that man and woman
are presently living.
Man And Woman's Highest Calling And Purpose:
A Cherokee Proverb: “A woman’s highest calling is
to lead a man to his soul, so as to unite him with Source. Her lowest
calling is to seduce, separating man from his soul and leave him aimlessly
wandering. A man’s highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to
walk the earth unharmed. Man’s lowest calling is to ambush and force his way
into the life of a woman.”
By Divine Design, Man and Woman when brought together in pursuit of Unity and Oneness, possess the innate inborn ability to manifest the Truth of all Truths in their lives -- far surpassing all the philosophic, religious and academic institutions of this world. How? Man and Woman are opposite polarities and expressions of Mind that when joined as "one flesh", possess the ability to bring about the next subsequent stage of Mental and Spiritual birth that enables them to come together as ONE in WHOLENESS. Which provokes the question: Then why aren't married couples the manifest of all Truth and Knowledge? Because the vast majority of people are focused outwardly -- controlled by the appetites of their earthly or lower nature. Thereby, inhibiting the development of the inward-looking Feminine-Intuitive spheres of mind. And if you artificially program a young girl's Intuitive Powers of Mind to think and reason from a Male-Linear perspective -- teaching her to reject and suppress her natural Intuitive strengths, as is being done by academia and our modern hedonist self-serving culture -- then the woman cannot fulfill her higher role and purpose that is the domain of the Divine-Feminine. In this trans-gender environment where young children are taught to merely self-identify as male or female -- where a Supreme Court Judge is unable to identify the unique powers and abilities of the feminine domain of body and mind -- where males choose their gender and compete against females in athletics -- where males are portrayed as having menstrual cycles, being able to breast feed, and giving birth to offspring -- we are intellectually dwelling in a unicorn fairytale environment that is out of touch with the true higher reality of mankind.
The greatest disservice we can inflict upon a young girl, is to teach her to suppress her natural feminine abilities and strengths that her male counterparts lack, and program her to begin to think and live their lives as surrogate-males. And the greatest disservice we can inflict upon a young man, is to portray woman as little more than a sexual-partner and the bearer of children. The fact that men see women as a sexual partner, is demonstrated in the recent statement of CNN commentator Don Lemon who stated of women: "I’m just saying what the facts are. Google it. Everybody at home, when is a woman in her prime? It says 20s, 30s, and 40s. I’m just saying Nikki Haley should careful about saying that politicians are not in their prime, and they need to be in their prime when they serve, because she would not be in her prime according to Google or whatever it is." Is the prime of a woman determined by her image as a sexual partner? Without understanding your gender opposite as the other half of YOU -- and understand their unique intellectual abilities that you lack -- you will remain flat-lined in your own mental and spiritual development. But to even say these world, will ignite a firestorm of objection. When our culture thinks of mental-development, they think in terms of books, academia and universities -- failing to understand that academia and the reading of books is based upon the programming of the (Male) Linear half of the mind. Thought can only be brought about through the interaction of opposites. In view of the fact that we are presently living in the age of cancel-culture -- where the mere mention of differing concepts initiates micro-aggressions where safe-spaces to sought out in our universities -- where speakers are often driven off campuses because of alternative ideas and concepts -- academia has been undermined by mass-programming. Man's superior intellect is based upon his ability to examine and understand from a multitude of perspectives. Without this interactions of differences and opposites, the whole intellectual foundation of mankind becomes undermined and reduced to the level of superstition -- which is defined as "a belief or practice resulting from ignorance".
Many supposed experts question why the scriptures are composed in the (allegorical) manner that they are. Quoting from The Purpose Of The Scriptures http://GospelCosmology.Ebionite.com#PurposeOfTheScriptures : "...when critics portray the scriptures as being poorly written -- contradicting other Gospels -- that they contain countless inconsistencies and discordances -- that they plagiarized other religions -- and that they totally lack continuity with the Old Testament -- these critics fail to understand the higher purpose and objective of the Sacred Writings. Why? Because the countless inconsistencies, discordances and contradictions were intentionally inserted into the written text to develop the inward-looking Intuitive spheres of mind that are suppressed by the outward-looking Linear spheres of mind. The embedded higher spiritual meaning of the scriptures can only be understood by the Intuitive spheres of mind that remain atrophied by the over-development of the Linear outward-looking spheres of mind. And in their linear-minded critique, those who only see the inconsistencies, discordances and contradictions of the scriptures -- without understanding why the discordances were intentionally inserted into the text of the written word -- are people who sentence themselves to lives of being mentally inhibited and flat-lined -- and with their lack of inward-looking perception, these people are doomed to being spiritually disenfranchised. When rightly understood with respect to the purpose and objective of the scriptures, the inconsistencies and discordances, along with the re-engineered myths and folklore -- were not only inserted into the written text so that they would make absolutely no literal/historical sense to the linear-minded reader -- but this obstacle to a linear interpretation is necessary in order to force the linear to begin to communicate and learn from the inward looking intuitive-insights and interpretations, in order to evolve the mind to understand from a higher enlightened plane of comprehension. The scriptures are not designed to teach the person what they need to know? The scriptures are designed to develop the inward-looking innate aspects of mind and bring about the necessary condition of Wholeness that enables the person to begin to be taught by the indwelling True Prophet. And this is why the Apostle Peter cautions the seeker and states with respect to reading and studying the scriptures that "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". Outward interpretations drawn from other people from an external Linear perspective, defeats the very purpose of the scriptures -- inhibiting the person's development. Any outward linear belief that interprets the text in an outward historical manner, undermines the allegorical catalysts designed to develop the inward intuitive spheres of mind, and therefore defeats the very purpose of the scriptures.
By design, the scriptures cannot be understood by the Linear (outward-male) spheres of mind. Why? Because the outward-looking spheres of mind see and understand in accord with the thinking of the outer world and culture. And while the more spiritually advanced the Soul of the person is, the more they are able to use and balance the Linear and the Intuitive and begin to perceptively-grasp the inner spiritual meaning, the scriptures are designed to supercharge the persons development. And this fact is confirmed when Peter stated: "when the law of God (scriptures) is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind"? Why? Because the scriptures are composed in a symbolic language that can only be interpreted and understood by the inward-looking (feminine) Intuitive spheres of mind. The outward-looking Linear spheres of mind attempts to interpret all things literally and historically -- which is why Peter warns that "...For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself". Further, Peter warns that "...For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". What this means is that if you attempt to interpret the scriptures in accord with a study group, a Biblical Commentary, in accord with the teachings of a Church, or from a human thought-perspective -- that you will not only fail to understand the meaning of the scriptures, but you will alienate and disenfranchise your mind from the true spiritual meaning. Why? Because the scriptures are composed in the allegorical language of the Soul that employs allegorical catalysts that are used to develop the inward-looking Intuitive Spheres of Mind as explored at The Purpose Of The Scriptures http://GospelCosmology.Ebionite.com#PurposeOfTheScriptures .
When the husband and wife TOGETHER, use the scriptures without dogmatically interpreting them from a linear/historical-perspective -- exploring together the inward-looking Feminine-Intuitive that is better able to reveal the deeper spiritual meaning -- the developmental growth of both the husband and wife can be greatly accelerated. But for this expansion to take place, the Male-Linear must explore and develop the Feminine-Intuitive abilities in not only the deeper meaning of the scriptures, but also the realities of the life they are presently living. When the Male-Linear attempts to override the Feminine-Intuitive -- even teaching the Intuitive from a Linear perspective -- then no development and advancement can be brought about. In like manner, the Intuitive can become immersed in thinking patterns totally divorced from reality. The Linear and Intuitive spheres of mind must grow and evolve together -- apply the acquisition of knowledge in their life so as to intimately embrace the higher truth that has been revealed in the endeavor to receive still Higher Truth -- level upon level of growth and development. With this process in mind: The scriptures are not historical narratives -- but rather, they are the interaction of aspects of mind that has been allegorically presented in the facade of an historical narrative -- which is necessary for the linear spheres of mind to relate to. What is the meaning of the names of the people, places and things -- and their relationship to the numbers that are used in the text. Are we reading about the historical man Jesus? Or becoming all that the name Jesus defines in our own life?
The (Feminine) Intuitive half of the mind has the greater ability to access and draw higher images from our Soul-Source that has the ability to bring balance across the spectrum of Linear and Intuitive, thereby enablign a connection to the Divine Mind to be formed. And our ability to connect to our Source, is through the development of the Mental-Bodies that are formed in the interaction of the Male-Linear and Feminine-Intuitive Spheres of Mind -- much like an embryo is formed through the interaction of the male-sperm and female-ovum in the womb of its mother. And it is through this high-level mental Male and Female Interaction that the Mind evolves beyond organic (carnal) consciousness of mankind.
It is interesting that Marxist Socialism/Communism strives to negate the nuclear-family. What is a nuclear-family? As defined by Google: "Nuclear family refers to the core members of a family, usually parents and children. Nuclear had a long history of figurative use before its main association with 'nuclear energy,' as nucleus has senses meaning 'kernel' or more simply 'something essential.'" As the mental-bodies form around the physical body-vessel, the presence and interaction of husband and wife and the Nuclear-Family enables the mind to develop greater depth beyond the levels of organic consciousness. And as the mental-bodies begin to form and grow, this enables the husband and wife to connect with their Source in the Soul-Mind of deeper Consciousness. Marxism strives to program the minds of the people, and this artificial linear programming is better brought about by breaking up the Nuclear-Family, so the people are contained in a liner and programmed state of mind. The destruction of the Black family by the Marxist-Liberals, has destroyed and undermined the Black community. In our society today, we see the highly programmed minds embracing concepts of life and reality that totally lack any degree of common sense.
The Intuitive Perception: Nikola Tesla made note a great truth
when he stated: “If you wish to understand
the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration.“
As halves of the whole, Man
and Woman have frequencies and vibrations of mind that can interact and
bring about Wholeness. Because of his understanding of the Law
of Octaves as a Checksum embedded in the Natural Laws that insures proper
mental development, Pythagoras stated a similar
truth as Nikola Tesla when he portrayed the frequency of music as a means and catalyst for
Self-Eploration as the person begins to connect to their Divine Nature. Quoting the Monroe Institute
https://www.monroeinstitute.org/ ): "For over
50 years the Monroe Institute has been welcoming consciousness explorers
from all over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential approach allows you to
pursue your own personal exploration of human consciousness. Monroe programs
include the use of Monroe Sound Science along with exercises to target
specific states of consciousness."
one step further, Pythagoras performed what he called
“soul-adjustments” -- using various intervals of harmonic
ratios as a medicine for dis-eases of the body, the emotions, and the
opening of the mind to the healing and higher reality of the Soul.
Pythagoras also stated that (1) the Soul lives many lives in its
development; (2) he also taught the importance of the Feminine-Intuitive
mind. Quoting the Wikipedia: "Pythagoras holds
that his mother, wife and daughters were part of his inner circle. Women
were given equal opportunity to study as Pythagoreans and learned practical
domestic skills in addition to philosophy". In the words of
Jonas Salk, “Intuition will tell the thinking mind
where to look next.” Which means that the person who is bound to
analytical or dogmatic thinking as most of our scientists, perceives the
world very differently than the person who is able to utilize Intuitive
Abstract perception and thinking -- but what does this mean? Abstract
thinking is the ability to draw upon an inner resource of mind, and
understand concepts that are not directly tied to outward concrete physical
objects and experiences. Therefore, Intuition is based upon an inner
perceptive-source of knowledge that is not founded upon outward
linear-reasoning and analysis -- but more upon how that person individually
sees the world. And according to Dr. Judith Orloff, scientists believe
intuition operates through the entire right side of our brain -- and the
feminine mind is far more intuitive than their male counterparts. In her
books, Orloff claims to have second sight, and uses the term energy
psychiatry where as an Empath, she has developed the ability to see into the
Etheric and Mental Bodies that surround a person's physical body. How
important is this Intuitive analysis? Einstein stated that
intuitive (inward-looking) mind is a sacred gift and the rational
(outward-looking) mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that
honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
An interesting scientific article can be found at Discovering Our Full Potential: Resuscitating the Female Principle: "For a new evolutionary step forward, this study suggests humans need to learn to live from the heart and not only the mind. Here I associate the mind with the Masculine Principle and thinking which with learning, develops into intellect. This is contrasted with intuition which I associate with the Female Principle and the deeper heart-mind. They are different epistemological ways of knowing which reflect different levels of consciousness of the Self where each way of knowing has a different origin, the surface mind and the deeper heart-mind." When Jesus made reference to those who did not need a physician such as him, he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- with the beginning of Wholeness being the balance of the Male/Linear-Intellect with the Feminine/Intuitive.
Man Meets Woman:
In the
allegorical account of Genesis, when Eve was drawn from the side of Adam,
what is being personified is the fact that the mind of mankind became
divided across the polarities of male and female when we entered this
world. What this means is that when man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the
mind meeting and interacting with the other half -- both of them
divided opposites with greatly differing mental perceptions and abilities
that must be joined to bring about Wholeness --
each with the capacity to fill the mental void of their spouse -- and when
brought together in Balanced Wholeness, Pure Intellectual and Spiritual
Enlightened Genus can be the result.
Therefore, when man meets woman, two halves of the Mind are brought together
with the capacity to interact, grow and evolve to Wholeness and Completion.
Strategic thinking or reasoning is the use of systematic and rational methods in planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. In male linear thinking, we consider that one thing leads to another in a stepwise fashion. Linear thinkers tend to be good at math, science, and technical subjects. They are good in subjects that work on cause and effect. The vast majority of men think and perceive strategically, in an outward linear mode of perceptive-vision and understanding. In contradistinction, Intuition, or the ability to look inward, is a Feminine ability and power -- and is a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. Therefore, as a man seeks Higher Knowledge and Enlightenment, his most important advisor should be his wife who not only possess much greater Intuitive inward-looking abilities -- but as he seeks to develop the intuitive abilities of his wife, his own intuitive abilities begin to develop. Where the husband perceives what can be portrayed as the functioning shadow-images of either Plato's Cave or the allegorical images of the scriptures, his wife possesses greater perception of the inner or higher meaning of the symbolism. And when husband and wife work together in their own, and the development of their spouse, they begin to see and understand with greater Wholeness of Mind and Being. And the fact that Spiritual Marriages possess the power and ability to transcend lifetimes, and are therefore able to draw from the attainments of the man and woman's past lives together, the Union of Husband and Wife supercharges the effort to bring about Wholeness of Mental and Spiritual Development. In the allegorical account of the scriptures, the name Miriam or Mary portrays an evolved and developed feminine-intuitive reality of mind and spirit that every husband should seek to bring about in both himself and his union with his wife.
The Gospel of Thomas presents the teachings that Wholeness must be achieved for each of us to be restored to our True Source -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). What Jesus was stating was that those people who he portrayed as "righteous", did not need him as a physician who came to heal the sick, because they had brought the Duality of Man and Woman into Wholeness, Perfection and Completion. Thus, those who are Whole, have reunited the halves of the mind allegorically portrayed in the Gospel of PHilip as Man and Women, and bought about the necessary Oneness. But what does this mean? If it is the Purpose of Woman to "lead a prodigal son back to his Soul, so as to unite him with his Source", then he must assist and develop Woman's Unique Intuitive Abilities that the vase majority of men lack. And as the man's wife begins to develop her Intuitive abilities and tap into her Power of Transformation where the Physical supports the development of Higher Mind and Spirit Powers of Consciousness, only then can Man escape the cycles reincarnation that enables the Soul to develop over the course of however many lives is required to achieve Wholeness and Perfection -- i.e., "You, therefore, must be Perfect, as your Heavenly Father is Perfect" (Matt 5:48).
To enter into Life we must overcome our duality -- i.e., "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh" (Matt 19:5). If you fail to achieve the necessary Wholeness, you can't gain entrance into the Kingdom in the hereafter -- and your Soul will once again reincarnate. Jesus taught there is no marriage in Heaven. Why? Because there are no Male or Female Separate Beings in the hereafter. Why? Because your Soul or True-Self is a Being of Light inwhich the balance of the opposite polarities of Positive/Male and Negative/Female are Self-Contained -- i.e., “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection" (Luke 20:34-36). Which means that Wholeness must be restored, before you can gain entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom. Each of our present journey into this life began when the sperm of our father divided, so it could join with the ovum of our mother -- i.e., the joining of male and female in the formation of an embryo that possessed the capacity to evolve into a fetus that develops and achieves physical birth. And those who comprehend the Natural Laws and their holographic reality that is replicated into all levels of Creation, understand that the functioning of the Laws that are true on a physical level of our being, is also true on a mental level of our being, and is also true on a spiritual level of our being. What this means is that when we were born into his world, our being was that of a Mental-Sperm or Mental-Ovum that needed to Join and become a Mental-Embryo, in order to evolve to our Full Mental and Spiritual Potential and Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).
From the perspective of Plato's Cave, physical birth is a symbol of the process of mental birth that is possible when Man and Woman come together in a Spiritual Marriage (see The Divine Marriage http://DivineMarriage.org ). The higher spiritual purpose of sex, then, is to connect the two halves of the mind together so that the process of mental-development and spiritual-deepening within the Joined Union where the two opposite polarities of Mind can interact in an environment that can be portrayed as a Mental-Embryo which is in the process of developing into a Mental-Fetus, thereby making it possible for the husband and wife to achieve the subsequent non-physical stages of birth -- non-physical allegorically portrayed as the Virgin Birth. And from the perspective of man and woman, as the man assists in the mental development of those unique Intuitive abilities possessed by his wife that are suppressed and often absent in himself, his own Intuitive spheres of mind begin to develop. And as the woman channels, transforms, raises up and returns the Mental-Impressions of her husband back to him, both the husband and wife begin to evolve beyond organic male and female levels of mind and consciousness. Show me a man who is a Spiritual Genus or Adept, and you will find the Woman who evolved such a man into a state of Wholeness and Completion.
Opposites that join and interact are able to manifest Wholeness. Show me a mental and spiritual genus, and I'll show you a man and woman who developed each other through the interaction of opposite polarities of Mind and Spirit to a level of Completion. In the same way that on a physical level when a sperm and ovum join and form an embryo, the resulting development of the fetus, the birth, and the evolution of the infant into the fullness of an adult, is all brought about level upon level by the Natural Laws -- as the chromosomes of the male interact with the chromosomes of the female to bring about Maturity and Wholeness in the individual person. In like manner, when man meets woman, the opposite polarities of male and female have the capacity to join on a mental level and form what can be portrayed as a Mental-Embryo -- wherein the Natural Laws of Creation acting like a Living Bio-Feedback Organism, will interact and evolve their consciousness, level upon level with their every thought, desire word and action -- returning back to the married joined couple exactly what is needed to advance -- evolving each to bring about what is personified as Wholeness as personified in the Wholeness portrayed in the image of the man Jesus, who is representative of the final destiny for all of mankind. Therefore, Physical Marriage is the initial uniting of the opposite polarities on both a physical and mental levels of mind and being. Depending upon the depth of the marriage union, sexual intercourse has the potential to become a catalyst that with the DNA Exchange, has the ability to Intellectually and Spiritually connect and join the two halves of the Mind as manifest in male and female, to prepare them for transformational growth and development (see DNA Exchange http://BrotherOfJesus.org#study ). A physical marriage can be portrayed as the initial joining -- but because the development of mind can only be achieved through experiential knowledge -- which requires the living out of choices, and the exercise of freewill -- development beyond the initial level is subject to -- and totally limited by -- the experiential interaction of the two opposite polarities of Consciousness as embodied in the form of Man and Woman.
As halves of the whole,
if the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a
strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of
the man -- and when joined together, they have the potential to arise
to a higher level of mind and consciousness -- they possess the innate
ability to conquer all obstacles which they
encounter in their mental advancement to Wholeness and Perfection. Holographically,
the Universal Natural Laws are equally expressed on every level of our
Being. Therefore, what is true on a physical level, is also true on a mental
level, and is ultimately true on a spiritual level. In understanding the Natural
Laws on a physical level, the joining of the sperm with the ovum on a physical level
opens the door of growth and opportunity -- i.e., the sperm
supplies the developmental needs for the ovum, and the ovum supplies the
developmental needs for the sperm. And on a mental level, this is also
true with respect to the joining of a male/husband and woman/wife as a
Mental-Sperm and Mental-Ovum when a Mental-Embryo is formed and manifest.
Jesus taught that the two become "one flesh"
-- and in a genuine marriage-union, the man
has the ability to spawn the growth opportunity of the
woman, and the woman has the ability to spawn the growth opportunity of the man.
Therefore, if the husband
seeks to develop the full Intuitive/Feminine potential and abilities of his wife,
without imposing and limiting her development by imposing his own Linear/Male mindset and strengths upon her -- and the woman seeks to reflect and use her power of
transformation in the higher development with her husband -- then together they can enter through what
is personified as the "narrow gate"
of Wholeness (see
Spiritual Osmosis And The
Narrow Gate
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis ).
In the same way that the interaction of the male and female polarities will
spawn growth and development in a physical embryo, when a Man and Woman
enter into a Coverture-Union, they have the potential to transform their Mind
-- doing this by developing the Mental-Bodies that surround the physical.
With the development of these Mental-Bodies in a Mental-Embryo, Metaphysical
growth and development of Mind is brought about that is able to transcend
the earthly-limitations of human organic (carnal) consciousness.
One of the greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must learn is that equal does not mean the same. Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of the long ignored book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote: "Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie". The key to the dilemma that confronts us today is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture: "What you will read in this book about the differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence". The book then goes on to embrace the very real statement that "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke." More recently another (female) researcher named Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind. Dr. Brizendine, whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, added: "There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality. I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us. I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men. If women attend to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their lives." These more informed decisions are basically impossible for most women in today's culture, because of the biological lie that is being promoted due to political correctness. The problem is that because we dwell in a world that is generally defined by a male linear perspective, the true nature and depth of the feminine mind is largely an unexplored realm of vast substance and opportunity. In fact, once this far reaching reality is truly realized, one must begin to acknowledge that even men are severely anchored and inhibited by their own and societies ignorance with respect to the higher purpose and untapped potential of the female mind. In this respect, woman is the missing element in (male) man's search for God and the meaning of life -- and vise versa.
When you teach a female in the manner that accommodates the male linear mindset as we do in modern academia, then you inhibit and atrophy her unique intuitive mental abilities that is crucial to the higher development of mind within a Divinely Consecrated Marriage Union that enables the husband and wife to achieve the necessary Wholeness and Perfection -- which is the very purpose of the life we are presently living. In fact, if a man and woman dwell on an island and come together as husband and wife and develop the ability together to fulfill the Natural Laws -- and they live, totally removed from the linear-driven academia, the dogma of religion, philosophy and culture -- Wholeness can be restored, and there is no Truth or Knowledge that they will have to learn from another (external) source in this world -- thereby enabling them to enter into the Higher Life in the Kingdom, Together.
Jesus taught his original Ebionite Nazirene
followers how to fulfill the Natural Laws within them -- thereby enabling
them to become of an Anointed Mind (Messiah/Christ), and fulfill the Law as
he, himself, had done (see
Taught To Become The Christ
http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#BecomeTheChrist ). The
Spiritually Enlightened Christian/Deists portrayed these Natural Laws as the Laws of
Nature and Nature's God. And this
is why Jesus said pertaining to those who seek Wholeness:
"They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick:
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"
(Mark 2:17). Jesus taught that those who achieve and restore
Wholeness, do not need a physician such as him to heal them. Proving
that the faux-doctrine of Original Sin is totally spurious (see
Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#OriginalSin ). Therefore, if the
man and woman unite as Husband and Wife in a Consecrated Marriage Union that
brings about Oneness, they are then able to develop in the manner of a
Mental-Fetus, which then has the ability to open the inner door to restoring
Wholeness. How? So long as the two halves of the mind remain separated
across the spectrum of a divided man and woman, Wholeness cannot be achieved
-- which is why it is stated in the Gospel of Philip:
“When Eve
was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him,
death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death
will be no more”. The faux-prophets of both church and
state have been suppressing and concealing these teachings from the
inquiring mind of mankind.
The True Facts of life that few people understand, is that the union of man and woman is not just sex, emotional ties or procreation. When a man and woman come together, in the proper environment a mental seed can be conceived that has the ability to advance the man and woman into the Highest Level of Knowing that is far beyond all the universities of academia. When man meets woman, sex becomes a catalyst that has the ability to connect and join the two halves of the Mind (see DNA Exchange http://BrotherOfJesus.org#study ). And as halves of the whole, the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of the man -- and together they have the opportunity to mentally evolve beyond the consciousness level of organic (carnal) man. And it is this high-level interaction and possible development, that enables the Husband and Wife to tap into their Inner Source of Consciousness, and ultimately the Mind of God -- enabling them to mentally advance to the level of what can be portrayed as Wholeness and Perfection. In fact, if a man and woman dwell on an island and come together as husband and wife to fulfill the Natural Laws, there is no Truth or Knowledge that they will have to learn from a teacher or another (external) source in this world, to enter into Higher Life in the Kingdom, together.
When the true spiritual purpose and potential of the joining or Marriage of man and woman is understood, we must recognize the problem as seen in the fact that
our cultural understanding often portrayed as the "birds and the bees", does not in any manner even begin to prepare us for the true depth of the joining of male and female on every level of our Mind and Being. In the same way that it is the joining of a sperm and ovum that forms an embryo that evolves into a fetus, the same is true on a Mental Level. Which means that when man meets woman, one half or polarity of the mind meets and encounters the opposite half or polarity of the mind that is the means by which the person develops beyond (carnal) organic consciousness. What this means is the bottom line of man's reality as seen in the fact that there is a great deal more than sex and childbirth to the equation of the interaction of gender opposites. To the degree that sexual intercourse can be better understood as the connecting link for the two halves of the mind to interact and evolve -- which means that childbirth can be portrayed as a secondary bi-product of sexual intercourse. Therefore, when I portray this limited understanding provided to children reaching the age of puberty as partial facts, it means that while the information provided is true, there is a whole lot more to the biological equation of gender opposites that the child needs to know and understand about his or her sexual nature that goes far beyond the limited information being presented. So long as man and woman defines the purpose of sex as the physical interaction that is used for procreation -- without understanding the threefold purpose of their sexual interaction and the creation of a mental-embryo -- they will remain in a condition of abject mental and spiritual ignorance. One of the Facts of Life can be presented in the enigma of learning -- i.e., when you are taught by an external source, the learning is the result of mind-programming. True learning can only be achieved when opposites come together within you, and the development is brought about through the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.
The Power Of The
Breast Of Women: Even a casual
observance of our culture demonstrates that both men and women are obsessed
with the female breast. Why? From a purely cultural male perspective, the obsession
can be portrayed as his addiction to pornography, pictures of naked women in men's magazines, strip
bars or men's clubs, as well as his perpetual observing of women's breasts
-- judging and categorizing a woman by her physical appearance and breast size -- throughout every
aspect of our culture. From a female perspective, a great many women
define themselves by their breast size. When many women friend me on Facebook, their image can be portrayed as a focus on the woman's breast in
order to attract me. Women's clothes are often designed to
expose as much breast as possible. When they present their image on
Social Media, they often choose images that project their breasts. The
clothes they buy -- the image they project -- in many cases can be portrayed
as breast-first. An article in The Daily Mail is entitled: Don't worry
chaps! Scientists says WOMEN are just as obsessed with breasts as men are
). Many in the scientific community put forth the theory that the
obsession was brought about by the desire to breast-feed when the person was
an infant. A psychological article on breast obsession is found in the
Psychology Today article entitled Men’s Breast Obsession—and Women’s (see
), wherein they state: "In our culture,
men are assumed to be obsessed with women's breasts. Men's obsession is
reflected in the huge vocabulary men use when discussing them: tits, boobs,
jugs, hooters, melons, globes, knobs, headlights, mammaries, ta-tas, chest
toys, fun bags, the girls, etc. In addition, ask any waitress: Low-cut
tops with visible cleavage means better tips. Many women complain that in
conversations with men, the guys look at their breasts, not at their faces.
And then there's the old joke about a group of women who apply for a job.
Some are highly qualified, others, less qualified. Who gets hired? The one
with the biggest breasts."
A biology expert stated in the Huffington Post article entitled: Breasts:
The Real Reason Men Love Them - Why are heterosexual men so fascinated by
women's breasts that we sometimes act as if the breasts are the seat of the
soul? (see
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/breasts_b_1910401 ):
"Biologically speaking,
this human male breast obsession is pretty weird. Men are the only male
mammals fascinated by breasts in a sexual context. Women are the only female
mammals whose breasts become enlarged at puberty, independent of pregnancy.
We are also the only species in which males caress, massage and even orally
stimulate the female breasts during foreplay and sex."
rightly understood, the infatuation and obsession with a woman's breasts
presents a deeper reality of mind that few men and women understand -- i.e.,
an issue of mental and spiritual development. To repeat the (above) portrayal
of the Natural Laws: "What is true on a physical
level, is also true on a mental level, and is ultimately true on a spiritual
level." In the example above, in the same
way that a physical embryo is formed when sperm and ovum join, this joining
as One is also true when the opposite halves of mind are joined in a
Coverture-Union of man and woman. On a physical level, the joining
of male/sperm and female/ovum creates an embryo that forms the body of the offspring -- while on a mental
level where Consciousness and the process of growth thereof is the result
of the Male and Female Polarities of Energy coming together to form the
Mental-Bodies that surround the Marriage-Body in the manner of a Cocoon that
has the power to both edify and insulate the joined male and female halves
that have come together in the formation of a Mental-Embryo. Quoting
the subheading:
The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life
: In the diagram on
the left, we see the aura, or ætheric field, that encompasses both the man
and woman individually, as well as forming what can be portrayed as the
Morphic Field that has the power to create a unique and individualized
atmosphere which immerses the husband and wife in their own personalized
threefold environment (physical, mental and spiritual), that has the
capacity to manifest and join the two halves of mind (man and woman) in Oneness. When the
scriptures speak of the man and woman becoming
"one flesh", it is the
Morphic Field that is created in a Spiritual Union/Marriage (see The
Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage
http://BrotherOfJesus.org#FoundationOfCovertureMarriage )
that has immersed the man and woman into a Common
Atmosphere -- to some degree, insulating them from the outer world, and in the manner of an
embryo, belonging solely to them -- an environment where the exchange of
Mental Impressions can take place. Therefore, if we apply the Natural Laws
which holographically manifest the cocoon-like mental-environment of the
Marriage-Union, what is true on the
physical level, is also true on the mental level. And in the same way
that the breasts of
the woman are able to supply the bio-energy or vital life-force that is
necessary to grow, nourish and evolve the consciousness of the developing
fetus, it is the breasts of the woman that supplies the exchange of
Mental-Impressions of the forming
Mental-Embryo of a man and woman in a Coverture-Marriage Union.
Jesus taught that man and woman have the capacity to become "one flesh",
there must be both a physical connection and exchange -- as brought about
when the man ejaculates and deposits his generative-power (sperm) into the
woman -- thereby creating the connection that has the capacity to
physically bond the man and woman at the lowest centers through the sexual
exchange. But the exchange of mental-impressions and the manifestation
of a mental-union must be brought about at a higher level of mind than the
genitals. Woman is able to receive the generative-power of the man,
because the woman is polarized negative where the man is polarized positive.
But what this also means, is that the energy sent into the woman is returned
back to the man through the breasts where the woman is polarized positive --
but unlike the male where the woman receives the generative power of the man
at the level of the genitals, the return back to the man is at a higher
level of mind. And therein lies the problem. Unless the
man and woman are bonded at the higher levels of mind, the exchange of
bio-energy will be limited.
Quoting from Women Polarized Positive At The Breasts http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#PositiveAtBreasts :
In the same way that men and women are polarized opposite polarities, their inherent gender weaknesses, needs and desires are also opposite. Men are polarized positive at the genitals -- which empowers the lower (animal) consciousness (see Organic Man Controlled By His Lower Animal Nature) -- and is often totally controlled and consumed by his need to fulfill the appetites of his lower nature. What this means is that while men are easily controlled by the often unmanageable flow of vital (sexual) life-force or generative power that flows from his genital region, women, on the other hand, are polarized opposite at the genitals, and thus are able to exert a greater amount of control with respect to their sexuality. Further, where men orgasm with the release of the generative power, women orgasm on their ability to receive the generative power through intercourse.
On the other hand, women's breasts which,
unlike the animal kingdom are perpetually enlarged
her body serves a higher purpose than just providing nourishment for
infants, is polarized positive in the breast area of mind. Thus, the male is polarized
negative at that level of mind that corresponds to the breast, in order to
receive this higher and more refined vital life-force back from his wife --
thereby creating a circle between them that initiates mental/spiritual
development and the birth of the Child of Truth within the two that are One.
Look around you at the world and you will observe the male's absolute
fixation on women's breasts. Why? Not because of their desire to nurse as
some of our psychologists have reasoned -- but rather, because they possess
an absolute need for the vital life-force energy from that region of mind
where women are polarized positive. The problem is that because they fail
to comprehend the Divine Pattern, and do not realize that they can only
receive this vital life-force from a Wife in a Genuine Marriage -- and most
women whose thinking and lifestyle have been molded by our culture and
modern society are (sexually) polluted and cannot provide the man the
mental/spiritual nourishment that they (men) crave (see Sexual Immorality
http://SoulSelf.org#SexualImmorality ), they continually look to other
women in search of what they can only receive from just one who is their
genuine wife.
The problem is twofold -- i.e., neither the men nor the women are able to fulfill the biological, mental and spiritual needs of their respective spouse/partner that they look for innately. Because of the sexual void, men look to other women instead of developing the depth of the relationship between themselves and their wife. In much the same way, women either can't raise up and release the vital life-force through her positively changed breasts -- and even if she could, most men can't receive the energy at the breasts where they are charged negatively. In not understanding the Sexual-Circle, men are constantly looking at other women, and are therefore expelling their vital life-force -- i.e., "...But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt 5:28). Their female partners dress provocatively so as to be seen as sexual objects -- flirt with other men so they can feel the energy within them stir and move their positively charged (sexual) centers -- often working outside the home in their endeavor to be with others, acquire materialistic things, and to some degree they maintain a state of independence from their spouses. While this may be a marriage in the eyes of this world or the church, it is not genuine in the spiritual meaning of the marriage relationship where the two become One Flesh!
carnal man is literally staving for
the higher reality and vital-life force that he craves that can only be
returned back to him by a Spiritual Wife. Woman feels
incomplete -- as if she is deprived of sex and fulfillment -- because she
cannot raise this generative power up and and release the energy within herself. The problem is not
only her own inability to raise up this energy passed on to her by males,
but there are no males who are evolved to the level where they able to receive
the energy back from her. She therefore
feels unsatisfied, discontent, and ungratified in her life. Some women feel
that they will achieve the satisfaction they desire by going out to work --
being independent -- and making their way in the business world. But this
is not the solution. The problem is that she is incomplete -- and even when
she attempts to enter into a relationship with a man, in time her
incompleteness will return. She craves to express herself -- to strive for
higher meaning -- to feel complete -- but because of her inability to enter
into a Genuine Marriage where she can raise herself up to new spiritual
heights, she is destined to remain discontent and incomplete.
The man, on the other hand, unknowingly crave what only a genuine wife can provide to him. Being polarized negative at that part of the mind associated with the chest, he feels a great void in his life that he falsely interprets as a lack of sex. He unconsciously is drawn to women's breast, because that is the source of bio-energy he desires and craves. He therefore seeks out many women in search of what he can receive from only one. He often is addicted to pornography and nudity -- intoxicated with the naked female form, and especially the breasts -- ever searching for what he cannot have and possess -- bound to the elemental things of this world through the unquenchable appetite of his senses.
MANIPULATED MAN -- The Opposite Polarity
Read The Preceding: The Power Of The Breast Of Women First. I am not
the author of the following position presented by a woman.
Every Man irrespective of who they are must read the book by a German writer
Esther Vilar (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Vilar ), In her book THE MANIPULATED MAN
https://www.amazon.com/Manipulated-Man-Pittsburgh- ).
This book has caused outrage and HOSTILE CRITICISM from women, it explains
how women since the earliest times have manipulated men and turned them into
their slaves, they have PRETENDED to be the oppressed, while in the real
sense they are the oppressors. She explains how a woman manipulates a
man skillfully by steps like COURTSHIP and finally MARRIAGE, hence the
saying “a man chases a woman until SHE catches him”.
In her book she explains how the man is TRICKED to care for the woman all
his life and her offspring.
He rolls the stone like SISYPHUS and in turn gets rewarded by a few minutes
of sexual pleasure.
We can, by observing Esther Vilars assertions that a man is a SLAVE of his
DESIRES and the woman uses and has used it for thousands of years as a stick
and carrot to keep the man chasing VANITY and commit his life to serving
She goes ahead to explain the RIVALRY of WOMEN, how each woman feels the
powerful urge and need to OWN a male for herself.
Like a SLAVE owner, she detests any move the man would make to offer his
services to another woman. She uses all means to keep the man to herself and
her offspring alone.
Esther Vilar's sentiments are captured by Nigerian Poet, critic and writer,
Chinweizu Ibekwe in his book, “The Anatomy of Female Power” (AFP) and Will
Farrel's, “The Predatory Female”. They all push the theory that all
societies are MATRIARCHAL and not PATRIARCHAL as we are pushed and forced to
believe. Matriarchy has ruled not through brawn but WITS and TRICKS;
women feigning weakness to be protected etc. Thus the male becomes the most
exploited s.£¥ in human history, (in wars the man is always ready to die for
the woman; he has been trained to do that).
Chinweizu calls the idea of DATING and COURTSHIP, TRAINING, like that of a
horse. It is during this time that a woman having kept the man on a LEASH by
denying him s.£¥ and getting him addicted to her by false charms, trains and
breaks him to whatever she wants him to become.
The MARRIAGE celebration becomes a celebration for the woman and her
friends, and they all congratulate her for having succeeded in getting
herself a SLAVE .
A man on that WEDDING day waves goodbye to his independence and his
coalition of males and commits himself to a SISYPHEAN life, rolling the
stone, an act he cannot abandon having SOCIETY and the GOVERNMENT checking
on him and always ready to JAIL, SHAME or EXILE him for absconding his
duties of slavery. Thus the government and society helps the woman in
keeping her SLAVE (man) in check. Chinweizu gives a narration of how
women are trained by older matriarchs to TAME men. He explains how a man is
trained to rely on women by his own mother.
A man is shamed for cooking for himself and other domestic chores by his own
mother who is an agent of the global matriarchal rule.
By getting the man to hate DOMESTIC works and having it enforced by culture
which warns men against going into the kitchen, doing LAUNDRY etc.
The mother trains his son for the woman who will captivate him and when the
time comes she takes hold of the man's stomach and by getting the man
addicted to her body she holds him by the two, in BED and in the KITCHEN.
With those two weapons she manipulates the man and turns him into her
A noble piece which is a must read for every MAN under the globe.
Choice -- Your Most Important Decision In Life: When you have sex
with a person and have an exchange of DNA, you are creating a mental connection that remains with you
for the rest of your life. Depending upon the integrity of this
connection in the stages of union and development, your spouse could very be the
determining factor in a life of success or failure. The mental and
spiritual development of a man, is greatly dependent upon the natural transformative
abilities of the man's wife who he has chosen to have sexual intercourse
with -- and together they possess the innate ability to
connect with the Divine Mind within them. Which also means that the more
a women
is connected to other men through sex -- and the more men are connected to
other women through sex -- these extra-marital connections will drain the relationship of the Generative
Vital Life-Force that is needed to develop the Mental-Bodies that surround
both the man and woman in their etheric selves, and develop the Marriage Union itself as a Cocoon
within which all growth and mental development beyond organic consciousness
can be achieved and manifest (see
The Divine Marriage
http://DivineMarriage.org ). In the
parable of the prodigal son
the loss of Generative Power and Vital Life-Force is portrayed as the
squandering away of the son's inheritance on
"riotous living" (Luke 15:24). Why?
When the prodigal son "came to his senses",
and the Father said of his younger son: "For
this son of mine was dead and is alive again! He was lost and is found!’ So
they began to celebrate" (Luke 15:25). And in the
celebration and return, his older brother questioned the celebration and
"But as soon as
this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots..."
(Luke 15:30) -- it is the draining and squandering away of the Generative
Power that is the "riotous living" that
causes him to be controlled by the consciousness of the earth and his lower
(animal) nature. While it is true that the reality of this world can be
portrayed as a harlot that robs the prodigal son of his inheritance, it is the man and woman's choice of their
spouse that can be the determining factor in a successful life where the
subsequent stages of birth can be achieved. While the man expels the
Generative Power in his sexual release of energy, it is woman who possesses the transformative ability to
build and develop the mental-bodies in the Oneness of their Marriage Union
that has the power to bring about the process of mental-expansion and
spiritual-deepening that evolves their minds beyond organic (carnal)
In the same way that on a physical level when sperm unites with ovum an embryo is formed that must develop all the qualities we relate to physical humanity, the Union (Marriage) of man and women forms a Mental-Embryo has the capacity to spawn all the qualities which we relate to and portray as godliness that is brought about through the mental-choices that the husband and wife make in the formation of the (etheric) Mental-Bodies.
This development and transformation of their minds in conjunction with the process of spiritual-deepening, is accomplished through the Unity and Advancement of the Generative Power that is raised up by the woman, and returned back at a higher level and returned to her husband. But this process requires a Bonding and Total Attachment of the man and woman at every level of their mind and being where the two become "one flesh" in a Genuine Spiritual Marriage Union. Which means that the man must be totally dedicated to his wife, and the wife must both preserve and raise up the Vital Life-Force that has been generated into her by her husband, and returned without any loss to the outer world. And this is one of the primary reasons why the spiritual man does not touch a woman other than his wife, and a spiritual woman dresses with modesty so as not to squander away the Energy imparted to her by her husband. Which means that the man does not want to be in the company of women who seductively dress as harlots, and the woman dresses with great modesty and remains committed to absolute oneness with her husband in what can be portrayed as a Coverture-Marriage (see http://BrotherOfJesus.org#FoundationOfCovertureMarriage ) -- which has the capacity to bring about the necessary Wholeness to become At-One with the Divine Mind -- see At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God (see http://BrotherOfJesus.org#AtOnement ).
Divine Design is founded upon the reality that when opposites interact and overcome their differences, growth and development is achieved. And from the perspective of Man and Woman, when the two polarities of mind come together in Absolute Oneness, All-Truths and Levels of Consciousness are within their ability to achieve and become. When a man or woman who have indulged with many partners claims that they did not know the result of casual sex? The question then becomes: We are growing and evolving to the level where we are able to draw upon our inner Source of Knowledge and Consciousness and Know the Truth and the Facts of Life. Therefore, the choices of life are divided between listening to the people of this world, or to the voice of your Soul? How many lives will be required for you to listen to the voice within you that knows the Truth?
The Duality Of Adam And Eve:
Preserved in the
Second Epistle of Clement there is an ultra-important teaching
that is also contained in the Gospel of Thomas (see
http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org#22 ) and other early writings, which
was removed from the Canonical Gospels where Jesus was asked about the
coming of the Kingdom: “Let us expect, therefore,
hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know
not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by
one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which
is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither
male nor female’”. What is being conveyed is the formula for
evolving the Mind, and gaining entrance into the Kingdom -- a formula that was taught directly by
Jesus, and was removed by the later Church. And it confirms the
statement of Jesus that the Kingdom will never come upon the earth in the
manner that men look for it to come (Luke 17:20-21), because the Kingdom can
only come within you -- but only when you achieve the necessary Wholeness of
mind and being.
It is important for the modern believer to recognize that when
Clement wrote the foregoing in his Epistle to a congregation of Christians, he
did so in the expectation that the people to whom he was writing would
understand the great truths he was presenting to them. That the Kingdom or
End Times would and could only come when
shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male
with the female, neither male nor female’”. And the fact
that this statement that is also in both the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel
of the Nazirenes -- and was contained
in a first century Epistle from an elder to a congregation of believers in
that time-frame -- and could not be contained and understood in a letter or
epistle to a congregation of Christians today, is merely an example of the
fact that the dogma and thinking of the modern Church has virtually nothing
in common with the original teachings of Jesus known as TheWay (see The
Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With Church Dogma
http://TheCall.Nazirene.org#OriginalTeachings ).
While Jesus taught how the Kingdom must come and be entered into by fulfilling the Law, the fourth-century Church suppressed and threw this essential knowledge away. Which provokes the question: Has the requirements to enter the Kingdom changed in order to accommodate the suppression of critical Gospel teachings which the Church corrupted? Has Truth and Higher Spiritual Reality been discarded and thrown away, because the Church threw this body of essential Knowledge pertaining to the Coming of the Kingdom away? Or, does modern Christians dwell in a self-imposed Diaspora of abject Spiritual Ignorance which was brought about by the massive corruption of the scriptures (see BibleCorruption.com ), and the suppression of the body of essential knowledge that is necessary to restore the lost prodigal son to his rightly place in the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.
In the allegorical account of Genesis, when Eve was portrayed as having been drawn from the side of Adam, what is being personified (in the allegorical account) is the fact that the mind of mankind SUPERFICIALLY became divided across the polarities of male and female when our Soul entered this life and we were born into this world. Why? Why do I portray the duality of man and woman as being superficial? Because while on the surface the relationship appears to be external, within what can be portrayed as the joining and coming together in a Coverture-Marriage Union, the two polarities of mind retained the unique ability to directly interact -- i.e., interact INTERNALLY within the mind, as well as externally -- thereby opening the inner door to bring about transformational advancement through the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.
On a physical level, when a male-sperm and female-ovum unites and forms an embryo, all physical growth and development is brought about through the INTERNAL-Interactions within the the male and female halves of the developing fetus that have been restored to Oneness. In the same way that a male-sperm and female-ovum have the unique ability and power to join two halves into ONE -- thereby providing the necessary environment to bring about transformative change within the two halves through the direct interaction of opposite polarities -- it was this separation of equal but opposite halves of the mind as portrayed in the separation of Adam and Eve, that enabled the Natural Laws to bring about a unique condition where the inner interaction of male and female opposites, possess the ability to bring about transformative changes of consciousness in the mind of their spouse. And it is through the growth and development of the opposite polarities, that raises the Whole up onto a higher plane of Consciousness. While the Positive/Male Polarity has the ability to empower the Reflective Abilities of the Negative/Feminine Polarity -- Woman, therefore, has the unique power to directly connect with the Impressions and Thoughts of her male counterpart -- reflecting and completing them in the process of uniting the two into one -- thereby possessing the ability to metamorphosize her male counterparts Impressions and Thoughts as they are raised up to a higher plane. And in the Cherokee Proverb (above), this is how woman possesses the ability to lead a man to his Source.
It is therefore this ability to Complete and Transform to a higher plane of consciousness, is why Eve/Woman was portrayed as a "help-meet" in the Genesis account -- or, what would constitute the most immediate savior to her male counterpart (see Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior http://SoulSelf.org#HelpMeet ). What this means is that, unlike the experiences of the individual person in the outer-world, the unique power of Man and Woman is in their ability to mentally interact at deeper levels of the consciousness of both husband and wife -- and it is this inner interaction that has the capacity to transform the Mind of their Committed Spousal partner. When the outer world is understood to be a reflective mirror-image of our own mind -- reflecting back to us our own Impressions and Thoughts -- then the unique ability of Woman to Connect to and Impact the Impressions and Thoughts of her husband, is the catalyst that enables women to reflect and impact the Mind of her husband from within his own consciousness -- which also raises up and Completes the mind and consciousness of Woman. And it is this inner connection that intimately connects us with those who we have had sex with that is noted in the words: "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body" (1 Cor 6:18).
In order for the Soul-Mind to develop greater Light and Consciousness, the male and female opposite polarities must directly interact in the process of inner joining of their earthly and heavenly kingdoms within their own mind and being (see The Evolving Soul http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#TheEvolvingSoul ). To accomplish this, the male and female must not only interact with each other on an outward physical level, but also within the inner essence of their own minds. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that Adam was not created prior to Eve, because Eve not only always existed, but is the half of the Mind that was drawn from mankind as represented in what can be portrayed as AdamEve prior to the separation of Eve from Adam. That Eve was imbued with a physical body-vessel that corresponded to the whole of the feminine half of the Mind, does not mean that the sole purpose of Woman was to bear Adam's physical offspring. What it does mean is that the feminine polarity of mind which is opposite from the male polarity, was drawn from the man and became divided and manifest in the bodily form of woman. Why was Eve separated from Adam? The allegorical Genesis account states: "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply" -- and in the same way that it became necessary for man and woman to be "fruitful and multiply" on a physical level in the birth of physical offspring, what few people understand is the fact that what is true on the physical level, is also true on the mental level, and is also true on the spiritual level. What this means is that in the same way that the merger of sperm and ovum spawns physical growth and development in the creation of an embryo and a fetus, the same is true on the level of mind when man and woman merge as a Mental-Embryo where Oneness is restored when the divided polarities of male and female are joined in a Coverture-Union Marriage as "one flesh" (see The Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage http://BrotherOfJesus.org#FoundationOfCovertureMarriage ). The problem is that our modern culture is suppressing the Divine Feminine -- teachings young girls that they are the same as boys -- suppressing the unique mental abilities of the feminine that their male counterpart is for the most part lacking -- thereby denying mankind the ability to advance beyond the organic (carnal) level of mind. Inhibiting the very higher spiritual purpose of the Life they were born into this world as man and woman.
The Perversion Of Adam And Eve: From an
original Gospel perspective, the allegorical account of Adam and Eve
represented everything good in the path of opportunity. The modern
Church which is founded upon the anti-Gospel faux-doctrine of Original Sin
-- which was, and is, a Mithraic based teaching of the Iranian prophet Mani -- is in fact a detriment
to the teachings of Jesus (see
Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis
). The effect of which inhibits the growth and development of the
faith-based Christians. And in examination of the facts we must ask
the question: What is the source of the doctrine that totally
undermines the original Gospel teachings of Jesus?
It is attested by the early Church Authority Epiphanius that the name
Ebionite "...was at first ...a common name for all"
the original followers of Jesus (Epiphanius Adv. Haer., xxix.
1). The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge confirms
that the name Christian "originated outside of
Christian and Jewish circles". Which means that there were
people who were outside the believer community who were called Christian
prior to the advent of the man Jesus. Who were they? What was the source
of the name Christian? The Mercer Dictionary of the Bible states that:
"By the late first and early second centuries the name
‘Christian,’ which early believers avoided using of themselves, was
beginning to be accepted". Which provokes the question: Why did
the original followers of Jesus reject being called by the name Christian?
-- see Christ Before Jesus
Mithraism, which can rightly be portrayed as the Universal Religion of the Roman Empire prior to the fourth century, did not permit women to be members. The person known today as the Apostle Paul, was in fact a Mithraic Initiate who became associated with the Gospels because of his writings on the Universal Christ Consciousness (see
http://Ebionite.com/Paul.htm ). When the author of the Pauline Epistles made reference to the Universal Christ, the biblical corruptors added Jesus (see The Corruption Of The Gospel Texts http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#GospelCorruptions ). Something which no sincere believer today should take lightly is the charge against Christians by Celsus, the second century Epicurean philosopher in his second century treaties known as The True Word, who alleged that: "Certain Christians, like men who are overcome by the fumes of wine and care not in the least what they say, alter the original text of the Gospels so that they admit of various and almost indefinite readings. And this, I suppose, they have done out of worldly policy, so that when we press an argument home, they might have the more scope for their pitiful evasions". Celsus concludes that because of the wholesale rewriting and corruption of the text of the scriptures, that this fraud has made all of Christianity a bogus lie: "It is clear to me that the writings of the Christians are a lie, and that your fables are not well-enough constructed to conceal this monstrous fiction: I have even heard that some of your interpreters, as if they had just come out of a tavern, are onto the inconsistencies and, pen in hand, alter the originals writings, three, four and several more times over in order to be able to deny the contradictions in the face of criticism." (R.J.Hoffmann's Celsus: On The True Doctrine, Oxford University Press, 1987). One of the primary teachings which the Church censored and removed, was the teaching on the pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many lives (see The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnation https://brotherofyeshua.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-pre-nicene-position-of-church-on.html ).Mithraic Initiates such as the authors of the Pauline Epistles were known as Christians -- a name which the original followers of Jesus rejected -- prior to the advent of the man Jesus (see Christ Before Jesus http://OriginalGospel.ebionite.com/#ChristBeforeJesus ). Therefore, statements such as: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they wish to inquire about something, they are to ask their own husbands at home; for it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in the church" (see 1 Cor 14:34-35). One of the attacks on the Church by Celsus the philosopher, was the admittance of women into the Church as demonstrated in the words of Celsus: “[Christians] show that they want and are able to convince only the foolish, dishonorable and stupid, only slaves, women and little children” (Cels. 3.44). But therein lies the great void in organic man's thinking -- i.e., if Eve is allegorically representative of one half of the divided mind mind of mankind, shouldn't husbands ask their wives about realities of mind and spirit that are manifest in the domain of the feminine half of the divided mind? If one of the primary objectives of life is to be "fruitful and multiply" -- and on a physical level, it is easily proven that sperm cannot join with sperm and bring about this objective -- the same is also true on a mental and spiritual level of mind and being. Because of self-ignorance and male-linear domination, the feminine-intuitive mind is not understood, and has throughout the history of mankind often been suppressed even in our present time-frame in man's history on the earth. And the ultra-important Gospel teachings were suppressed and removed because of man's self-ignorance. In the Gospel of Thomas it is warned: "Jesus said ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty" -- and this poverty of mind has inhibited the commandment to be "fruitful and multiply" on a mental level, because of the natural domination of the male-linear half of the mind, and the suppression of the feminine-intuitive aspects of mind.
It is because of the domination of the male-linear perspective, and the suppression of the feminine-intuitive, that modern Christianity has been built upon the adoption of the Mithraic based teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani on Original Sin. Which was embraced in order to explain and fill the great void that the Church suppression of important teachings on the pre-existent soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many lives created (see The Original Sin Of The Church http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org#OriginalSinOfTheChurch ). Thereby creating a pagan foundation to the Church that has rendered Christianity spiritually impotent (see Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#OriginalSin ).
The Spiritual Sacrament Of Sex And
Achieving Wholeness:
Intercourse is the joining of divided opposites on not only the physical
level of being, but also the mind and spiritual natures of mankind.
And therein lies the heart of the problem -- i.e., if the mind of carnal
organic man is ignorant of his own higher Soul and Spiritual Realities,
then neither can he perceptively-understand the mental and spiritual
realities of sexual intercourse. To carnal organic man, sex is a
physical desire and appetite that sometimes has the capacity to bear
offspring -- and nothing more.
That man and woman as the embodied opposite polarities of mind -- each with their own unique strengths and abilities -- must be brought together in Oneness and Wholeness, can be verified in a quotation by the Apostle Peter that has been preserved by his disciple Clement in The Second Epistle of Clement where this ultra-important teaching that was removed from the Gospels modern Christians use is quoted as stating: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. Wholeness cannot be achieved with the domination and suppression of the feminine-intuitive spheres of mind. What Clement -- the disciple of Peter who is claimed by the Church as the fourth pope in succession of Peter -- is stating in accord with the Original teachings, is that when the seeker/believer brings this condition about within their own Mind and Being, that the predicted and expected Kingdom will come within them as promised.
It is important to recognize that when Clement wrote the above statement of Jesus to a congregation of first century Christians pertaining to how and when the Kingdom would come, he did so in the expectation that the people to whom he was writing would understand the great truths he was presenting to them. What was it that Jesus said? That the Kingdom or End Times would and could only come when "...two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. If the Kingdom is within us -- and as Jesus taught, our outer consciousness must be the same as the inner consciousness -- and the male or Adam must be reunited to the female or Eve -- then the teachings of the modern Church with respect to the coming of the Kingdom, is fatally flawed. And the fact that this statement that is also preserved in both the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of the Nazirenes, and was contained in a first century Epistle from an elder to a congregation of believers in that time-frame, could not be contained and understood in a letter or epistle to a congregation today, is merely one example of the fact that the dogma and thinking of the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus known as TheWay (see The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With Church Dogma http://TheCall.Nazirene.org#OriginalTeachings ).
The version of this teaching on how the Kingdom will come is more clearly preserved in the Gospel of Thomas which reads: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom". And in many respects, the version preserved in the Gospel of the Nazirenes is even more important when the process of entering into the "narrow gate" is understood. In fact, it can be said that the modern Christian cannot fulfill the requirement to enter into and through the "narrow gate", because of the suppression and removal of this crucial teaching. This important teaching exists in a parallel form in verse 12, of the 66th chapter of the Gospel Of The Nazirenes: "And one said to him, Teacher, when shall the Kingdom come? And he answered and said, When that which is without shall be as that which is within, and that which is within shall be as that which is without, and the male with the female, neither male nor female, but the two in One. They who have ears to hear, let them hear." And again in the 69th chapter of the Gospel Of The Nazirenes: "And one of the disciples asked him, 'How shall a man enter into the Kingdom?' And he answered and said, 'If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit, you will not enter into the kingdom of God." In this version of the teaching on how the Kingdom is entered, the focus is on the process of "...entering into the center and passing into the spirit", which process is only explored and explained in one place in our modern time-frame at: Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis . Yet, these writings are considered heresy by many modern believers, in the same manner that the original followers of Jesus were rejected and remain condemned as heretics -- see The Ebionite Heresy http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#TheEbioniteHeresy .
Has the requirements to enter the Kingdom changed in order to accommodate the dogmatic corruption of the Church? Has Truth and Higher Spiritual Reality been discarded and thrown away, because the Church threw this body of essential Knowledge away pertaining to the Coming of the Kingdom? Or, does modern Christians dwell in a self-imposed Diaspora of abject Spiritual Ignorance which was brought about by the suppression of ultra-important teachings in the scriptures (see http://BibleCorruption.com ), and the suppression of the body of essential knowledge that is necessary to restore the lost prodigal son to his rightful home in the Edenic Kingdom of Origination?
Can You Take It With You? There
is a saying with respect to each person's physical death that
"You Can't Take It (Anything) With You."
But that is really not true. The original Gospel teachings were
founded upon the perfection of the Soul over the course of many lives -- as
proven in the article:
The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church
On Reincarnation
https://brotherofyeshua.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-pre-nicene-position-of-church-on.html . As
demonstrated in the links within the foregoing article, modern science has
proven the reincarnation of the Soul over the course of many lives.
But what this means is what you put into a spousal relationship, will also
follow the relationship from life to life. An interesting reading was
made by Edgar Cayce who said: “A soul-mate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the
soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes. We are
attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our
unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow
provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.” ― Edgar Cayce.
While the Cayce reading is true, I will demonstrate that there is a great
deal more with respect to why Souls incarnate as spouses from life to life
to continue building and developing their Soul-Relationship.
When the Church removed the
teachings on the pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection
over the course of many
lifetimes, they not only spiritually castrated the Gospel teachings, but it
was as if they had removed the wheels from the vehicle that is necessary for
the prodigal sons and daughters to make their journey back to the Edenic
Kingdom which is their True Source of Being. When I state that the Soul
evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many UNIQUE
lifetimes, the word UNIQUE represents a rejection of the Eastern doctrine of
reincarnation. Paradoxically, there is no such thing as reincarnation where
the same earthly-personality jumps from body to body. What this means is
that paradoxically, while it is true that the person you are in this world
has never lived before, it is also true that you are not your Soul or
True-Self (see http://SoulSelf.org ) --
i.e., you are your Soul's lower-self, earthly-self, ego-self -- and in the
same way that it is impossible for the ocean to be contained in a drinking
glass, neither can the three-dimensional personality that man is in this
world supersede the higher twelve-dimensional reality of the Soul that has
existed since the dawn of time. What this means is that each life in each
of the time-frames of man's past was a UNIQUE expression of your Soul -- and
that each of these UNIQUE earthly-personalities continue to dwell in the
House of the Soul -- i.e., "The soul...",
writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single
diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many
mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila). Each
earthly-personality that the Eternal Pre-Existent Soul generates, must
return to -- and dwells -- is the "...many rooms"
of the House of the Soul. And each Soul dwells in one of the
"...many mansions” in the House of God.
And this relationship that each of us has within the Soul to our Soul's
other earthly-personalities, is presented in the 84th saying of the Gospel
of Thomas where it states: (84) Jesus said, "When
you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came
into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much
you will have to bear!" What is being stated? Saying 84
presents what is portrayed as YOUR LIKENESS,
and YOUR IMAGES. It does not say: When you
see God -- and this is because you dwell within the reality of your own
Higher Soul-Self -- and it is your Soul-Self that is in the above portrayed
as "your likeness" that dwells within
God. When rightly understood, we only dwell within God by proxy. The
Gospel of Thomas then states: "Jesus said, When
you see your likeness, you rejoice" -- and it is this likeness
that is our own source of Being -- our Soul-Self, who is the Being of Light
in the Near Death Experience. And the Gospel of Thomas asks the question:
"...But when you see your images which came into
being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you
will have to bear!" These images which came into being before
you, are the past lives that your Soul-Self has previously lived, that have
all failed to bring about the next stage of soul-birth that Jesus taught was
necessary to enter the Kingdom. And thus, these past images which your Soul
and True-Self has lived, remain within the House of the Soul as the
experiences that never became manifest, upon which the Soul grows and
evolves its Light. Which means that as a failed-image, you will neither go
to Glory with God, nor will you reincarnate -- and lacking the permanence of
the Soul, you will remain forever as an experience in the House of the
Is there a Heaven and Hell? While I can affirm that such states of mind exist, but not in the manner that Churches have preached. To the degree that I can say that the vast majority of people are consigned to what would constitute Hell, would better be classified as complacent religious people than the vast majority of non-believers -- and I will explore this reality below in the subheading entitled The Astral Realm Hell http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#TheAstralRealmHell .
Jumping Time: The Delphic Oracle: "Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you do not find within your Self that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own House, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods." How can the knowledge of the "wonders... and the hidden Treasures" of the Universe and the Gods exist within your own mind be revealed to those who fulfill the adage to Know Thyself? The closest source we have in the modern world that has started to get it right, is the scientific community that has begun to recognize that what we call Time, is a dimension of Soul-Mind (see The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man http://SoulSelf.org#EnigmaOfTime ) -- and the Soul of each person has always existed. Few people can comprehend the reality of Time as a dimension of Soul-Mind, because they don't understand that each life the Soul incarnates into, is as a Breath of the Soul (see Soul-Breath And The Common Ground Of The Fourth Kingdom http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#TheCommonGround ). And because what we call Time is a dimension of Soul-Mind, each Soul-Breath or Incarnation is unique to all the other lives the Soul has incarnated as. Which means that each personality that the Soul incarnates as, is not only a UNIQUE soul-generated personality that is manifest in a given Time-Frame, but that each of these earthly personalities who must return to their Source in the Higher Reality of the Soul, continues to dwell within what can be portrayed as the Soul Mind-Matrix. But thus the problem is seen in the fact that it is virtually impossible to convey to the multitude of people the higher reality of the Soul and the generation of unique personalities across the dimension of Time. Why? As explained in the previous subheading (quoting): the fact that our physical consciousness is locked into a Linear-Mode of time-perception -- which is virtually blind to the paradoxical Intuitive-Cyclic perception of Time -- or the higher reality of Time where the Linear-Mode and the Intuitive-Cyclic mode come together as ONE -- indicates that the vast majority of people are being deceived by their own limited perceptive-understanding. The article also makes the point to state that since Time is a dimension of Soul-Mind -- that not only communication between soul-personalities can be achieved, but that a form of Time-Travel would be possible where the scientific article stated that, "Once you try to wrap your head around this theory, you’ll begin to realize that it could also change the way we think of time travel." While it also points out that because on one level, all periods of Time are taking place simultaneously, that you can't change the past. But what is not understood is the fact that (1) all the soul-generated personalities dwell within the Soul Mind-Matrix; (2) which means that at a certain point in your own evolutionary development, you can communicate with the previous personalities or "images" that your Soul has lived as; (3) and in certain cases, these former personalities can jump Time, and consciously manifest in the present -- in the physical body that the same Soul is presently living in, in a different time-frame. That all the lives which the Soul has lived is dwelling in a parallel higher reality, is now realized by modern cutting-edge science (see Present And Future Exist At The Same Time ).
Can former soul-generated personalities Jump-Time or Time-Travel from the time-frame in which they lived -- or, more correctly, are presently manifest -- into the present? Further quoting the previous subheading: In the case of a husband and wife who have in their previous lives together, attained and manifested a Coverture-Marriage together (see The Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage http://BrotherOfJesus.org#FoundationOfCovertureMarriage ) -- and have achieved the next stage of Soul-Birth together in a former life -- this enables them to Jump-Time -- where a former personality can manifest in the present, while the present personality is brought back up into the Higher Soul-Self. My wife and I have lived many lives where we became One in a Coverture-Marriage, and were able to achieve the next subsequent stage of birth together within that Marriage. And since our past accomplishments are restored back to us in the present -- i.e., in the words of the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen: “Every Soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis) -- because we had achieved the next subsequent stage of birth in conjunction with the manifestation of a Coverture-Marriage, all the highly advanced spiritual abilities we achieved in our previous lives together, was restored as we developed and resumed our relationship in the present. Which included my wife's ability to directly access her previous personalities where we were together -- thereby enabling her former personalities to Jump-Time and re-manifest in the present. Thus, my wife was able to manifest her previous personalities where we were together, when my wife was an Essene in the first century, an Ebionite in the fourth century, as well as a number of other personalities where together we were manifest in a Spiritual Coverture-Marriage. In the teaching of Gospel of Thomas saying 84 where all the former personalities or images the Soul lived as remain manifest in the Soul Mind-Matrix (see The Evolving Soul), as the seeker spiritually matures and begins to draw nearer to their Higher Soul-Self, that person is then able to communicate with the Soul's previous personalities/images -- as stated by St. Teresa of Avila in the reality that "The soul...", writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila). What St. Teresa is saying is that the Soul is as a castle, wherein all the personalities which that Soul lived as, each has a room or place within the Soul.
of Creation is moving towards Wholeness and Perfection, because every action
invokes Natural Law which causes each action to return to its source (see
Jesus Teaches The Causal Factors Of Life
http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org#JesusTeachesTheCausalFactorsOfLife ).
Therefore, every Soul that was generated by Creator-God, must return to God
when that Soul evolves to Wholeness and Perfection. How does the Soul
evolve to Wholeness? The Soul generates image-personalities that interact
in this world -- thereby evolving through their experiences -- and each of
these soul-generated images must return to their own source in the higher
reality of the Soul. Which means that as portrayed in the Meme at the
right, all those soul-generated image-personalities must themselves evolve
and be rejoined to their source -- where, because Time is a dimension of
Soul-Mind, each personality which the Soul lived as, continues to dwell in
the Soul Mind-Matrix. Each dwelling in their allotted room within the
Soul-Castle of Mind-Matrix.
After each life, each soul-generated personality must finish and complete what they failed to accomplish while in physical life, and eventually return to their Source in the Soul Mind-Matrix -- where that earthly personality then dwells as an expression and experience of that Soul which can be drawn upon by all the other personalities. Those soul-generated personalities that achieve the subsequent stage of birth, and walk the earth as their True-Self which is the higher consciousness of all the lives that Soul has ever lived -- are the few who complete the cycle of reunion with their Soul or True-Self without physically dying ("Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" Matt 16:28). AND, Gospel of Thomas: (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death" AND John 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, if any one keeps my word, he shall never see death." Because each soul-generated personality has their place within what St. Teresa portrays as one of the rooms within the castle or house of the Soul, as the person in the present time-frame spiritually advances, one personality from a different time-frame can visit in the room of a different soul-generated personality that is manifest in a different time-frame. Therefore, in the case of a person who has achieved the next stage of soul-birth, the personality manifest in the present can even retract from the physical body, and enable a previous personality to manifest in the present -- and this is especially true in the case of those people who as husband and wife have achieved soul-birth together, and are presently in a Coverture-Marriage. With respect to Time and the Alpha (beginning) of Creation and the Omega (end), the Gospel of Thomas states: (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."
This original teaching on the Soul, Time and the Soul Mind-Matrix, could only be revealed to the few who had advanced to the level where they were able to comprehend the Higher Reality of the Soul -- and it is so important, that the Epistle of Peter to James states that if the esoteric body of Jesus' teachings was to be come lost, that "...it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error." And it is in reference to the difference between the teachings on the pre-existent Soul and reincarnation, that Jesus said to his disciples: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it. But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34) -- even saying: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding” (Mark 4:11-12). Which provokes the question: Why couldn't the authors of the Gospels speak plainly -- so that even people of a simple-mind would comprehend what was being conveyed to the reader? Without an understanding of your relationship to your Soul -- and the difference between the pre-existent soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many UNIQUE lifetimes, and the Eastern doctrine of reincarnation -- the statement of Peter is true.
On the pre-Nicene teaching on the pre-existent Soul, St. Jerome (340-420) wrote: “The doctrine of transmigration has been secretly taught from ancient times to small numbers of people, as a traditional truth which was not to be divulged” Why was this teaching not divulged? In the approximate year of 178 of our Common Era, Celsus, the Epicurean Philosopher and opponent of Christianity, published a rather embarrassing work in opposition to Christianity known as The True Word or Discourse, which portrayed the Church as a "secret system" which taught the elect the doctrine of the soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes, while teaching the unenlightened entry-level Christians the doctrine of Heaven and Hell. It is said that this work by Celsus was widely published and used by the Pagan world as an attack on the Church. Seventy years after its publication The True Word was still so widely circulated, that the Church Father Origen was commissioned by St. Ambrosius to refute this attack by Celsus. Among the official reply to Celsus by the Church is this teaching: "Is it not rational that souls should be introduced into bodies, in accordance with their merits and previous deeds, and that those who have used their bodies in doing the utmost possible good should have the right to bodies endowed with qualities superior to the bodies of others?... The soul, which is immaterial and invisible in its nature, exists in no material place without having a body suited to the nature of that place; accordingly, it at one time puts off one body, which was necessary before, but which is no longer adequate in its changed state, and it exchanges it for a second". And in his famed work De Principiis the Church Father Origen explains: "The soul has neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or demerits. Its work in this world determines its place in the world which is to follow this..." This was the official position and doctrine of the Christianity prior to the take-over of the Church by the Emperor Constantine in the year 325AD. And the teachings of Origen and the Church Fathers on the pre-existent soul were embraced by the more spiritually mature Christians, until being condemned by the Emperor Justinian in the year 553. Because the Church since the Roman take-over has embraced the manmade doctrines of the Emperors who ruled over the Church and its accepted doctrines of belief, the faithful flock has remained entry-level and spiritually disenfranchised throughout the intervening centuries.
Why can some people comprehend what others cannot? It is important to understand Origen's above statement: "...and that those who have used their bodies in doing the utmost possible good should have the right to bodies endowed with qualities superior to the bodies of others". Which confirms the fact that each person has different spiritual abilities, because their more evolved Spiritual DNA based upon their Soul's previous accomplishments has endowed with qualities superior to the bodies of others" (see Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#SpiritualDNA ). Why can some people recall their Soul's previous lives? Why can some people perceive the spiritual meaning of the scriptures, while others see only the enigma of the literal text -- i.e., “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12). Why can some husbands and wives in a Coverture-Marriage jump-time, and directly learn and even manifest in the body from the past lives their Soul has lived as? And, why can some people enter within their consciousness and enter the Soul Mind-Matrix? And ultimately, accomplish what the historical man Jesus did when he became At-One with the Mind of God (see Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? http://BrotherOfJesus.org#CovertureMarriage ).
What happened? In the year 553
the Emperor Justinian convened the 5th Ecumenical Council where, quoting the
Catholic Encyclopedia,
"...the council
opened on 5 May, 553, in spite of the protestations of Pope Vigilius, who
though at Constantinople, refused to attend it... before the opening of the
council, which had been delayed by the resistance of the pope, the bishops
already assembled at Constantinople had to consider, by order of the
emperor, a form of Origenism that had practically nothing in common with
Origen..." Quoting the Britannica:
"After the
council, Justinian banished the pope to
With respect to the question: Did the people in Jesus' day believe in the pre-existent Soul which is often mistaken for the Eastern doctrine of reincarnation? The Hastings-Scribner Dictionary Of The Bible states "To affirm that Jews in Christ's time did not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect" (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p. 63). And that the journey of the Soul over the course of many lives was an important element of discussion between Jesus and his disciples, was the reason this question was asked: "...Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:1-2). What are the spiritual implications of this question presented to Jesus by his closest disciples and followers? No modern Christian would have asked Jesus this question. Why? Because modern Christians have been severely misguided by the man-made dogma of Mithraic Pagan Rome (see The Emergence Of Mithraic Christianity http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org#MithraicChristianity ). And this fact can be confirmed when we turn to the historian where this ultra important element to the equation of life is made reference to by Edward Gibbon in the footnote regarding the question of the disciples at John 9:2: "The disciples of Jesus were persuaded that a man might have sinned before he was born, (John, ix. 2,) and the Pharisees held the transmigration [reincarnation] of virtuous souls, (Joseph. de Bell. Judaico, l. ii. c. 7;) and a modern Rabbi is modestly assured, that Hermes, Pythagoras, Plato, etc., derived their metaphysics from his illustrious countrymen" (Gibbon; Decline & Fall). It is equally important to note that Jesus did not reply to his disciples in the manner that a modern Church authority would -- i.e., the modern Christian would state "How can a man's blindness be caused by his own sin in a previous life?" Or, "how can the sin of the parents cause a child to be born blind?" These questions simply have no place in the modern thinking of the Church -- which has caused the modern Church to have no valid place in the framework and foundation of the Original Gospel teachings of Jesus and TheWay.
modern Christian will attempt to ignore the question posed to Jesus.
Yet, what Jesus acknowledged was that there were three (3) causes of organic
human blindness as stated at The Three Causes Of Human Blindness
(quoting): A reality that the modern Christian does not at all
understand is the fact that the Gospels portray three reasons for people
being born blind from birth -- i.e.,
(1) the sins committed
in the Soul's previous lives;
(2) the sins committed
by the parents;
(3) and the inherent
blindness as a condition affecting all of organic
"natural" man when his/her development has been derailed (see
Mental Development ). Jesus was making reference to the organic
blindness of man when he stated to his disciples:
"But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they
hear" (Matt 13:16). Organic man who has been
cast into the "outer darkness" of mind
and being, only has a very limited perception and understanding of both the
spiritual meaning of the scriptures, as well as his own higher Soul and
Spiritual Reality. And it is this opening of the eyes of the heart
that is made reference to in the statement: "I pray
also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may
know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious
inheritance in the saints" (Eph 1:18). The early Christian
Valentinius quoted Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians when he made reference to
Gnosis Kardias -- or, the enlightened
eyes of the heart. Pointing out that Paul wanted very much to speak about
the Mystery of the Gospel to the Ephesians, but could not, is the reason he
portrayed himself as an ambassador in bonds: "And
for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth
boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an
ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak"
(see Eph 6:19-20). What this means is that while all of mankind are
organically blind until they have embraced the higher Gospel teachings that
open the "eyes of the heart". And it is
the opening of the spiritual eyes that Jesus was making reference to as
noted in the Gospel of Thomas where it is stated:
Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from
you will become plain to you...". And it is the
"eyes of the heart" that not only
enables the seeker to see and understand higher outward realties that
organic man is blind to, but also the inner reality of the Soul and Mind.
And with the development of higher spiritual vision when the
"eyes of the heart" are opened, is the
ability to begin to perceive the previous lives the Soul has lived.
Those who have not yet put on the required "wedding garment", have been cast into the "outer darkness" -- i.e., "...the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and throw him into the outer darkness; there is where the weeping and grinding of teeth will be.' For many are called, but few chosen" (Matt 22:1-14). To further understand the three (3) causes of organic blindness, it is important to understand the Church's reply to Celsus by Origen. In the parable of the Wedding Feast, those who come to TheCall must have put on the required Wedding Garment -- and thus, we see the parallel concept in the core of Jewish mysticism in the Zohar where is it correctly stated that each soul must develop the condition and purity to being about the necessary reunion with God -- i.e., "But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them...". To the degree that Jesus stated in the Sermon on the Mount at Matthew 5:48 that each soul must be as perfect as their Heavenly Father -- i.e., again parallel to the teachings in the Zohar: "...and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”. In the parable of the talents, when the distribution of Talents is understood within the Foundation of the Original Gospel Teachings prior to being corrupted -- and the difference is understood between those portrayed as "invited guests" and the majority who were not "invited guests" as pertaining to The Talents And A Person's Spiritual DNA http://TheCall.Nazirene.org#SpiritualDNA , a totally different picture of each of our more distant past begins to emerge -- prompting the Church Father Origen to explain: “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).
Paul uses the choice of Jacob over Esau to confirm the same reality that is noted above by both Origen and the Zohar. God did not hate Esau and love Jacob for no reason! Paul gives the example of Jacob and Esau, and writes: “For though the twins were not yet born, and had not done anything good or bad, in order that God's purpose according to His choice might stand, not because of works, but because of Him who calls, it was said to her, The older will serve the younger. Just as it is written, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated” (Rom 9:11-13 NAS). What the Apostle is very clearly stating is that, before either of the twins had been born into that life, before either had “done anything good or bad”, God not only decided their fate in life, but for no apparent reason, He hated Esau and loved Jacob. Why? Paul offers no explanation other than God does what he wants to do -- and man does not have the right to question God's choices in these matters. This is especially seen in the words: “Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?” (Rom 9:21). Origen then demonstrates that our lot in life is the result of our own deserts, and writes: “For God the Creator makes a certain vessel unto honor, and other vessels to dishonor; but that vessel which has cleansed itself from all impurity [an untarnished wedding garment] He makes a vessel unto honor, while that which has stained itself with the filth of vice He makes a vessel unto dishonor. The conclusion from which, accordingly, is this that the cause of each one's actions is a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor. And if the assertion appear correct, as it certainly is, and in harmony with all piety, that it is due to previous causes that every vessel be prepared by God either to honor or to dishonor, it does not appear absurd that, in discussing remoter causes in the same order, and in the same method, we should come to the same conclusion respecting the nature of souls, and (believe) that this was the reason why Jacob was beloved before he was born into this world, and Esau hated, while he still was contained in the womb of his mother”.
This same reality where each of us comes into the body in accord with the accomplishments of our Soul's past, is expressed in the Wisdom of Solomon 8:19-20, where it reads: “Now I was a child good by nature, and… being good, I came into a body undefiled”. But to understand this statement, we would have to ask: What is a child? Is it a new soul? The scripture advises us in Eccl 1:9-11 that ”there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See this is new?” Let us consider a new-born baby as something that is new. The scripture teaches that ”It hath been already of old time, which was before us”. So that we might be sure that the scriptures are speaking about a new born baby, it then goes on to add that ”There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after”. Thus even though we do not remember, when a baby is born, ”It hath been already of old time”. This is true; unless the Lord opens our minds, we do not generally remember our previous lives that our Soul has lived.
In the Gospels, Jesus places particular attention and importance on Children who are often referred to as the "little ones". Believers are warned that if they fail to "turn about", and become as a child, they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:3; 19:14). But this provokes the question: What does it mean to "turn about", and become as a child? It is easily demonstrated that the first century Christians understood an important spiritual concept and teaching that is totally foreign to the modern believer (see The Gospel Enigma That Modern Christians Can't Comprehend http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org#GospelEnigma ). And it is demonstrated that the Gospel of Thomas saying 22 was at one time the foundational centerpiece of Gospel teachings on the End Times and the Coming of the Kingdom. The question was posed to Jesus by his disciples: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Which should provoke the question: The disciples asked Jesus how they were to enter the Kingdom -- (1) giving no thought about the Kingdom coming upon the earth as many Christians believe in their End Times dogma; (2) and, the disciples of Jesus portrayed themselves as "children"? Jesus taught that unless you are "born again", and "turned about" as a "little one", it will remain impossible to enter the Kingdom. But what does this mean? Modern Christians can't understand this crucial teaching, because the explanation that Jesus provided was rejected by the Church of Rome, and removed.
At the subheading entitled The Importance Of The Children http://BrotherOfYeshua.com/children.htm#importance , it is demonstrated the extent of the massive corruption in all four Gospels that was brought about to remove the teachings on the Children. Which provokes the question: What was it about the teachings on the children that offended the dogma of the fourth century Church? It was spiritually noted to me that when the Church corrupted the Gospels, the remnants of the teaching on the Children could easily act as a warning to any person, to prove that the Gospels had been both corrupted, and important teachings removed. Which means that because the remnant of corruption is so easily detected, that virtually anyone can open any translation of the Gospels and easily discern that an important teaching that is paramount to entering the Kingdom had been corrupted and removed. It was also pointed out that because of this easily discernable remnant, that all Christians are responsible for not pointing out the massive corruption of the Gospels. In view of the fact that pure copies of the scriptures exist, all that the modern body of Christians need do, is demand that they be provided these pure original copies of the Gospel (see Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#PureCopyOfScriptures ).
If we pose the question as to what teaching was of such importance that it had to be totally removed from the canonical Gospels? The answer can be found at the subheading: The Missing Verse Removed From The Gospels http://BrotherOfYeshua.com/children.htm#TheMissingVerse . And while it was a simple message, the teaching supported the original foundational paradigm of the Gospel teachings which totally undermined the corrupted doctrines of the fourth century Church of Rome. And this suppressed teaching read: "For there are some children, which were so born from their mother's womb; And there are some who God returned, and were made the children of men; And there be children, who have made themselves children for the kingdom of heaven's sake." But to understand the significance of this suppressed teaching, you must understand why Jesus placed such emphasis on "turning about", and becoming a child -- even warning in Mt 18:6 and Mk 9:42 where it is stated that: "But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea". When the teaching on the children is understood, the question must be asked: In view of the removed teaching, does this warning apply to those who are children from their mother's womb? Or does this message of severity apply to those "...who have made themselves children for the kingdom of heaven's sake"?
You must further understand the significance of Jesus' answer to the disciples when they posed the question: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" And then understand Jesus' answer when he replied: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." And the fact that it is easily demonstrated that the Christians of the first century knew and understood this requirement that Jesus set forth in order to enter the Kingdom (see http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org#GospelEnigma ), demonstrates that the corruption of the Gospels -- which corruption was necessary in order to support the gravely flawed foundational paradigm of fourth century Pagan Rome -- has made it impossible for the modern Christian to understand the original purpose and objective of the Gospels, as well as to gain entrance into the Kingdom.
The disciples correctly asked Jesus the question: "...Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:1-2). When Origen writes that “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” -- the blindness caused by the sin of the person or the sin of the parents is confirmed in the words in the Church's reply to Celsus: "...that the cause of each one's actions is a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor." But in the case of the person who was born blind due to natural organic birth in this, the "outer darkness" or Far Country, the words of the Wisdom of Solomon is applicable: “Now I was a child good by nature, and… being good, I came into a body undefiled”. Thus, the blindness could be healed because that Soul had come into this world as "...a vessel unto honor" .
Jesus portrayed the Pharisees as "blind guides", because their thinking, mindset, religious framework of thinking and their lifestyle inhibited their higher development. Thus, because of their thinking and mindset, the "eyes of the heart" could not be opened because natural advancement could not be brought about while their spiritual development was derailed (see Arrested Mental Development http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#ArrestedMentalDevelopment ). Because of their inherent organic blindness, they saw only the literal text of the scriptures that Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14) -- unable to perceive or comprehend the inner spiritual meaning of the scriptures. And Jesus made note of this condition of organic blindness when he stated to the Jewish leaders: "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matt 7:3-5). What is not at all understood is the fact that Organic Blindness is the normal undeveloped embryonic mental condition of mind. And what this means is that because of undeveloped immaturity, all of mankind are born blind to their own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality. But as the mind of man matures and evolves to a condition of Wholeness-- i.e., They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- the fullness of perceptive-vision and enlightened understanding will come -- unless the process of developmental-maturity of mind and consciousness is derailed by mental obstacles and/or a carnal lifestyle immersed in the ways and thinking of this world.
Mankind is presently dwelling in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" (of mind and being), which has also been portrayed as the Far Country -- and of the prodigal son it was said that "For this son of mine was dead" (Luke 15:24). Which provokes the question: How much does the dead see and know? And in the same way that when the prodigal son returned to the Kingdom he was portrayed as being returned to life, when Jesus portrayed the third case of blindness, he was making reference to organic human blindness -- and that the vision of organic man is restored when the prodigal son seeks to return to the Kingdom of the Father. That all or mankind is portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son -- and all of mankind have their Source in the Kingdom which they ventured out of before their journey into this sub-realm of the Far Country -- is confirmed in the 49th saying of the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said, "Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return." That the Kingdom of the Father stands before you, but your blindness inhibits your vision and understanding, is also confirmed in the 113th saying of the Gospel of Thomas: His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." That organic man is blind to his own higher Soul-Reality and the Kingdom that stands before him, is why Jesus said of the blind man who he healed in accord with the "glory of the Father". But just as important is the fact that the blindness imposed upon some of mankind that cannot be restored, because it is due to sins committed in past lives, while other blindness is caused by the sin of the parents.
An important difference between the modern Christian and the first century believer at the time of Jesus was their ideas pertaining to their place of origin -- including their presence in this world as an earthly prison that confined the prodigal sons and daughters -- as demonstrated in the words of Gibbon: “...the Jews were persuaded of the pre-existence, transmigration, and immortality of souls; and providence was justified by a supposition, that they were confined in their earthly prisons to expiate the stains which they had contracted in a former state” (Gibbon; Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.364). In the same way that the modern Christian is blinded and unaware to the reality of their Higher Soul-Self -- possess no knowledge or understanding of the advancement of the Soul over the course of many UNIQUE lives -- the ignorance of the modern Christian inhibits their memory of when as the lost prodigal sons and daughters, they at one time dwelt in the Kingdom of the Father -- i.e., as confirmed in the 49th saying of the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said, "Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return." Thus, because of their beliefs and the suppressed consciousness brought about by their dwelling in the prison of this, the Far Country, they dwell in a state of Spiritual Amnesia (see http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#SpiritualAmnesia ). Further, the modern Christian has absolutely no understanding of the Gospel concept of what Jesus portrayed as the prison of this world (see The Purpose Of The Natural Laws And The Prison http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org#ThePrison ) -- or the fact that many lifetimes may be required to get out of The Prison. What this means is that just these difference in the believer’s ideas pertaining to life can so dramatically alter one’s understanding of the Gospel, that the present-day absence of the understanding of the pre-existent Soul based upon the suppression of important Gospel teachings, is responsible for an entirely erroneous perception of both Jesus, and the source and purpose of New Covenant teachings. The average person whose thinking is bounded by a Darwinistic three-dimensional model, is simply unable to comprehend how Jesus came to be the Anointed (Messiah/Christ), and the manner in which the revelation of spiritual truth is revealed. Taking the example in the words of Gibbon, unless the believer understands the “pre-existence, transmigration, and immortality of souls” -- limitations imposed upon man which acts in the manner of an “earthly prison” -- and the limitations that are placed upon the individual as a result of each person's “stains which they had contracted in a former state” -- the believer will be incapable of perceiving the spiritual essence, purpose and revelation of the Gospel message. And it is the adoption and adherence of man-made doctrines of belief that causes Christians to be classified along with the Pharisees as the Devil's Spawn -- i.e., "Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word." As to why the Jews and modern Christian cannot understand the spiritual teachings and concepts, Jesus explained: "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:43-44).
In view of the fact that the Dead Sea Scrolls have proven that the Gospel teachings evolved out of the Essenes (see The Essenes And The Dead Sea Scrolls http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#Essene ), the witness of Josephus who was a contemporary of the man Jesus who lived among the Essenes stated that the Essenes “…resigned up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them again. For their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and that the matter they are made of is not permanent; but that the souls are immortal, and continue for ever; and that they came out of the most subtle air, and are united to their bodies as to prisons, into which they are drawn by a certain natural enticement; but that when they are set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released from a long bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”. Why did the Essenes believe that their Souls are Immortal and can be united to many physical bodies across the span of many lifetimes of Soul-Development? Because their foundational mindset and lifestyle opened their eyes and minds to their Soul's Higher Reality that organic "natural" man is blind to. In fact, the Dominican friar Giordano Bruno who embraced the pure original Gospel and was burnt at the stake by the Church, stated the same exact message when he said: "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body". And with respect to man's birth in this life being in accord with his actions in a previous life, this has been confirmed in the words: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7)? Or the assertion that “God will give to each person according to what he has done” (Rom 2:6).
The man-made dogma of Original Sin could not have been imported from Mithraism into the Church (see The Original Sin Of The Church http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#TheOriginalSinOfTheChurch ), so long as the teachings on the pre-existent soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many lifetimes was retained. With respect to the concept of achieving Wholeness, Jesus portrayed himself as a physician: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Before this verse can be understood, we must first understand what it means to be Whole. Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved? Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church and the Augustinian doctrine of Original Sin, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who had of themselves achieved Wholeness, do not need him. And as a physician, Jesus who himself understood the need and objective to achieve Wholeness, openly states that he did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician. And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician. Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him. Which provokes the question: Does everyone need Jesus as the modern Christian maintains? While Jesus himself said that those who had achieved Wholeness did not need him as a spiritual physician -- i.e., They that are whole have no need of the physician..." -- and that with effort, all of mankind is capable of achieving a condition that Jesus portrayed as "whole [and] righteous", which means that these people who did achieve Wholeness, were not sick, and in Jesus' own words were not in need of him (Jesus) as a physician to heal them. Which means that the whole foundation of modern Church dogma is man-made and in error.
That the man Jesus was a true holy man who fulfilled the Law within his own mind and being -- enabling him to be Anointed (Messiah/Christ), which through Jesus' Wholeness enabled him to enter into a Coverture-Union with the Logos/Son of God (see Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? http://BrotherOfJesus.org#CovertureMarriage ), was the objective of all his followers. As a Spiritually Advanced Soul who had achieved Wholeness and Completion over the course of many lives, the soul of Jesus came to fulfill the Law within his own mind, and to teach other lost prodigal sons and daughters to do the same by picking up their own cross and travailing in TheWay -- i.e., “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me...” (Matt 10:38-39). And this fulfillment of the Law is exactly what Jesus taught, and his original Ebionite Nazirene disciples believed -- i.e. that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).
Jesus said and taught his disciples with respect to the Royal Law: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished" (Matt 5:13-18). And with respect to each person fulfilling the Law, Jesus stated: "So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:19-20). To the above the Gospel of the Nazirenes has: "They who believe and obey will save their souls, and they who don't obey will lose them. For I say to you". And with respect to the Law, Jesus said to the man who asked him how to achieve eternal life: "As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. 'Good teacher,' he asked, 'what must I do to inherit eternal life?'" (Mark 10:17). In answer to his question, Jesus said: "You know the commandments: 'You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.'"
Prior to the scriptures being edited to support the Mithraic doctrines of pagan Rome (see http://BibleCorruption.com ), the words spoken to Jesus by the Father was: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee" (see http://TheTenWords.com ). What this means is that the historical man Jesus became the Anointed -- and was able to enter into a Coverture-Union with the Logos/Son of God, when he achieved the ultimate state of Wholeness at his baptism in the Jordan. When the historical man Jesus is understood as the first of the prodigal sons to overcome the Law within himself and return to the Father in the Edenic Kingdom, then the statement in the Gospel Of the Hebrews can be understood: "And it came to pass when the Lord was come up out of the water, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended upon him and rested on him and said to him: My Son, in all the prophets was I waiting for thee that thou shouldest come and I might rest in thee". The Greek word Christ and the Hebrew word Messiah in English mean The Anointed -- and there were twenty-one (21) prophets and kings in the Old Testament who were "Anointed" by God -- i.e., "...in all the prophets was I waiting for thee that thou shouldest come and I might rest in thee". All of the Anointed (Christ/Messiah) kings and prophets failed to fulfill the Law completely -- i.e., "He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ. , for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). By fulfilling the Law within himself, Jesus fulfilled the requirement to be perfect -- i.e., "You, therefore, must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt 5:48). Which those who were previously Anointed (Messiah/Christ) had not accomplished -- as stated in the Gospel of the Hebrews: "For in the prophets also, after they were anointed by the Holy Spirit, the word of sin was found". This confirms what Hippolytus wrote when he confirmed that the body of original core followers and disciple believed that when anyone "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see http://Ebionite.com ). Which means that what Jesus accomplished, is in fact the eventual destiny of all of mankind who are portrayed as the lost prodigal sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father. And this is why Jesus taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV). Which was further witnessed to by the Disciples where it is proclaimed: "And we ourselves proclaim to you the good news of the promise that was made to our ancestors. God has fulfilled this for us, their children, by raising up Jesus, as it is written in the second Psalm: You are My Son; today I have become Your Father" (Acts 13:32-33) -- and again Paul states: "For to which of the angels did He ever say, You are My Son; today I have become Your Father, or again, I will be His Father, and He will be My Son?" (Heb 1:5). These biblical witnesses are incomprehensible to the modern Christian whose beliefs are based upon the doctrines of Constantine and Martin Luther.
That the historical man Jesus had achieved Absolute Wholeness, was a pattern for all of mankind because of his success in overcoming and fulfilling the Law within himself, is demonstrated in the words: "He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ..." And this confirms this statement with respect to the true potential of all of mankind that Jesus taught, as demonstrated in the words of Hippolytus when he wrote that this body of original core followers and disciple believed that when anyone "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see http://Ebionite.com ). Which means that what Jesus accomplished, is in fact the eventual destiny of all of mankind who are portrayed as the lost prodigal sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father. And this is why Jesus taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17). That the historical Jesus was a true holy man who became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by fulfilling the Royal Law within his own mind, is attested to at Acts 2:22 where Jesus is portrayed as "a man, attested to you by God" -- and this was demonstrated by God performing "mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst". If Jesus was himself God incarnate as believed by the later Romans, then these words portraying Jesus as a man approved by God through the works and wonders that God did through him, never would have been presented in this manner.
It was the living of the necessary Consecrated Life that Jesus ordained, and the seeking of the Kingdom within, that enabled the historical Jesus to become the Messiah, and At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God (see At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God http://BrotherOfJesus.org#AtOnement ) -- a path and teachings that the modern Church totally rejects based upon the doctrine of faith apart from one's actions which was instituted by Martin Luther. And the reality that Jesus, the man, became the Anointed, and At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God, is especially demonstrated in the words of Edward Gibbon with respect to the original position of the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus that he was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).
What Jesus taught and revealed to his disciples with regard to who he was, is exactly what was stated by Peter after he was himself enlightened by the Holy Spirit: “Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know” (Acts 2:22). Where did Peter get the notion that Jesus was a man -- a man "accredited by God" -- a man that God performed miracles, wonders and signs "...which God did among you through him"? Didn’t Jesus himself say that “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself...” (John 5:19); “The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works” (John 14:10); “I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30); “...I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him” (John 8:28-29 NIV); “for the works which the Father has given Me to finish -- the very works that I do -- bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me” (John 5:36); “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. Now they have known that all things which You have given Me are from You” (John 17:6-7).
The important spiritual truth that is demonstrated in the above is that EVERY PRODIGAL SON AND DAUGHTER has the capacity to become Anointed and arise to perfection as their elder brother Jesus did. And this is further confirmed in the quotation of the Apostle Peter by his disciple Clement in the Homilies where it is written: “For even the Hebrews who believe Moses, and do not observe the things spoken by him, are not saved, unless they observe the things that were spoken to them. For their believing Moses was not of their own will, but of God, who said to Moses, Behold, I come to thee in a pillar of cloud, that the people may hear me speaking to thee, and may believe thee for ever. Since, therefore, both to the Hebrews and to those who are called from the Gentiles, believing in the teachers of truth is of God, while excellent actions are left to every one to do by his own judgment, the reward is righteously bestowed upon those who do well. For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus, if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable. Neither is there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords”.
The problem is that it is virtually impossible to understand how a soul achieves and becomes "whole [and] righteous", without understand the teaching on the Soul that evolves to Completion over the course of many lives. Once the teaching on the pre-existent Soul was supplanted by the Mithraic doctrine on Original Sin, the whole purpose and objective of the Gospel teachings became undermined. And if we pose the question as to the source of the doctrine of Original Sin? Quoting from T.W. Doane, Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions, 7th ed., 1910, p.194-5: "The Persians believed that they were tainted with original sin, owing to the fall of their first parents who were tempted by the evil one in the form of a serpent" [194:12]. Quoting from the Wikipedia: "The Romans attributed their Mithraic mysteries (the mystery religion known as Mithraism) to Persian or Zoroastrian sources relating to Mithra." With respect to Manichaeanism, the same article states: "It was among the Parthian Manicheans that Mithra as a Sun God surpassed the importance of Narisaf as the common Iranian image of the Third Messenger; among the Parthians the dominance of Mithra was such that his identification with the Third Messenger led to cultic emphasis on the Mithraic traits in the Manichaean God." Quoting from The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves who writes with respect to those who believed in Mithra: "They observed all the Christian sacraments, even to the laying on of hands in the confirmation." (211.) And the Christian Tertullian also tells us that "The priests of Mithra promised absolution from sin on confession and baptism," while another author adds, that "on such occasions Mithra marked his followers (the servants of God) in their foreheads," and that "he celebrated the sacrifice of bread, which is the resurrection." St. Augustine, one of the most important figures in the history of the Roman Church, was a Manichaean before converting to Christianity. Why did he convert? It is important to note that Augustine's conversion came after the threat of death -- i.e., quoting the Wikipedia: "Augustine of Hippo (354–430) converted to Christianity from Manichaeism, in the year 387. This was shortly after the Roman Emperor Theodosius I had issued a decree of death for all Manichaean monks in 382 and shortly before he declared Christianity to be the only legitimate religion for the Roman Empire in 391." So, in the same way that the Emperor Constantine hunted down the Ebionite Nazirenes and Spiritual Christians as heretics in the year 325, Theodosius hunted down the Manichaeans in the year 382. And it was shortly after the decree of death by the emperor, that Augustine converted to Christianity.
The teaching on the pre-existent soul was forcefully removed from the original Gospel teachings by the Roman Emperor Justinian. Further, with the removal of this crucial teaching, it becomes impossible to understand (1) how the man Jesus became the Anointed by fulfilling the commandments of the Law and entering into a Coverture-Union with the Indwelling Logos (see Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? http://BrotherOfJesus.org#CovertureMarriage ); and (2) what each person must accomplish in their own lives to become the Anointed, as their elder brother Jesus taught. With the removal and corruption of this essential Gospel teaching, the modern Christian is obstructed and totally blocked from making any real spiritual progress as envisioned in the Original Gospel Teachings. The proof of the removal of this critical Gospel teaching can be found at The Religion Of Roman Emperors http://ChristianReincarnation.org#emperors . And an example of the removal of an ultra-important teachings that can be proven by everyone, can be found at Turn About And Become As a Child http://KeyOfKnowledge.org#TurnAbout .
What is not at all understood is the fact that the Soul of the historical man Jesus developed and evolved over the course of many lives. To understand how and why Jesus was able to become the Anointed (Messiah/Christ), it is necessary to understand the parable of the Talents (see Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#SpiritualDNA ) where it is stated: "And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability" (Matt 25:15). The key concept here is that each person was not only entrusted with a different amount, but that each person was entrusted with an amount "...each according to his own ability." When rightly understood within the construct of the original Gospel teachings prior to being corrupted by the Church, each person is given their lot in life in accordance with this predetermined criteria of what each soul has accomplished in their Soul's previous lives. Further, what Jesus taught was that what the spiritually poor complacent people possessed, would even be taken away and be given to those who had an abundance: “Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents. For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away” (Matt 25:28-29). Likewise, if all people are born equal and the same in the eyes of God, then why in the parable of TheCall to the Wedding Banquette, some people are categorized as "invited guests", while others are not?
All of the above provokes the question: In addition to understanding what the determining factor as to why one servant was given "one talent", another was given "two talents", while another was given "five talents", there is also the issue of why complacent believers received the greater judgment than those who were not believers. It is therefore even more important to understand why those who can be portrayed as sinners, would not receive the same judgment and punishment as the more advanced soul. Thus, Jesus warned: "And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more" (Luke 12:47-48). Thus, the modern Christian simply has no means to understand why and how the complacent and lukewarm believer will be beaten with the stripes of greater judgment, than the unbeliever. Which provokes the question: What is the fate of those who "...did commit things worthy of stripes" -- but they shall clearly receive far less judgment than those who were believers and therefore knew the masters will, but did not properly prepare themselves? This biblical statement is not only in opposition to everything that modern Christians believe, but it remains virtually impossible for modern Christians to answer this question, because a Roman Emperor suppressed and outlawed the teaching on the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors). And that each person enters this life in accord with the past accomplishments of their soul -- i.e., "...each according to his own ability".
As documented above, the Pharisees understood the journey of the Soul over the course of many lives. How different modern Christians perceive what the scriptures actually convey is easily demonstrated by using our very own Bibles. When Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders that the “…tax collectors and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you” (Matt 21:31), such a statement simply has no place within the present day understanding of Christian doctrine. Because we are without a means to explain Jesus' words, most Bible commentaries simply ignore the implications of this passage of scripture . One widely used commentary attempts to correct the text by changing the words to “instead of” -- which would then make the meaning doctrinally correct and read: “The tax collectors and the harlots go into the kingdom of God instead of you”. In this verse of scripture we are presented with one of the core reasons why the original followers of Jesus believed differently than most Christians today. The question that must be posed is: When will the chief priests and elders enter into the kingdom? Modern Christian doctrine states that because of their disbelief and rejection of Christ, they will be cut off from the face of God, and condemned to eternal judgment. And yet we cannot deny the fact that Jesus' own words convey the message that there will come a time when the chief priests and elders will also enter the Kingdom of God -- and it will be at a time after the tax collectors and harlots who believed, repented, picked up their own crosses and followed in TheWay.
Jesus portrayed himself as a physician: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Before this verse can be understood we must first understand what it means to be Whole. Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved? Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who are Whole do not need him. And as a physician, Jesus did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician. And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician. Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him.
Does everyone need Jesus as the modern Christian maintains? While Jesus himself said that those who had achieved Wholeness did not need him as a spiritual physician -- i.e., They that are whole have no need of the physician..." -- and that with effort, all of mankind is capable of achieving a condition that Jesus portrayed as "whole [and] righteous", which means that these people who did achieve Wholeness, were not sick, and in Jesus' own words were not in need of him (Jesus) as a physician to heal them. Which means that the whole foundation of modern Church dogma is man-made and in error.
If this is true, the question must be asked: Was there any other early teachings that support this position of Jesus who came only to heal those who were sick and in need of a physician? And this ultra-important teaching which is totally rejected by the Church, is further supported by a quotation of the Apostle Peter in the Homilies of his disciple Clement where Peter states: "For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus, if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable..." And with respect to what is being portrayed as being reasonable to the degree that the person does not need either Moses of Jesus? From an original Gospel perspective, the Apostle Peter is stating that those who seek to achieve Wholeness do not need either Moses or Jesus. In total opposition to modern Church doctrine, Peter then added to the foregoing statement: "Neither is there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords” (Clementine Homilies, Chap. 5, p139 Anti-Nicene Library). Herein, what Peter is stating is that there is no salvation in merely calling upon the name of the Lord as Christians do today throughout their Churches -- but only in achieving Wholeness. And when rightly understood, those who achieve Wholeness have brought this Condition about by doing the Will of God -- and having lived and manifest the Truth in their daily lives -- which Truth has been revealed to them directly from our Heavenly Father -- i.e., “My teaching is not My own, Jesus replied. It comes from Him who sent Me." And then Jesus explained: "If anyone desires to do His will, he will know whether My teaching is from God or whether I speak on My own" (John 7:16-17). What this means is that ANYONE who sincerely desires to do the Will of God, will know the Truth, and will learn the Truth directly from God -- i.e., "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught by God'" (John 6:45). Therefore, in achieving the necessary Wholeness, they did not need Jesus as either a teacher, or for their salvation.
The question that we are presented with is how long must each of us who are the prodigal sons, travail in this, the Far Country, before we come to our senses and "turn about", and begin the journey in TheWay that returns us to the Edeninc Kingdom of Origination? Jesus commanded those who would be his followers: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14) -- i.e., "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 22:14). With respect to the word that translators commonly render "destruction", the true meaning in no manner represents what is actually being presented. Quoting the footnote on this word in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads: “There is no thought in these various words of annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”. And it is not until we come to understand the meaning of the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image), can we even begin to understand what is being taught in these verses. The answer is found in Paul's statement regarding the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of the people of this world who dwell under the power and control of the "Citizen ...of the Far Country": "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world..." (Col 2:8).
When Jesus was asked about a woman whose husbands (plural) had died, and the
Jews wanted to know which man she would be married to in the Kingdom, Jesus
replied that in the Kingdom there is no marriage -- as stated in the words:
“The people of this age marry and are given in marriage.
But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come
and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in
marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are
like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the
resurrection" (Luke 20:34-36).
The Problem: If Marriage is the Union of Man and Woman -- and the Union of Opposites is so important -- then why did Jesus say there is no marriage in the Kingdom? Does it matter if we do not know why Jesus said this? Why can't our modern religious leaders answer the questions this statement of Jesus raises? As an example, quoting from a Focus On The Family Article: "Isn’t marriage the most profound institution God created for humanity? Isn’t the bond between husband and wife meant to be the most intimate, treasured relationship in this life? How can heaven be heaven without it?" Because our religious leaders lack the necessary Wholeness, they can't read their Bibles and answer the many questions that Jesus provoked in this statement on marriage?
Over the first three centuries many of the most important teachings which the gentiles did not understand were removed from the Gospels. The teaching which is found in the first century Second Epistle of Clement who was the disciple of the Apostle Peter states: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’” (see http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org#EpistleOfClement ). When "...the male with the female, neither male nor female’”, how can male and female exist? While many faux-religious authorities will reject the statement in the Gospel of Philip -- i.e., “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more” -- notice that in the statement in Luke that "neither can they die any more" with respect to the negation of marriage, is in reality no different than the statement in the Gospel of Philip. Yet, it remains beyond the ability of the faux-religious authorities of the modern Church to provide an answer to the statement that when the division of Male/Adam and Female/Eve is overcome, that "...death will be no more”. And if we examine the teaching in question there is also the statement of Jesus: "...and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection" . With the removal and suppression of the pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many lives (see Pre-Nicene Church Taught Reincarnation http://ChristianReincarnation.org#PreNiceneChurch ), modern Christians cannot understand how each Soul dies many times to achieve the subsequent stages of birth that is necessary for the prodigal son to be restored to the Edenic Kingdom -- prior to the division of Adam/Man and Eve/Woman (see The Divine Marriage http://DivineMarriage.org ). And while the modern Christians believes they will dwell in the Kingdom when they pass from this life based upon the doctrines of fourth century pagan Rome, their very own Gospels reject these man-made doctrines that were forced upon the Church by the Roman Emperor Constantine. The result is that because they rejected the teachings on entering into a genuine faithful marriage and living in accord with the Gospel teachings, they suffer the results of what can be portrayed as a Spiritual Miscarriage http://DivineMarriage.org#FailureOfBirth . Why? In their failure to bring about that condition of where "...the male with the female, neither male nor female’” AND each person "...attains his former self, ...When Eve was still with Adam, and death did not exist ” , their lives are perpetual do-overs because they have rejected the teachings of Jesus on marriage, and embraced the mindset and lifestyle portrayed in the words: "Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates" (Rev 22:14). Further stating of those who could not be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life -- those who live in accord with the cultures of this world where spiritual morality is rejected -- causing them not to be able to enter through the gates into the Kingdom while they are still alive in the body -- as in the portrayal in the words: "And outside are fornicators, murderers, idol worshipers, the defiled, sorcerers and all seers and workers of lies” (Rev 22:15). And perhaps even more important in this era of the sexual revolution is the question: When the teachings and prohibitions on the purity of marriage were abandoned by a great number of modern Christians, does it make any difference in our lives? If fidelity was so important to Jesus, is there a negative factor when we abandon these teachings, and embrace modern cultural recreational sex? Thus, the problem, then, is that before you can understand the Higher Spiritual Purpose of Marriage -- and why infidelity is rejected and condemned by Jesus in the scriptures as seen in the statement: "You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:27-28) -- you must first understand the higher purpose of marriage beyond the physical level and child rearing. Does fidelity in marriage matter? Why? If the Higher Purpose of Marriage is the Union of Opposites which will then develop the Male-Linear and Female-Intuitive minds beyond organic levels of human consciousness into the embodiment of Oneness/Wholeness and Completion, then this process cannot be brought about with a multitude of sexual partners. Thus, the question: With respect to the the sanctity of marriage in our era of recreational sex and open pseudo-marriages: Do Christians ignore the teachings of Jesus and the Gospels when they live as fornicators who copy the images of pornography they watch and embrace? Quoting the research at Stop Together (see https://stoptogether.com/christians-suffering-from-porn-addiction/ ):
Approximately 76% of young Christian adults (18- to 24-years-old) admit to actively searching for sexually explicit material on the Internet.
Approximately 68% of Christian men, who attend church regularly, and more than 50% of pastors admit to frequently watching porn on the Internet.
Approximately 59% of pastors have had married men ask for help with a “porn habit.”
Approximately 33% of young Christian women (25-years-old and younger) admit to searching for porn sites on the Internet.
Eighty-seven percent (87% of Christian women admit to frequently watching porn on the Internet.
Approximately 57% of pastors do not believe that porn is “damaging enough” to address it with their congregations.
Why is something that was so important to Jesus in the original Gospel teachings, basically ignored by the vast majority of modern Christians? And of even greater importance: What is the effect of sexual promiscuity upon the person -- i.e., "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body" (see 1:Cor 6:18). Sexual purity was so important, that a believer was told not to have anything to do with those who were sexually immoral, as seen in the words: "I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people... But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, ...not even to eat with such a person ...Therefore 'put away from yourselves the evil person'" (1 Cor 5:9-13). Why? Why would it matter if we dine or have company with a person who is portrayed as being sexually immoral? Thus the question from the modern Church perspective: Didn't Paul understand that judging others was a sin? Therefore, isn't it the greater sin when Paul judged those who were sexually immoral, than the actual act of sexual immorality? Or was Paul discerning the fact that appeasement to sin is like the bad apple that gravely influences the whole?
If watching pornography is the rotten fruit of marriage infidelity in the mind -- and marriage fidelity is essential for the development of mind beyond the organic (carnal) level of consciousness -- then those who watch pornography and live lives of marital infidelity, are the rotten apples of the congregation that inhibit mental and spiritual development of the whole congregation. Why? Because marriage fidelity if necessary for the development of mind beyond carnal organic consciousness (see When Man Meets Woman http://TheRealFactsOfLife.Ebionite.com#WhenManMeetsWoman ). Yet , what the above research is stating is that it is the opinion of a large number of clergy that watching porn is not even "damaging enough" to speak out about its effects on their congregation of believers. Yet, Paul portrays sexual immorality as a force of self-destruction. Which provokes the question: Have these pastors and clergy themselves been so effectively damaged by their appeasement to porn and our modern culture, that their mindset and lifestyle has inhibited their own mental and spiritual development? This spiritual fact of life is especially important when it is recognized that the most immoral and defiled sinners were the Roman emperors and clergy who dictated the doctrines which the modern Church continues of embrace and adhere to. Meanwhile, those who were taught directly by Jesus -- those who lived the necessary Consecrated Life in TheWay -- remain condemned as heretics by the modern Christian (see The Ebionite Heresy http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#TheEbioniteHeresy ).
The foundation of the New Covenant is in fact built upon the commandment: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2 Cor 6:17). If Jesus was correct in his position against not only the act of adultery, but also the act of thinking with carnal lust in your heart -- and your congregation of believers are overwhelmed with those who therefore openly practice sin as an integral part of their mindset and lifestyle -- isn't the whole of the congregation undermined by the thinking and mindset of the people? If 68% of the men, and as much as 87% of the women, all watch pornography and look upon the images with lust in contradistinction to what Jesus declared, then the whole of the Church or Congregation will not be able to comprehend the teachings on the effects of marriage on their their mental and spiritual development. To the degree that it can rightly be stated that they have erected a cognitive wall that inhibits their higher understanding of not only the spiritual meaning of the Gospels, but also all of the life they are presently living. Therefore, in view of the fact that their mindset and lifestyle had inhibited their development and cognitive ability to even understand what is being presented to them, if I stated that sexual immorality will inhibit the person's mental development and derail their ability to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospels, how many modern cultural Christians would accept the validity of such a statement? And, could a person who engaged in sexual immorality, even comprehend what I was stating? And therein lies one of the primary problems -- i.e., the fact that the majority of clergy do not believe that watching porn is "damaging enough" -- and if I explained what the result is of the "...sexual immorality [resulting by the person who] ...sins against his own body", because of the intellectual derailment of our modern culture, it would be virtually impossible to explain to the modern Christian the intellectual damage that our culture has imposed upon them.
The problem is seen in the fact that marriage and sex is a great deal more than having children -- to the degree that child bearing and pro-creation is secondary to the purpose of marriage, and can rightly be portrayed as a byproduct of sexual intercourse. Therefore, the purpose of marriage and sex is not only beyond the understanding of the modern Christian -- but modern believers are not even able to comprehend why Jesus promoted sexual purity. And if you attempt to convey to the modern believer why such great emphasis was placed upon marriage and sexual purity, they will reject the facts presented. The modern Christian neither understands the spiritual purpose of marriage -- and especially the reason for marriage purity. And because they ignore and make no effort to follow the Gospel teachings and prohibitions, they remain cognitively incapable of comprehending the spiritual purpose of marriage, and the spiritual meaning and objective of the Gospel teachings. The bottom line is that you must first understand the higher purpose of marriage, before you can understand why Jesus stated that there is no marriage in the Kingdom.
Among the most popular Bible Commentaries, not a single one presents a reasonable answer as to why Jesus said there is no marriage in the Kingdom? Which means that those who write and interpret the scriptures for the body of believers, are lacking even the most basic fundamental knowledge of the relationship of who we are in this world, in relation to who we are in the Kingdom. Is there a difference? In the teachings which have been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus made reference to our Higher or True-Self when he stated: "Jesus said ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty". If the authors of the biblical commentaries who the faithful flock portray as Bible experts, cannot explain why Jesus said there is no marriage in the Kingdom, then it can rightly be concluded that these are faux-experts who are attempting to teach the meaning of the scriptures from the perspective of what Jesus portrayed as "intellectual poverty". Those who possess self-knowledge -- of whom it can be said that they have fulfilled the adage to Know Thyself -- are able to supply the answer to the question as to why there is no marriage in the Kingdom. And therein lies one of the major problems as seen in the fact that the teachings which have been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas, were censored and even removed from the Gospels which the Church has ordained as canonical. What, then, is the result of the ignorance imposed upon the congregation of modern believers? Therefore, it can also be rightly stated that the Church has so censored the Gospel teachings, that the body of believers have been totally deprived of this ultra-important self-knowledge that Jesus taught to his original followers.
Is There No Marriage In The Kingdom? Why is marriage and
fidelity so important in this physical life -- to the degree that the
Marriage is violated and even dissolved by adultery when a man merely
looks upon another woman with lust -- and yet, this same marriage IS
SEEMINGLY negated in the future? Why? Because marriage is
the union of divided opposites striving to become ONE FLESH -- i.e., as
personified in the words: "For this reason a man
shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two
shall become one flesh'? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh"
(Matt 19:5-6). So, if the question is posed as to why there is no marriage
in the Kingdom, it is because our spiritual body is not
"flesh", and neither is our True or
Higher Soul-Self male of female. Why? Because our
True-Self that is portrayed in the commandment to Know Thyself, is a twelve-dimensional Being of Light that does not have
the polarity genders of male or female
as mankind does in this world (see
http://BeingOfLight.com ). Which means that the inability of
the Bible Commentaries to understand our true nature and form, is because
they are unfamiliar with the scriptures which the Church suppressed.
In the Gospel known as The Books of the Savior, also known as
Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom), Jesus is quoted as stating:
"Do not cease seeking
day or night, and do not let yourselves relax until you have found all the
Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and make you into
Pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of Light."
And of the
transformation of the physical body of the earthly self Jesus said: "Do not desist from seeking by day and by
night, until you find the
purifying mysteries of the light, which refine the body of matter and make
it a pure light very refined."
In the early scripture known as the
Dialogue of the Savior, which was found in the Nag Hammadi Library
of Christian Scriptures, Jesus explained that our natural dwelling place is
“place of life”
“the true mind dwells” that is
“only pure light.” Thus, confirming
our true soul-reality as a
Being of Light --
i.e., the twelve-dimensional True Mind in relation to our three-dimensional
ego or earthly mind. It is also important to note that there existed a
segment of the Church as late as the sixth century that possessed the
soul-knowledge that man's true reality and form was a
Being of Light.
Among the condemnations of the Emperor Justinian against Origen in the 2nd
Council of Constantinople in the year 553 where the teachings on the
pre-existent soul (reincarnation) was condemned and deemed heresy from a
dogmatic Church perspective, where this statement and command of the emperor
is found: "If anyone says or thinks that, at the
resurrection, human bodies will rise
in form and unlike our present form, let him be anathema" (see
Council Agenda). Did the leaders of the Church agree with the Emperor
Justinian in his doctrines which he was imposing upon the Church? As
an example of how the Christian world was literally forced to adhere to the
dogma of the emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was
outlawed by the Emperor Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor
then forced his will upon the Church when he
"...banished the
pope to
If the inner core of the Church did not believe in reincarnation, then why would the pope vehemently oppose the dogma of the Emperor Justinian? Subjecting himself to seven months of imprisonment. Perhaps the answer can be found in the statement of St. Jerome when he said: St. Jerome wrote: “The doctrine of transmigration (reincarnation) has been secretly taught from ancient times to small numbers of people, as a traditional truth which was not to be divulged”. Which confirms the charge of the second century philosopher Celsus attacked the Church for being a “secret system”, teaching some a different doctrine than others. Which, in the official reply of the Church, Origen replied: “I have not yet spoken of the observances of all that is written in the gospel, each one of which contains much doctrine difficult to be understood, not merely by the multitude, but even by certain of the more intelligent, including a very profound explanation of the parables, which Jesus delivered to 'those without' while reserving the exhibition of their full meaning for those who have passed beyond the stage of exoteric teachings, and who came to him privately in the house. And when he comes to understand it, he will admire the reason why some are said to be without, and others in the house”. Origen then explained: “And yet the mystery of the Resurrection, not being understood, is made a subject of ridicule among the unbelievers. In these circumstances, to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system is altogether absurd. But that there should be certain doctrines, not made known to the multitude, which are after the exoteric ones having been taught, is not a peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also of philosophic systems, in which certain truths are exoteric and others are esoteric. Some of the heroes of Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit; while others were taught in secret those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears. Moreover, all the mysteries that are celebrated everywhere throughout Greece and the barbarous countries, although held in secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that it is in vain he endeavors to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity, seeing that he does not correctly understand its nature”. And therein lies one of the major problems with respect to the ignorance of the modern Christians. The ruthless emperors who ruled over the Church, were the epitome of "...profane and insufficiently prepared ears" that were "taught in secret". Yet, it was these same Roman Emperors who not only exerted total control over the teachings and beliefs of the Church, but also what scriptures were acceptable for the people to read.
Our Higher Soul-Self: There is no
marriage in the Kingdom, because our twelve-dimensional Higher Soul-Self
that is a Being of Light, is neither male nor female. Why?
Because the
polarities of mind as manifest in Male and Female can be portrayed as
Self-Contained. In the same way that prior to the
separation, Adam and Eve was AdamEve where male and female were joined as
One, the division of the two polarities was the result of our
twelve-dimensional Soul-Self (
http://SoulSelf.org ) incarnating into this three-dimensional realm of
Duality. In a twelve-dimensional higher realm, all duality can be
portrayed as self-contained. But you cannot manifest twelve-dimensions
in a three-dimensional environment -- and so, the divisions of Male and
Female, Heaven and Earth, must exist in Duality. What this means is that, in the
Soul-Realm where our True-Self dwells, there is no male
or female Souls -- additionally, there is no races associated with this world -- and all
the divisions of this life, do not exist in the higher realty of the Soul. But
therein lies the problem -- i.e., this Divine Realm of Souls Environment where
Duality does not exist, makes it impossible to bring about growth and
development -- which can only be accomplished when opposites within the Mind interact with
each other. When the twelve-dimensional Soul-Self incarnates into this
three-dimensional realm, the Soul must incarnate as either a male or a
female -- and it is this division where the polarities of male and female
must interact with each other, that enables growth and development.
The Suppression Of The
Feminine-Intuitive: Why is the prodigal son portrayed as
dwelling under the control of the Citizen of the Far Country? Why
is mankind a prisoner in Plato's Cave? Why are atheists blind and
ignorant of the presence and reality of God? Why are Christians unable
to enter through the
"narrow gate"
and gain entrance into the Inner Kingdom as Jesus taught (see
The Law Of The Gospels
)? Why is science flat-lined and unable to access what has been
portrayed as the metaphysical
source of everything in this physical world (see
The Limitations
Of Science
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#LimitationsOfScience ).
Answer: Because we suppress the inward-looking Feminine-Intuitive Spheres of
Mind. If, when Man meets Woman -- and the two halves of the mind
which is allegorically portrayed as Adam and Eve are being brought together --
if the man fails to recognize the opportunity for growth and development
that has been set before him, then organic
man can be portrayed as a prisoner. Why? Because of his ignorance of the
mental and spiritual purpose and transformative abilities of woman.
The Great Question In The Duality Of Man And Woman: What man in our modern culture embraces women as the catalyst that can reveal to him greater knowledge than all the universities in this world -- all the teachers in this world -- all the scientists in this world -- and all the enlightened sources in this world? When man meets woman, all the organic limitations can be overcome, if the two become One and seek their Essence. While man sees woman as a sexual and emotional partner -- as the mother of his offspring -- man remains virtually ignorant of the true reality of the Feminine-Mystique and the innate Transformative abilities of the feminine intuitive aspects of mind. In reality, woman is a great deal more than a sexual partner, a wife, mother, and housewife -- and the Feminist pursuit of having a career and/or fulfilling one’s individual potential -- falls far short of women's pre-ordained role as the other half of the male-linear, and the transformative factor of the Mind of Mankind. In our present anti-feminine culture that has been ordained by both man's self-ignorance -- ignorance that has created an imprisoning void with the suppression of the higher feminine intellectual abilities that are not only opposite to those of her male counterpart, but also the catalyst that brings about the Intellectual and Spiritual Wholeness of organic man. In our present anti-woman/feminine culture, the suppression of the feminine is openly confirmed. We have a member of the highest court in the land that is unable to even define a woman. How can a woman be so self-ignorant, that she does not know the difference between herself as a woman, and a man? We have men who believe they can merely choose or decide to self-identify as a woman. We permit men to self-identify as female, and then compete athletically against women. We encourage young children to choose whatever gender they feel they are that day. And we suppress the natural feminine inward-looking intellectual abilities that is the key to each of our freedom and intellectual wholeness, by programming the mind of young girls to think like their male counterparts -- outward, where only what is physically seen and observed is portrayed as real -- while what is drawn from within, is often said to be imagination. Because of our suppression of the Feminine-Intuitive spheres and attributes of mind, we dwell as a prisoner imposed upon us by our own self-ignorance. Instead of assisting young girls to develop their unique feminine abilities of mind, we suppress them -- attempting to recreate woman as a surrogate-male. Quoting from The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind http://SoulSelf.org#OpeningAndUnlockingTheMind :
One of the greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must learn is that equal does not mean the same. Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of the long ignored book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote: "Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie". The key to the dilemma that confronts us today is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture: "What you will read in this book about the differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence". The book then goes on to embrace the very real statement that "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke." More recently another (female) researcher named Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind. Dr. Brizendine, whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, added: "There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality. I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us. I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men. If women attend to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their lives." These more informed decisions are basically impossible for most women in today's culture because of the biological lie that is being promoted due to political correctness. The problem is that because we dwell in a world that is generally defined by a male linear perspective, the true nature and depth of the feminine mind is largely an unexplored realm of vast substance and opportunity. In fact, once this far reaching reality is truly realized, one must begin to acknowledge that even men are severely anchored and inhibited by their own and societies ignorance with respect to the higher purpose and untapped potential of the female mind. In this respect, woman is the missing element in (male) man's search for God and the meaning of life -- and vise versa.
When rightly understood, Man and Woman are equal -- but equal does not mean the same -- and their equality is expressed in the individual strengths and abilities associated with their opposite paradoxical polarities of mind and being. And therein lies the problem -- i.e., in the undeveloped organic condition of mind, the male-linear consciousness sees and is controlled largely by the visible physical world and it's seemingly concrete forms. To the male linear spheres of mind, if it is not physical, then it does not exist, and we often see this expressed in the literal interpretation of the scriptures, and the non-metaphysical reality of Scientism that masquerades as genuine science (see Science Vs Scientism http://KnowThyself.Nazirene.org#ScienceVsScientism ). In contradistinction, the feminine-intuitive has much greater inward-looking abilities. But because the inward-looking perception is not physical and concrete, it is ignored and even rejected by the outward-looking linear. As an example: When the Key of Knowledge ( http://KeyOfKnowledge.org ) is applied to the scriptures where they are turned within your own mind, then the interpretation of Leviticus 20:13 which condemns men who lie with another man in the manner of a women -- i.e., "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable" -- the verse then portrays the male-linear mindset and thinking that will only embrace linear (physical) thought patterns. Which is a limiting factor that always inhibits mental and spiritual growth beyond organic consciousness that is easily observed in modern religion, science and cultural-life where only linear-based thinking is seen as valid. In like manner, were Leviticus 20:16 states "If a woman approaches any animal to mate with it, you must kill both the woman and the animal. They must surely be put to death; their blood is upon them" -- when the scriptures are internalized, what is being made reference to is the feminine-intuitive aspects of mind that remain grounded in the lower earthly carnal mindset, that lacks the intuitive higher development which is the power of woman in relation to her male counterpart. A very large number of men, totally reject anything that is not physical. Which means that the non-physical inward-looking feminine-intuitive thoughts, are rejected -- often portrayed in the negative sense as old wives tales, superstition, fantasy, myth, fairytales and New Age thinking.
In view of the fact that by nature, women are more intuitive, women have the greater ability to tap into their Soul's previous lives and learn from both the mistakes and accomplishments of the past -- often seeing not only their own lives, but the lives they lived with their husband. Author Joan Grant coined the phrase "far memory" as an ability to recall her previous lives that she learned in her previous lives in Egypt (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Grant ). Because the vast majority of (male) linear thinkers can't access the memory of their Soul's previous lives, they simply reject even the concept of the pre-existent Soul that evolves to wholeness and perfection over the course of many lifetimes. And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that because past lives can't be proven from a linear/male perspective, the existence of previous lives is rejected. Women or those who are of an Intuitive mindset, are therefore better able to tap into both their own, and their husband's Higher Soul-Self that is the Eternal Being of Light which they truly are (see http://BeingOfLight.com ). From a theoretical intellectual perception, our Higher Soul-Self (see http://SoulSelf.org ) is all knowing, because our True-Self exists on a higher twelve-dimensional plane where Time, and all the lives which the Soul-Self has lived, are all present within the consciousness of our Soul-Self. Which means that as a woman develops her latent intuitive abilities, she can access a source of Soul-Knowledge that her male counterpart is often blind to. But since most women have been alienated from their intuitive abilities when they were taught to think in a linear mindset by academia and our anti-feminine linear culture -- where all acceptable knowledge is drawn exclusively from books and the teachings of men -- the intuitive attributes of mind are suppressed and atrophied.
The Foundational Impressions Of Mind:
If I use the term "Impressions", which
is defined as "an effect
produced in the
mind by a stimulus;
what I am portraying is the Condition of the Environmental-Foundation of a
thought that is spawned and emerges out of the mind. In
the same way that the mind has a Left and Right Intuitive/Feminine and
Linear/male half, the mind also has Twelve Spheres that each perceive the
world uniquely and differently -- and therefore each of the twelve spheres
of mind are foundation to different and often conflicting impressions and
thoughts as explored in the article on the Tree of Life at
The husband who explores and develops his wife's suppressed intuitive abilities, can open the door to mental and intellectual development that spawns growth beyond man's physical consciousness and imagination. We are presently dwelling in a Mental-Womb. In the same way that when a sperm and ovum unite, physical growth of the embryo as it develops into a fetus is brought about, when man as a Mental-Sperm unites with woman as a Mental-Ovum -- each seeking to unite and explore their opposite -- the possibility ot super-development and expansion of Mind can be unleashed by sincere and genuine seekers.
The man and woman must recognize that their
exploration of the mind of their spouse as the opposite polarity, they have
the ability to complete and achieve Wholeness. In the same way that
every physical embryo that is conceived must be comprised of the equal
chromosomes of male and female brought together and manifest in oneness,
this same absolute balance must not only be achieved in the life-giving
thoughts and impressions that is able to enter within the
"narrow strait gate" (see
Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis ), but the substance of the
lower earthly and
heavenly elements of each thought and impression must equally be balanced
to manifest Wholeness in the generated thoughts and impressions. Only what
is Whole can pass through the "narrow strait gate"
in the Center of the Mind as patterned in the diagram of the Tree of Life
-- and the Life-Giving thoughts and impressions that grow and evolve the
mind beyond organic limitations of natural man and woman, must be made up of
the four part essence of the male and female and heaven and earth opposites
that are brought together in what can be portrayed as a Thought-Embryo that
brings about the transformation of the mind though the the process of
mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening (see
The Four Gates Of The Mind
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#FourGates ). Those thoughts that
are not equally balanced by being comprised of the essence of the four gates
of opposites -- as tested by the Checksum of the Law of Octaves -- cannot
enter thought the "narrow strait gate",
and are therefore miscarried and they are diverted outwardly, and the vital
life-force is then lost into nature. This loss of the vital life-force in
the parable of the prodigal son is portrayed as the
"riotous living" that squanders away the inheritance.
The twisting of the Natural Laws at designated intervals of testing, inhibits the unbalanced advancement of impressions from progressing in a straight line -- turning the steps of the progression back to its source in the earth -- thereby inhibiting the progression from being elevated onto a higher plane that the person is incapable of intellectually functioning at. Thus, unless you can prevail over the Laws at the interval where the testing takes place, you will fail to advance beyond the functional level where you are at. Therefore, in order to prevail over the Laws at the interval of testing, you must bring into the equation the balance of the opposite polarities of male and female and heaven and earth -- thereby manifesting the necessary Wholeness as personified in the Gospel statement: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Wholeness requires both opposite paradoxical polarities to be manifest in a unifying third-force that overcomes the twisting of the Laws -- which twisting causes the line of progression to be turned back to its source in the earth. And it is this turning of the line of progression that can be personified as the (Satanic) Force that keeps our thinking and perceptive-vision earth-bound and carnal -- forcing us to perpetually repeat the sequences of progression until we are able to prevail over the Natural Laws which test our progress. And this testing of the progressive advancement through the Natural Laws is personified in the statement: "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say to you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able" (Luke 13:24). In order to enter through the "strait gate", you must prevail over the twisting of the Natural Laws which test your actions and progression for Wholeness and Completion -- thereby enabling you to advance in a strait line -- passing through the "strait gate" -- instead of the twisting back to the earth-level of consciousness.
the above (see
Foundational Process of Birth), the Gospel of Thomas saying 22
(see Saying 22) states:
"...and when you
make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male
nor the female female ...then will you
enter the kingdom" -- the Center Column of the Tree of
Life is neither male or female -- but is the Third-Force Balance of the
outer male and female columns of the Tree of Duality -- the eating of the
fruit thereof, allegorically brings death to the eater. Why death? Because
our Soul or True-Self dwells in Wholeness, and is not subject to the
division of male and female. Which means, that so long as we remain divided
across the dynamic polarities of male and female, it will remain impossible
for us to comprehend our own Higher Soul-Reality (see
http://SoulSelf.org ). As the Doe, Re,
Me of the thought-octave progresses into the Foundation Sphere of the Mind
as personified in the diagram of the Tree of Life, unless a Balance and
Wholeness of the Male/Female Impressions is achieved which make them
Complete, the twisting of the Law of Octaves will force the progression into
one of the outer (male or female) columns -- and with the twisting into the
outer columns of the Tree of Duality, the "strait
gate" through the Center cannot be entered -- therefore, the
paradoxical polarities of male and female cannot be merged and restored into
the necessary Wholeness that will permit entrance up the Center Column and
into what is personified as the Kingdom (see
The Checksum Of The Law
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#CheckSum ).
From the perspective: Show me your strengths, and I'll show you your weaknesses -- the reality that a male can easily overpower and physically subjugate a women, is in fact a weakness that consumes every part of the man's mind and being. Therefore, woman's separation portrayed in the allegorical Genesis account as a "help-meet" (see Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior http://SoulSelf.org#HelpMeet ), is to overcome this inherent weakness that inhibits his growth and development. And what this also means is that the violence against women and the subjugation of the feminine in the many forms that it takes, is in reality an externalization of the inner violence of mind that exists within each of our consciousnesses. When the equality of the sexes is understood -- and the fact that because of man's positively charged lower (physical) nature that enables him to control, enslave and subjugate woman who is negatively charged in her lower (physical) nature -- the equality of the paradoxical opposite genders must be understood and realized from their respective areas of strength versus the weaknesses of their gender opposite. The power of man's lower positively charged lower nature can be portrayed as a raging river -- the force of which makes it impossible to swim upstream and return back to the source. Woman not only possesses the ability under the right bonding conditions to reflect this raging power, but has the innate ability to transform it, and return it back to him on a higher plane of mind and being where he is of a negative/reflective/reflective polarity -- thereby enabling the two to achieve the necessary Wholeness of Mind and Being (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#foundation ). The key word in the foregoing equation is "right bonding conditions" -- which means that unless Wholeness and Completion is achieved between the perspective man and woman -- where the male/positive and female/negative polarities are functioning as One in bringing about the unity of what is portrayed as Heaven and Earth within them (see The Four Gates Of The Mind http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#FourGates ), the necessary conditions do not, and cannot exist. And this is also true with respect to the (male) Linear and (feminine) Intuitive Spheres of Mind within each of us. And it is for this reason that in the Genesis account, woman is portrayed as man's most immediate savior (see Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior). Man and Woman are the embodiment of dynamic halves of the (paradoxical) Whole -- i.e., "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom". And in the same way that man needs woman on one level, woman needs the power of man on another level. And it is this lack of bonding and wholeness that is the cause of unfaithfulness in marriage -- which in the allegorical account of the scriptures, is portrayed as resulting in death. Why death? Because without the bonding and intimate oneness of Impressions, Thoughts and Mind, what is allegorically portrayed as the Edenic Kingdom cannot be entered.
In the same way that because of his polarity, a male is more powerful than a woman on one level, it is also true that a female is more powerful than a male in different areas of mind and being. And when a man who by virtual of his gender-polarity possesses greater physical power, subjugates and enslaves a women whose greater power is manifest on a higher plane of mind and consciousness, it is the man who is in fact being deprived of the very Life-Giving Impressions that he needs to become Whole, Complete and enter into Life. And it is this absence of the Feminine Impressions that inhibits the True Advancement of Man, keeping him bound by his lower earthly nature and animal-consciousness (see Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature). And when rightly understood, this interaction of male and female Impressions which is the key to all mental and spiritual development beyond the most immature of human levels of consciousness (see Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis ) -- and is manifest in the merger and reunification of the opposite polarities and powers of mind as manifest in the respective male and female divided opposites in the Wholeness of the Restoration of AdamEve. Because few men can successfully deal with the inner conflict of the (male) Linear and (female) Intuitive Spheres of Mind -- permitting the reunification of the Three Lower Earthly Kingdoms with the Three Upper Heavenly Kingdoms -- all true mental and spiritual growth and development has been externalized in the relationship of the opposite polarities of Man and Woman. Which means that when rightly understood, the Life-Giving Fruit of the Tree of Life, is the Impressions of Wholeness that brings about mental and spiritual growth when what is personified as Adam and Eve is restored to their original reality of AdamEve -- i.e., "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7). And the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality (a.k.a. Knowledge of Good and Evil) that brings death to the eater thereof, is the separated Impressions of a divided Adam and Eve. Which means that the true purpose of sexual intercourse between a man and woman, is to initiate and maintain this connection between the two externalized polarities of mind manifest in the the divided paradoxical opposites personified in Man and Woman -- thereby acting as a catalyst in the restoration of AdamEve (man and woman) in the Wholeness of Mankind which is personified as the union making the "one flesh". And it is this Wholeness of body, mind and spirit that Jesus was making reference to when he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Which means that the True and Only path into Life, is to achieve the necessary Wholeness and Completion that is personified in the Original Gospel Teachings that was totally rejected by the Church (see The Reality Of The Original Gospels http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com ).
The Development Of The Feminine Intuitive: When
Eve (Woman) was separated -- disconnected -- and drawn from the side of Adam
(Man), Eve was portrayed as a "help-meet"
-- which means very little to the mind of modern man who has been programmed
by our modern transgender culture that promotes intergender-Nonbionary
Self-Identification. In Hebrew the two words that
"help meet" are derived from are the
words "ezer" and the word 'k’enegdo".
Ezer which is commonly
translated as "help" is really a rich
word with a much deeper meaning. In her book
Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains,
“According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the
Hebrew word translated thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a
combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other
meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their
meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in
time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of
both nuances.” Diana Webb in her book
Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining,
"The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these
instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify
because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving.
Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most
frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "
From a biological-spiritual perspective, woman as personified in the allegorical account of Eve, is man's (Adam) most immediate savior. Why? Because in the divided minds of mankind, Wholeness cannot be achieved -- i.e.,
She not only Completes him, but she has the unique ability to draw him up from the excesses of his positively-charged lower nature -- returning back to him the necessary impressions as a mental food on a higher plane, that brings about higher expansion and deepening of mind (see Mystics Perception - Women Created On A Higher Plane Than Men http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#HigherPlane ). Which is why in the Spiritual Communities of the past, all contact with a young female was always chaperoned. To the wise and spiritually enlightened men of the past, what a young woman brings to the marriage is of an immeasurable importance. Again quoting Beverly Campbell: "Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, 'It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him'.”
While woman is equal to her male counterpart, her strengths are from an opposite polarity that Completes the man.
The Eternal Light of Spirit is the direct balance of the Male and Female Polarities of Father and Mother God. The Light itself that is produced, is portrayed as the Son of God -- or, more appropriately the Mind or Logos/Word of God. And this is the Reality of the Trinity that is holographically replicated into every aspect of Creation. Which means that there is nothing but Mind and Consciousness -- and all of Creation exists within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28). When the Gospel of Thomas saying 22 states: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." Not only is all growth and development of mind and spirit brought through the interaction of the Male and Female Polarities that are the seat of Consciousness and direct expressions of the Divine Trinity, but so too are the next subsequent levels of birth that enables a person and a soul to manifest on a Higher Plane of Consciousness and Being. And the process of achieving the subsequent stages of birth are explored in the esoteric teachings of Jesus on the Tree of Life (see http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org ). Therefore, the question must be posed: Did Jesus have a body of esoteric teachings that could only be revealed to a select few? The existence of this esoteric body of knowledge is confirmed in the word: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12).
An important truth is contained in the Epistle of Peter to James where it is stated: "Hear me, brethren and fellow-servants. If we should give the books to all indiscriminately, and they should be corrupted by any daring men, or be perverted by interpretations, as you have heard that some have already done, it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error. Wherefore it is better that they should be with us, and that we should communicate them with all the fore-mentioned care to those who wish to live piously, and to save others." And this is why the most important Gospels were never given into the hands of the Gentiles -- i.e., Thus, Peter writes to James: "Knowing, my brother, your eager desire after that which is for the advantage of us all, I beg and beseech you not to communicate to any one of the Gentiles the books of my preachings which I sent to you, nor to any one of our own tribe before trial; but if any one has been proved and found worthy, then to commit them to him, after the manner in which Moses delivered his books to the Seventy who succeeded to his chair. Wherefore also the fruit of that caution appears even till now. For his countrymen keep the same rule of monarchy and polity everywhere, being unable in any way to think otherwise, or to be led out of the way of the much-indicating Scriptures. For, according to the rule delivered to them, they endeavor to correct the discordances of the Scriptures, if any one, haply not knowing the traditions, is confounded at the various utterances of the prophets. Wherefore they charge no one to teach, unless he has first learned how the Scriptures must be used. And thus they have amongst them one God, one law, one hope." (see Epistle Of Peter And James). The Gentiles not only severely corrupted the copies of the scriptures that they were given -- removing and corrupting the "discordances" which were important catalysts used in the development of the inward-looking aspects of mind -- but more importantly what Peter states is true with respect to their ignorance of the "traditions" within which the whole framework of the scriptures are composed. And like the Sadducees and Pharisees before them who Yeshua/Jesus condemned for throwing away the Key of Knowledge, they did not know the manner in which "...the Scriptures must be used" -- and this remains true even in our present day.
By reading and interpreting the Gospels as historical accounts in the manner of the Pharisees -- instead of using them for their intended purpose as the Key of Knowledge (see The Purpose Of The Scriptures http://GospelCosmology.Ebionite.com#PurposeOfTheScriptures ) -- the body of modern Christian believer are unable to enter into the "narrow strait gate" -- thereby fulfilling the very purpose of the Gospels to enable the lost prodigal sons and daughters to return to the Kingdom by entering through the Edenic Gate of the Kingdom -- the Church itself is led by blind guides who Jesus portrayed as the "spawn of the devil" (see The Devil's Spawn http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com ). Thus, the statement: "'BUT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE PRECEPTS OF MEN'" (Mark 7:7). And because they are dull of hearing and understanding, they cannot be helped by the Lord who has brought about the Restoration of the Original Gospel Teachings that the Church corrupted (see http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com ). And thus, it can again be stated "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22). Saying further: "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" (Luke 12:48). What this means is that those who call themselves Christians, will he held more accountable than those who are not Christians. They will be held more accountable for complacency with respect to seeking Higher Truth. And when proof of corruption has been presented to them, they will be held accountable for the error and corruption they embrace and promote, than the non-believer. With the corruption of the Gospels by the Church, seekers were confronted with great difficulty in their search for Higher Spiritual Truth. If the Gospel Teachings are the vehicle that opens the door to the Kingdom -- and the Kingdom is within us -- then the Church removed the wheels from the vehicle that transports the seeker into Life (see The Death Of The Gospels http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#DeathOfTheGospel ). To resolve this obstacle that the corruption of the Church placed in the path of sincere followers of Jesus, my Soul who in my previous life in the first Century authored the Core Original Gospel, re-entered this world to restore the crucial suppressed teachings that were suppressed by the emperors who ruled over the Church of Rome.
Where the Pharisees looked for the Kingdom to come outwardly, Jesus taught that the Kingdom can only come within you (Luke 17:20-21). Which provokes the question: How is this accomplished? As demonstrated above, in The Second Epistle of Clement, the Gospel of Thomas, and the Gospel of the Nazirenes, the process has been preserved -- i.e., "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." -- which means that you must restore the divided reality of the mind that is personified as the duality of Adam/Man and Eve/Woman. Only then can Wholeness be achieved -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- and only then can the Kingdom Come within the person.
The Gospels continually warns us that the path or the second-birth and entrance into the Kingdom is not easy. The strife of the inner war within ourselves as embodied in the symbols of Armageddon is seen in the words: "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22 NKJ). Thus, in the same way that a woman travails in labor to bring a child into this world, we must ourselves endure the "…many tribulations" of spiritual labor to be born into the Kingdom of God (see The Gate Of Eden http://GateOfEden.com ). Since the Kingdom is within us, and Armageddon is therefore not an historical or outward event -- but more factually, a spiritual event in the life of the disciple in search of Truth -- we must then totally re-evaluate everything we think we know about both the Gospel Message, and the life we are presently living. In fully comprehending these biblical statements in relation to the whole purpose of the teachings of TheWay, let us again examine the definitive statement which conveys to us the very essence of the Gospel -- and especially the Revelation of John: "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Rev 22:14-15). If the text of the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians today, then we must pose the question: Why are those who remain outside the city portrayed as "dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"? Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation described as the "pangs of birth", as he endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural barriers of this world, and "enter through the [INNER] gates into the city". Thereby fulfilling the statement: "Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" (Matt 16:28). With respect to when the Kingdom would come, Peter told the people: ”looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Pet 3:12). Which provokes the question: How could the believers in that time-frame of the first-century, hasten or speed up the coming of the Kingdom, if it was coming externally in the outer world? And if Peter was truly telling the people in the first century that they had the ability to hasten and speed up the coming of the Kingdom, then the body of Gentile believers outside of the original Ebionite Nazirene Community simply do not understand the core Gospel teachings (see The Law Of The Gospels http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com ).
The Physically Transformed Wife Embrace Total Spiritual Transformation:
There is a movement
among conservative Christians to have women vacate the workplace and
restore the family and the home to raise children in the proper
environment that is ordained by God. They correctly
recognize that when the wife is in pursuit of mammon that causes her to
work outside the home, and she permits her children to be raised by
other people -- and especially government schools that train up the
minds of the children in accord with the tenets of Atheism and Marxism -- that both the family and
the children suffer the loss of a proper religious environment,
upbringing and lifestyle. But like the message of the meme,
there is a great deal more to the Transformed wife than what most
Christians understand.
When Jesus was asked why he spoke to the people in the enigma of allegorical parables, he stated in reply: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it. But without a parable He did not speak to them..." (Mark 4:33-34). Why? Because as stated in the meme, the minds of the multitude of people had not yet matured enough to comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. And thus, when Jesus was asked by his disciples as to why he would only speak to the multitude of people in the enigma of parables, he stated: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12). Why? Why could only the few understand what the multitude could not? This same important question can be asked as to what forced Paul to speak to the people he taught the Gospel to as "babes in Christ" -- saying: "...I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3). And when Jesus was asked about the meaning of the parable he warned: Then Jesus said to them, “If you can’t understand the meaning of this parable, how will you understand all the other parables?" (see Mark 4:13). The parable that Jesus was referencing to was The Sower And The Seed http://SowerAndTheSeed.Ebionite.com -- whereby Jesus stated that if you fail to understand this parable, then you will not be able to understand any of the Gospel teachings. Why? Because there is a process to developing the mind -- not only enabling the mind to comprehend man's higher Soul and Spiritual Realities -- but also the Higher Reality of God -- which concepts are incomprehensible to the organic consciousness of mankind. What this means is that the concept of Self and God will be very different among the great multitude of people who are still "babes in Christ" who are only capable of being nourished by the "milk" of the Gospel -- i.e., "...I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal".
Who was the congregation of Christians who Paul was writing to? Paul portrayed these Christians in the words: “I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way -- in all your speaking and in all your knowledge -- because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed” (1 Cor 1:4-7). Yet, in the second chapter of the very same Epistle Paul warns these believers who have been given all knowledge and testimony of Christ: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14). Paul then goes on and warns these believers of a natural mind who were baptized and dedicated to Christ: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1). Thus, these believers could only be taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they had not yet evolves through the transformational process into spiritual men -- but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”. Paul then explains that while they believed in the physical man Jesus -- i.e., “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2), they have yet to evolve to maturity that enables them to receive the "solid food" of the Gospel, which is the "spiritual knowledge" that could only be received directly from The One Teacher ( http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher ). What should be troubling to the modern believer is that Paul openly admits that the baptized and confirmed Christians at Corinth -- people who had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and received the gifts of the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues -- people who were not taught by preachers and priests, but the Apostle himself -- were not yet able to understand and comprehend what Paul referred to as the Mysteries of the Gospel of God.
What this means is that while you may call yourself a Christian -- and with your lips, proclaim Christ -- it it the thoughts of your heart and your ability to enter in through the "narrow gate" (see Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis ), that will be the determining factor. Which means that your understanding of the spiritual meaning of the Gospel that Paul could not reveal to the baptized and committed Christians at Corinth, will be in accord with the condition of your thoughts and impressions that have the ability to spawn the transformational process -- i.e., "But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred" (Mark 4:8). Only by becoming the "good ground" that is refined and provides a nourishing environment for the Word to grow, can the levels of advancement be achieved one at a time -- i.e., "some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred" And what this requires is for a person to live in accord with the Gospel teachings in word, thought, desire and deed -- often portrayed as picking up one's own cross and travailing in the example set forth in the footsteps of Jesus as TheWay (see The Cross You Must Bear To Your Own Crucifixion http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#TheCross ). And only as you carry the burden of your own spiritual crucifixion, can the process of intellectual transformation and anointing begin to take place in accord with the level you are at -- i.e., "some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred".
In the case of the Transformed Wife, abandoning the workplace and returning to her place in the home is just the beginning of the process of transformation. As for the reason why the woman must return to her feminine domain as wife and mother, this is necessary for her development which will enable her to begin to comprehend the wisdom and knowledge of the Spiritually Transformed Wife -- i.e., “Unto the Transformed Wife it is given to know the feminine role in understanding the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are in the commercial workplace, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” . And as once again stated in the meme: "But what if one day women lose that power of feminine spiritual intuition that is able to connect with the Divine Mother that enables them to transform their husbands as a Spiritual Wife, and they revert to a life as a physical wife and female/mother caretaker of the family"?
As stated in the meme, one cannot just read the scriptures literally to understand the meaning. Thus, Paul stated to the baptized believers that he himself had instructed: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3). When we instruct elementary school students, we present the information in an age and grade-level appropriate manner. Why? Because their minds have yet to develop to the necessary level of maturity. Therefore, we would not even attempt to teach elementary school students such advanced subjects as physics, trigonometry and calculus at an age level where they must first learn basic math. And that the consciousness of organic man is too immature to comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the spiritual meaning of the scriptures, is why Paul warned that the account of Jesus and the crucifixion is "milk" designed for "babes in Christ" (see http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#animal ) -- wherein he warned that if he even attempted to convey the Higher Truth to the baptized and confirmed Christians who he personally taught and instructed, that they would reject the spiritual meaning of the Gospels as utter "foolishness" -- i.e., “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14). Why? Because the higher reality of the Soul is beyond the limitations of natural organic human comprehension. What this means is that whatever was literally written with respect to the historical Gospel traditions -- i.e., the understanding drawn from the literal words/text presented in the scriptures and epistles -- was for the nourishment of immature believers who were incapable of comprehending the spiritual meaning of the Gospel. A more in-depth understanding of how the scriptures must be read, is explored a the subheading: The New Covenant Mindset http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#NewCovenantMindset .
Jesus had to open the minds of his disciples in order for them to understand the spiritual meaning of the allegorical texts -- i.e., "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45). Jesus could not open the minds of the crowds of the people who came to learn from him, because they had yet to begin the transformational process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that is necessary for the person to comprehend man's higher spiritual reality. And as someone whose mind was opened and anointed, the Apostle Peter is quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement where he warned those who attempt to read the scriptures literally: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". If we ask the question: What is being said to the believer who desires to be faithful to the Gospel Teachings? By design, the scriptures cannot be understood by the organic mind of man. And this fact is confirmed when Peter stated: "when the law of God (scriptures) is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind"? Why? Because the scriptures are composed in a symbolic allegorical language that can only be interpreted and understood by the inward-looking Intuitive spheres of mind. The outward-looking Linear spheres of man's organic consciousness attempts to interpret all things literally and historically -- which is why Peter warns that "...For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself". Further, Peter warns that "...For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". What this means is that if you attempt to interpret the scriptures in accord with a Biblical Commentary -- or in accord with the teachings of a Church -- or from your own human thought-perspective -- that you will not only fail to understand the meaning of the scriptures, but you will alienate and disenfranchise your mind from the true spiritual meaning. Why? Because the scriptures are composed in the allegorical language of the Soul that employs allegorical catalysts that are used to develop the inward-looking Intuitive Spheres of Mind that enable you to be directly taught by the True Prophet who is portrayed as The One Teacher http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher .
Those who came to listen to Jesus could only be taught parables, because their minds had yet to begin the transformative process. If they continued to listen to Jesus, and began to live a more spiritually oriented mindset and lifestyle as portrayed in the "good ground" that the person must become, only then did their mental transformation begin to take place that enabled them to understand beyond the level of what Paul portrayed as "babes in Christ". And only then were they able to begin to understand the spiritual meaning of the Gospel teachings that organic man is blind to. In much the same way, so long as women remained in the commercial workplace focused on mammon, it will remain virtually impossible for them to understand their own higher spiritual reality. And when they begin to return home to live in accord with the Gospel role of wife and mother, that is only the beginning of the transformational process. In recognition of the foregoing words of Peter that "...when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind", what this means is that Adam and Eve do not represent persons in our distant family tree -- but rather, the division and separation of the two halves of the One Mind that together, has the capacity to begin the process of the restoration of Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). But to begin this restoration, the husband and wife must go beyond the physical level of joining, and bring about the duality of mind and spirit through the transformative process. In the allegorical account of Genesis, when Eve was drawn from the side of Adam, the mind of mankind became divided across the polarities of male and female. What this means is woman is not only a part of the man, but she is his other half of the Mind that has been separated and removed from his male polarity -- i.e., biblically portrayed as a "help-meet" (see Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior http://SoulSelf.org#HelpMeet ). But few people actually understand what this term "help-meet" means.
When man therefore meets woman, it is in reality one half of the mind meeting the other or opposite half -- both of them divided opposites with greatly differing perceptions and abilities -- and if they unite as Husband and Wife in a Consecrated Coverture Marriage Union, they are then able to open the door to restoring Wholeness. Mankind as allegorically portrayed as AdamEve, were separated into Adam and Eve, so that the positive (male) polarity of mind could directly interact with the negative (female) polarity of mind, which enabled them to develop and embrace the process of transformation that enables them to understand that higher reality that Jesus could not openly teach the multitudes who came to him. In the same way that a physical embryo begins to develop through the interaction of the male and female polarities in the joining, the same is true on a mental level where the mind begins the process of mental-expansion beyond organic "natural" consciousness. And it was the lack of the transformative process that caused Paul to be limited in his teaching of the confirmed and baptized Christians to a level of comprehension that he portrayed as "milk" for "babes in Christ" that could not yet receive the "solid food" of the Gospel teachings. And from a feminine perspective, this process began when the woman abandoned the workplace and returned to her biblical role as wife and mother in a Consecrated Coverture Marriage Union. But in order for the process of transformation to begin to take place, both the man and the woman must open their mind to the higher spiritual reality that they could not previously receive and comprehend when they could only understand the "milk" of the Gospel designed for "babes in Christ" that had yet to permit their minds to develop by becoming the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed.
Woman is the "help-meet" of the man, because she is the catalyst for his own development through her transformative abilities. But fulfilling her role as wife, is just the preliminary part of the process. As a woman, her mind is imbued with greater intuitive abilities than her husband. This gives here the ability to fulfill the role of the necessary catalyst that can receive the higher impressions from The One Teacher http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher that is striving to "open their understanding" of the man and woman within a Spiritual Marriage -- i.e., "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures"
and the higher realities of life (Luke 24:45). And while some women are able to intuitively sense their higher potential and reality within a Spiritual Marriage -- and their transformative nature enables them and their husbands to spiritually develop -- others are inhibited because the teachings on the role of women was suppressed, corrupted and even removed from the Gospels. In the original Gospels that were composed in Hebrew Characters (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish–Christian_gospels ), the Holy Spirit is the Feminine Power -- and in the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Holy Spirit is portrayed as the true mother of Jesus (see Wikipedia). Quoting: "The theological conception of this Gospel is dominated by Jewish–Christian Wisdom Theology. Wisdom is represented in this Gospel by the Holy Spirit who is called 'Mother'". And when the allegorical meaning of the virgin birth is understood, it is the subsequent non-physical birth that each Christian must bring about in their own lives.That mankind is created in the "image and likeness of God", means that woman has receive both the superior intuitive abilities and the transformative abilities of Mother-God or the Holy Spirit. And in the same way that her feminine physical transformative attributes permits her to bear offspring, her mental and spiritual transformative attributes permit her to be a catalyst through which the Holy Spirit works to refine and transform the course earthly nature and consciousness of her husband -- but only within the environment of a Consecrated Spiritual Coverture Marriage Union where the two have become "one flesh". Many women will respond: I don't see this feminine ability in the Gospels. But the feminine role was suppressed by the Gentile Church, and is found in the early writings. Clement was a disciple of the Apostle Peter who had himself been asked the crucial question as to when the Kingdom would come. What Clement stated is that Jesus was asked this very question, but upon examination of our Gospels, the answer that Jesus provided was removed and is no longer in the Gospels. Wherein, in his Second Epistle, Clement answered this inquiry by quoting the account of when Jesus was asked this very same question when he wrote: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. Thus, when "...the male with the female, neither male nor female’”, what is being portrayed is the restoral of the original Alpha-Man which was separated in the division of Adam and Eve, which can be portrayed as AdamEve.
What Clement -- the disciple of Peter who is claimed by the Church as the fourth pope in succession of Peter -- is stating in accord with the Original teachings of Jesus, is that when the seeker/believer brings this condition about which they should "expect... hour by hour" to come, that the predicted and expected Kingdom will come within them as promised. When Jesus was asked about the coming of the Kingdom, it is stated with respect to those who had achieved the necessary Wholeness: "Then Jesus said to them, Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God arrive with power" (Mark 9:1). Those who embraced the teachings of Jesus and achieved the necessary Wholeness, experienced the Kingdom coming within their own mind and being. In fact, in his Second Epistle, the Apostle Peter states that when the Kingdom comes, it is in accord with the application of this teaching when he wrote that believers should be ”looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Pet 3:12). Which means that the coming of the Kingdom was totally up to each person -- that they could "hasten" or speed up the coming of the Kingdom -- with the proper application of the above teaching of Jesus in their own lives -- which would enable the believer to overcome what is personified as Original Sin. And if we pose the question as to why this would be portrayed as Original Sin? The answer would be: The condition presented is the very purpose that everyone is born into this life to resolve -- which could only be resolved by closely following the teaching of Jesus.
What this means is that every person who professes to believe in the teachings of Jesus, must decide for themselves if they believe they are exempt from this important teaching because it was removed from the copies of the Gospels which the Church promotes? But in opposition to the dogma of the Church that rejects the teaching of Jesus that the Kingdom is within us, and will never come upon the earth so as to be seen outwardly (Luke 17:20-21), in this suppressed teaching of the Gospel the Kingdom can only come when the Wholeness of Man and Woman as allegorical personified in the allegorical account of Adam and Eve, are restored in the merger of "'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.
It is important to recognize that when Clement wrote the above teaching of Jesus in his Epistle to a congregation of Christians, he did so in the expectation that the congregation of Christians to whom he was writing would understand the great truths he was presenting to them. That the Kingdom or End Times would and could only come, when the teaching of Jesus is fulfilled in the person's life where "...two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. That this same teaching which was removed from the Gospels, has been also preserved in the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas where it states: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom".
Modern languages are for the most part devoid of spiritual depth. To morph, is to transform. Which means that when a woman embraces the process of Transformation, she has transformed from a previous reality of manifestation. A caterpillar morphs or transforms into a butterfly. In the same way that our mind is the etheric atmosphere that surrounds and interacts through the physical body, when a man and woman connect with the man's DNA in a sexual exchange (see Study), this creates a permanent connection between the man and woman. In a Coverture-Marriage Union where the husband and wife live as One in a Consecrated Life together as seekers the Kingdom within -- and as they develop, openly and freely exchanging opposite-polarity Spiritual-Impressions in pursuit of Higher Truth -- this creates what can be portrayed as a Spiritual Atmosphere or Personal Unique Morphic-Field that immerses the husband and wife in a protective Spiritual Cocoon. In the same way that the embryo at conception, unifies the 23 chromosomes of the mother with the 23 chromosomes of the father to spawn growth and development, the Spiritual Atmosphere or Morphic-Field permits the Male/Husband and Female/Wife halves of the Mind to directly interact -- acting as a cocoon for the two opposite halves to intimately interact -- thereby enabling joined-opposites to evolve in a Morphic-Transformation of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. In the same way that the two halves of the heart function together in the exchange of the one blood, the Husband and Wife possess the ability to become a Spiritual-Embryo where there is a High-Level exchange of Impressions and Thoughts -- generated by the one, transformed in the opposite polarity, and returned on a higher mental-plane -- whereby crucial Impressions of the husband is developed in the wife -- and crucial Impressions of the wife are developed in the husband -- thereby transforming the Spiritual-Embryo into what can be portrayed as a Spiritual-Fetus preparing the two halves to bring about the next subsequent stage of Spiritual Birth -- i.e., the disciples asked Jesus: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom".
Is Not The Same:
In our modern culture which attempts to negate the important differences
between male and female, young girls are raised totally ignorant and even
alienated from their
great expanse of feminine abilities of mind that is essential to the
transformative mental power of mankind.
Mystics and Spiritual Visionaries portray woman as being created on a
higher plane because of her transformative nature -- transformative in
her ability to bring about physical birth -- transformative in her
ability to bring about mental-birth -- and transformative in her ability
to bring about spiritual-birth. Yet, our modern culture conceals
and suppresses all knowledge of woman's triune-transformative abilities,
and attempts to portray her as an
Androgynous Person (identifying and/or
presenting her as neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine
person) -- with the only difference being in her reproductive role.
One of the greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must re-learn, is that equal does not mean the same. Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of the long ignored book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote: "Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behavior is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie". The key to the dilemma that confronts us today is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture: "What you will read in this book about the differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence". The book then goes on to embrace the very real statement that "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke."
More recently another (female) researcher named Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind. Dr. Brizendine, whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, added: "There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality. I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us. I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men. If women attend to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their lives."
Not only do women perceive the world differently and even opposite from men, but their unique feminine abilities and attributes of mind, are of the most importance in the mental development and evolution of their male counterparts. To the degree that it can be said that a man without a woman, is synonymous with a sperm without an ovum. And therein lies the problem with respect to the necessary choice and freewill that is the developmental factor in the process of mental-expansion. Men must rely upon women not only for her physical reproductive ability, but also her mental-reproductive and spiritual-reproductive abilities that without, he will remain mentally and spiritually desolate and flat-lined. While our culture has attempted to portray woman as being able to do anything a man can do, in reality woman by her nature cannot easily do what is easy and natural for a man, because by design a woman can do what a man cannot -- therefore, equal does not mean that the two halves of the gender equation are the same -- and their opposite realities and unique abilities are the most important.
In many respects, the focus of cultural life for a girl, is in her visual and sexual appearance. Nearly every day I get a Friend request from women on FaceBook wanting to know if I want to see the woman's breasts. Modern women dress in order to put their sexuality on display. But in reality, a woman is a great deal more than her physical appearance. In the allegorical account of Genesis, Eve was drawn from the side of Adam -- thereby rendering man and woman the mental other half of each other. What this means is that men and women possess intellectual facilities, abilities and attributes that are either absent or suppressed in the opposite sex -- and only together can transformative-advancement and wholeness be achieved. When a man meets a woman, the encounter is not so much as his meeting a prospective sexual partner -- but rather, he is encountering the other half of his own mind that has been suppressed by his male consciousness -- and in his meeting with woman, he is presented with the opportunity to seek his destiny and become restored to Wholeness. Which provokes a number of important questions: Will the man remain limited in his cognitive abilities? Because his mind is half of the Whole, the question must be asked whether the man will remain mentally impaired and spiritually dead? And if the question is posed to me: How can I portray a man as spiritually dead? On a physical level, I can use the example of the sperm and ovum with the question: What is the future of the consciousness of a sperm that fails to bond with an ovum? And while such a statement may seem to be absurd to many. These questions can only be understood when the Divine Pattern of Life and Creation is understood.
If the sperm and ovum of a man and woman did not divide and split, so that an embryo could be formed, then birth would be impossible. And if after the initial first birth when each of us emerged out of the womb of our mothers, if the generative power of the soul failed to divide and split in the womb of Mother-Earth -- producing what can be portrayed as a Mental-Sperm and a Mental-Ovum that has the ability to initiate the transformative power of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening, then neither could the next stage of Mental or Soul-Birth be brought about as mankind advances up the rungs of the proverbial Jacob's Ladder (see The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental Advancement http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#LawOFJacobsLadder ). When a sperm encounters an ovum, the sperm is confronted by everything that it is not. When the sperm joins and unites with the ovum, the joining possesses the possibility of initiating a super-accelerated growth process that rapidly forms a physical body. What is true on the physical level, is also true on a mental level -- and in meeting woman, the man has encountered the presence of all that he is not, and all that he needs to mentally and spiritually develop beyond the immature levels of male-organic consciousness. In accord with the Threefold Divine Pattern, in the same way that birth can be brought about when a man and woman come together physically in sexual intercourse, the same pattern is true on the subsequent mental and spiritual levels of development. But, in order for this super-accelerated growth process to be initiated, the union of opposites must be on a mental-level of commitment and merger. While sexual intercourse creates a connection between the man and woman (see Never Have Sex With Someone You Don't Want To Become http://Lilith.Nazirene.org#SexualImmorality ), unless there is a joining on the mental level, the process of super-accelerated mental development cannot be brought about. While the sexual union of man and woman opens the door of opportunity for mental advancement, so long at the union remains limited to the physical and/or emotional, mental advancement will be inhibited. In the same way that the union of man and woman must exist on a physical level in order to commence the process of physical birth, the same is true with respect to the joining of opposites on a mental level. The man must approach his wife as an opportunity for advancement through the initial joining that has the potential to restore and bring about Wholeness of Mind. Without man's recognition that woman can see and understand everything that he is blind to -- and vice versa -- and both desire to seek Higher Consciousness and Higher Truth by bringing about Wholeness of Mind -- then the true potential of advancement cannot be achieved -- and the relationship will remain on the physical. @@@
On the level of mind, the consciousness of organic man can be portrayed as that of a mental-sperm encountering a mental-ovum that without his opposite half, he will remain in death from the perspective of advancement. All cells possess a level of consciousness. Yet, the consciousness of a sperm can rightly be portrayed as existing in death, because the sperm-consciousness without its other half, is limited and desolate. Holographically, what is true on a physical level, is also true on a mental and spiritual level -- and with his own feminine mental abilities suppressed, the male will remain in a type of death with respect to advancement and his ability to fulfill his destiny. And when properly understood on a mental level, the opportunity of man meeting woman presents the same opportunity of a sperm meeting an ovum. The consciousness of a sperm without an ovum, is organically limited and flat-lined. And this is also true on the subsequent level of mind where a male (soul-generated mental-sperm) meets a woman (soul-generated mental-ovum).
The Feminine Womb is an environment of growth and development. After each stage of birth, we enter a Womb that is associated with our needs at that stage of development.
must develop from organic consciousness. must learn about the law and marriage to advance, to prepare for puberty.
Origen On The Development Of the Soul: In the same way that the Natural Laws -- or the Laws of Nature have insured the continuation of life through the process of forming a fetus in the womb of it's mother that brings about the process of birth, these same Natural Laws have insured the necessary mental-evolution that enables the subsequent stage of mental-birth to be naturally brought about. But therein lies the problem, as seen in the fact that mental development and birth is not a cookie-cutter process as in the standard formation of the physical body with arms, legs, head and organs. Mental birth is dependent upon the (1) exercise of choice and freewill; and (2) the living out of the choices each person has made; (3) which is necessary to gain experiential knowledge. Further, mental birth requires the process of (1) starting over; and a (2) reversal of opposites; after the person has lived out the previous choices and exercise of freewill. In the words of the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen: "The soul has neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or demerits. Its work in this world determines its place in the world which is to follow this..." This process of growth and development of Mind through the living of many lives, is brought about not only through each person's choices and exercise of freewill with respect to that Soul being "...strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life" which earn that Soul "...Its place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or demerits" which are earned and achieved in the lives the Soul has lived, but also the reversal of a person's choices -- and especially the living out of how the person has treated their brother's and sisters -- i.e., as you do to others, the same will be returned back to you. Thus, mental development can only be brought about via the living of experiences that each person has chosen -- and experiencing the effects of those choices that the person has made towards others (see http://ChristianReincarnation.org ).
While the Gospels were corrupted by the Gentile Church, and the teaching on the pre-existent Soul was removed -- see The Corruption Of The Gospel Texts http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#GospelCorruptions -- the teaching noted by Origen where each Soul enters life "...strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life" is still taught in Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#SpiritualDNA . The living of the necessary Consecrated Life necessary to understand the spiritual meaning of the Gospel teachings is taught at Spiritual DNA And The Sower And The Seed http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#SowerAndSeed . The ability overcome the Three (3) causes of Organic Blindness is explored at The Three Causes Of Human Blindness http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#ThreeCausesOfHumanBlindness . This condition of organic human blindness which is portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, is noted in the Gospel of Thomas where it states: His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." Thus, organic man is blind to the Kingdom that is "spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." That Souls who fail to fulfill the requirements of the Law that Jesus taught -- see The Law Of The Gospels http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com -- is taught in TheCall To The Wedding Banquette http://TheCall.Nazirene.org where it states: "Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and throw him into the outer darkness; there is where the weeping and grinding of teeth will be.' For many are called, but few chosen." (Matt 22:1-14). This sub-realm is the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son -- and is the "outer darkness" of mind and being that causes organic blindness from a lack of mental and spiritual development.
The Natural Laws And Mental Birth: In order to bring about the subsequent stage of Mental-Birth, it is hopeful that the person understands the Natural Laws that each person must evolve through and navigate, as well as the blueprint or cosmology of mind that each person must perfect, in order to bring about the necessary mental-expansion that enables the person to experience the next stage of Mental-Birth. While the interaction of the physical Laws bring about the development of a fetus in the womb of it's mother, the Laws that orchestrate Mental-Birth that function in accord with the person's choices and exercise of freewill, is far more complex. Jesus taught his disciples how to fulfill the Natural Laws that brings about the development of the Mind through the Anointing of the person's Consciousness, and how to fulfill the basic Laws through the teachings in the Sermon on the Mount -- see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj_X0rdBQDM -- see also http://videos.nazirene.org/TheEsotericSermonOnTheMount.htm . And in the same way that the fetus must develop according to the Natural Laws, so too must the mind of the person achieve the next stage of birth by fulfilling the Law as Jesus taught his disciples -- see The Law Of The Gospels http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com . Therefore, what we portray as the Facts of Life are in reality, a portrayal of the Natural Laws that are holographically replicated into each level of Creation and Organic Reality. What this means is that what is true with respect to the gender opposites on a physical level, is also true of the gender opposites on a mental level, and is also true on a spiritual level. Which means that the conditions of birth that are true with respect to a physical embryo, is also true with respect to a mental embryo, and again true on the level of a spiritual embryo. Yet, there is no such discussion of the Fact of Life that is holographically replicated and true on every level of our mind and being. How then can the child be prepared for the life it is about to live?
On a basic level of the Laws, the parent or care-giver describes to the child how the seed of the man is deposited in the womb of the woman to create a child that develops and is then born as their brother or sister. But what is not presented in this discussion, and is not understood by the vast majority of people, is the Facts of the Laws with respect to what is true on the physical level of being, is also true on the mental and spiritual levels of being. But sadly, most children who are approaching puberty are never told about the Facts of Life from a Mental or Spiritual perspective. What this means is that while there is a physical expression of sex and the facts of life that the parent is conveying to the child approaching puberty, there is also a mental expression of sex and the facts of life, as well as a spiritual expression of sex and the facts of life. Therefore, those who were taught the facts of life from a traditional perspective, are never told that if a person approaching puberty understands the Mental Facts of Life, that their marriage to their spouse can open the door to the greatest mental-learning and mental-enlightening opportunity that can elevate the man and woman to levels far beyond traditional religion, or the limited academic universities of this world. More importantly, they are never told that their choice of a spouse has the potential to unlock the mental vault within them -- a vault containing richness far beyond the pseudo-riches of this world.
What this means is that the person's physical birth is the first segment or quarter of the birth process -- and when Jesus said: Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:1-2), he confirmed the fact that a series of actions must be repeated on the subsequent levels of mind and being, to complete the process of birth. And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that the process of mental growth and development is much more complex than physical birth and development. Why? On a physical level, one sexual encounter can begin the process of birth. In contradistinction, the process of mental birth is not a cookie-cutter event that produces a standard and uniform physical body with universal physical attributes for the Soul to be born into. On a mental level, there is no uniform or cookie-cutter mind. Therefore, mental birth and development must be in accord with (1) the exercise of freewill and the choices a person makes in their developmental stages; (2) the Causal-Factors that provokes each person's exercise of freewill and choice they make during each stage and level of mental-development; (3) and especially the beliefs that each person has adopted which influence their exercise of freewill and choice. In the formation of a physical embryo, the male-attributes combine with the female-attributes -- and in the exchange of opposites, they form cells that balance the united DNA of both mother and father. Every cell that forms the physical body, is an equal expression and balance of the DNA of the mother and father. Which means that the DNA of one parent, does not -- and cannot, dominate the DNA of the other parent. But this is not the case with respect to the growth and development of mind where it is common for the male-linear impressions and thoughts to reject the female-intuitive impressions and thoughts. To the degree that there are countless marriages where the only thing the marriage partners have in common, is sex and children. And this rejection of opposite polarity or opposing thoughts and concepts has evolved into our modern Cancel Culture which totally rejects opposite perspectives and opinions -- often portraying the opposite perspective as the embodiment of evil. And therein lies the greatest obstacle to completing the next subsequent stage of the birth process as seen in the fact that, a mind that is shackled to error, is inhibited from developing, until the person is released from the shackles of that belief. And in a great number of cases, only the person's physical death can BEGIN THE PROCESS of releasing them from the beliefs they embraced during the life they lived (see The Astral Realm Hell http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#TheAstralRealmHell ).
When a woman is pregnant, the pregnancy always has a Causal-Factor with respect to the Laws and Actions that brought about her pregnancy. A Causal-Factor is the preceding mindset or actions that created the event that a person is experiencing (see The Causal Factors Of Life http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org ). The child's genetics, race, and gender can be portrayed as Causal-Factors from a purely physical perspective. And while these physical factors are straightforward, the Causal-Factors on the level of mind is far more complex. Those few who understand the Natural Laws as expressed in the Deist portrayal of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, understand that the events in every person's life has been orchestrated by the Causal-Factors which preceded the present event, which is designed to bring about a predetermined objective -- which outcome is subject to the choices and freewill of the person. Therefore, it is important to understand both the preceding events, as well as the projected purpose, in order to consciously understand the objective of what you are experiencing. And this is why the man Jesus taught his followers the Natural Laws that monitor and orchestrate the lives that every person is presently living (see Spiritual Meaning And Fulfillment Of The Law http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#SpiritualMeaningOfTheLaw ).
In the case of a pregnant woman, there had to be a man whose sperm was deposited in her vagina, that brought about her pregnancy. The sperm of the man united with the ovum of the woman -- that every cell which formed the body was the absolute balance of the DNA of the man and woman -- and in the joining, an embryo was created that began to develop the physical body that evolves to the level where the child can be born into this world. And this process of birth -- beginning with the attraction of the male and female to each other -- as well as the attraction of a Soul who will incarnate into that life -- is totally controlled by the Natural Laws of this world which, ON A PHYSICAL LEVEL, brought about and orchestrated the conditions of birth. Which means that, among other things, every Soul has chosen the life they are presently living -- and the conditions of that life with respect to the Causal-Factors that has orchestrated that life that the person is presently living and experiencing. And what this also means is that when we blame others for the conditions of the life that we are presently living -- without understanding our own past actions that orchestrated that life -- that we are blaming others for our own previous actions.
Wholeness And Mental-Birth: If the man and woman were wise enough to understand the Natural Laws that brought the process of physical birth about -- and they applied this knowledge of the Natural Laws to the level of mind, they would then begin to understand the next subsequent stage of birth that Jesus portrayed when he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). On a physical level, Wholeness is achieved when every cell is the balanced expression of the DNA from the mother and father. And what Jesus was confirming was the fact that those people who understood the Laws of the Physical, and SUCCESSFULLY applied this knowledge of the Laws on a Mental and Spiritual Level of their Being, had the opportunity to achieved a Condition of Wholeness by achieving and bringing about the subsequent stages of birth wherein the male-thoughts are perfectly joined with the female-thoughts, and raised to a higher plane with Oneness of Thought is achieved. Thus, those who understood the Natural Laws, and could consciously balance the opposite polarities of mind, did not need a physician. While those who did not understand the Natural Laws, and how the Mental DNA needed to be expressed on every level of their Mind and Being, were in need of the Physician to both heal them, and release them from the shackles of their Cultural Ignorance.
To understand the Causal-Factors
predicated by the Natural Laws on the physical level, is
the same as on the mental and spiritual levels of mind and being.
Which means that if you understand the (Natural) Laws that exist on
man's physical reality, these same Laws exist on the Mental and Spiritual
levels of man's reality. And from the
perspective of sex, what this means is that
in the same way that sperm and ovum came together to form the embryo
that your physical body emerged from, when you were born in this world
you entered the next level of birth as either what can be portrayed as a
Mental-Sperm or
Mental-Ovum in the womb of Mother Earth. Which means that what has
been traditionally portrayed as the
Facts of Life, is relevant not only on a physical level, but also on every level of your development. And
to our own demise, this is a reality that our culture is totally ignorant of. But what this
also means is that Academia, Science, mainstream Religion and Culture, is doing
more to inhibit man's mental and spiritual development, than to in any
manner advance it. And while Jesus taught the need to bring about
the subsequent stages of birth -- stating,
"We must through many tribulations enter
the kingdom of God"
(Acts 14:22), few people who claim to believe in his
teachings, understand the nature of the tribulations. To the degree
that the tribulations associated with the birth process is often
portrayed as Armageddon -- which is defined as:
"the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces
of good and evil".
Not to
lessen the fact that in every instance where the proverbial events of
what has come to be known as Armageddon has been portrayed in scripture
as something to be feared, there is another element to the theological
equation that is rarely ever mentioned or discussed. What if
what is portrayed as Armageddon is in reality the person overcoming
their own duality in the process of birth? This can be
demonstrated by simply examining how we translate Matthew 24:8, where
the King James Bible states that Armageddon is the
"…beginning of sorrows";
the New Living Translation states it is
"…the beginning of the horrors
to come"; with the correct and little used
interpretation by those who stand on our street corners proclaiming that
we should repent being found in the Revised Standard Version where it
reads that
"…all this is but the beginning of the
When the sperm and ovum form an embryo and initiate the birth process, what we have is duality overcome. And when rightly understood, the same Laws holographically express themselves on a Mental and Spiritual level, which means that Armageddon is the duality overcome in "the beginning of the birth-pangs" -- with the process being the "many tribulations [necessary to] enter the kingdom of God". Where the first stage of birth is on a physical level, the next stage is on a mental-level, and again on a spiritual-level which is allegorically portrayed as the Virgin Birth as confirmed in the Original Gospels written in Hebrew Characters where Jesus said: "My mother the Holy Spirit" -- and only then can we prevail over the Laws and complete the process of birth in what is portrayed as the Resurrection -- wherein the prodigal son has attained the level of Wholeness and Completion necessary to return and be restored to the Edenic Kingdom. But sadly, what this also means, is that because the Natural laws that Jesus taught his followers were not understood by the gentiles, the Church changed the original teachings into a prayer that has nothing in common with fulfilling the Natural Laws that bring about the process of birth that Jesus taught to his original followers. And because the vast majority of gentiles did not at all understand the Natural Laws (see The Law Of The Gospels http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com ), they rejected and condemned those followers who Jesus personally taught as heretics (see The Ebionite Heresy http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com#TheEbioniteHeresy ). When Paul attempted to explain to the baptized and confirmed Christians at Corinth, the spiritual meaning of the Gospels and the threefold process of birth, he warned them that because they were still of a carnal (physical) mind, he could only speak to them as "babes in Christ" -- saying: "...I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal". And this is why because of their inability to understand the Natural Laws, many of the gentiles condemned the Ebionite Nazirenes who Jesus personally taught, and why the modern faith-based believer will reject what I will write in the below.
When Jesus was asked why he only spoke to the people in the enigma of parables, he explained: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12). Until the primary divisions of Male and Female -- and what can be portrayed as the Heavenly and Earthly spheres of mind is overcome and united within you, and Wholeness of Mind is brought about as portrayed in the words: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- the earthly personality you are will remain incapable of comprehending their own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality that is crucial to what Jesus portrayed as to "...know the mystery of the kingdom of God". Why? Division and Duality of mind inhibits the necessary mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that enables the person to comprehend their own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality.
The Formation Of A Mental-Embryo:
In the allegorical account of Genesis, when Eve was drawn from the side
of Adam, what is being personified is the fact that the mind of mankind became divided across the polarities of male
and female when we entered this world. Therefore, when man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the
mind meeting and interacting with the other or opposite half -- both of them divided
opposites with greatly differing perceptions and abilities. And in
the same way that the intimate sexual interaction of man and woman on a
physical level can join and create an embryo through the joining and
merger of a sperm and ovum, so too can the intimate
mental interaction and joining together of man and woman have the
capacity to create what can be portrayed as a
Mental-Embryo that is able to expand the consciousness of the joined
male/female halves of Mind -- and with development create a
Mental-Fetus, and initiate the next stage of Mental-Birth.
How? Because the Natural Laws and the Divine Pattern of Creation
is holographically replicated into every level of Creation -- physical,
mental and spiritual.
When man meets woman, sex becomes a catalyst that
has the ability to connect and join the
two halves of the Mind (see
http://BrotherOfJesus.org#study ). And as halves of the
whole, the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a
strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength
of the man -- and together they can conquer all obstacles which they
encounter in their advancement to Wholeness and Perfection. In
fact, if a man and woman dwell on an island and come together as husband
and wife to fulfill the Natural Laws, there is no Truth or Knowledge
that they will have to learn from another (external) source in this world, to enter
into Higher Life in the Kingdom, Together. When the Natural Laws
are understood, all religious paths can be portrayed as the faux-paths
that Jesus portrayed in the words:
who came before Me were thieves and robbers"
(John 10:8). Thieves and robbers attempt alternative means, than
by fulfilling the Laws as Jesus taught. Again in the portrayal of
the faux-religious paths: "From
the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been
subject to violence, and the violent lay claim to it"
11:12). How does someone seek to
enter the Kingdom via
"violence, and the violent lay claim to it"?
By seeking the Kingdom without fulfilling the Natural Laws that brings
about the necessary Wholeness that opens the
"narrow gate" within them -- see Spiritual Osmosis And The
Narrow Gate
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis .
In the words of Jesus: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Therefore, if the man and woman unite as Husband and Wife in a Consecrated Marriage Union that brings about Oneness, only then are they able to open the inner door to restoring Wholeness. How? So long as the two halves of the mind remain separated across the spectrum of a divided man and woman, Wholeness cannot be achieved -- which is why it is stated in the Gospel of Philip: “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more”. In the same way that on a physical level when man and woman come together there is the possibility of a genetic offspring being born through the merger of sperm and ovum, the same is true with respect to the Laws and our mental and spiritual levels of being. The divided consciousness of organic man or woman can only grasp an immature level of mankind's higher reality of Soul and Spirit. In order to comprehend mankind's higher reality, it is necessary to bring about the process of the joining of a Mental-Sperm and Mental-Ovum to create a Mental-Embryo -- which has the capacity to bring about the transformational process of Mental-Expansion and Spiritual-Deepening. And in the same way that this expansion on a physical level was through the joining of sperm and ovum to create a physical embryo, the man and woman on the level of mind must join as a Mental-Sperm and Mental-Ovum to form a Mental-Embryo in their Union as "one flesh" and "one mind". Thereby rebinding the divided Adam and Eve into a restored AdamEve.
What this means is that there are certain powers and abilities that are more manifest in the male polarity or half of the mind, while other, often opposite powers and abilities, are manifest in the female polarity or half of the mind. Which means that there are certain realties that man will understand better than woman, and other realities that woman will understand better than a man. And it is crucial to recognize that many Higher Concepts can only be comprehended, when the two halves bring the divided realties together as One. Therefore, only when Wholeness and Oneness is brought about across the gender divide, can the Mind of Man perceive and understand with Higher Knowledge that is beyond the comprehension of divided men and women.
The Gospels teach that there are two ways -- portrayed as the "broad-way" and the "narrow" path into Life. To understand the Two Ways and the difference between what can be portrayed as the New and Old Covenants, one must understand the two foundational paradigms of human consciousness -- which is based upon the premise: (1) Is an infant's mind empty and in need of being filled with the wisdom and knowledge of mankind? (2) Or, is every infant a Seed-Of-Self that is an extension of an inner un-manifest source of mind and consciousness that many portray as our True or Soul-Self (see http://SoulSelf.org ) -- who is itself an expression of the Logos (Mind of God a.k.a. Son of God), and s/he as the Seed-Of-Soul must learn and acquire the ability to tap into this Inner Source? When asked, Jesus rejected the position of the Pharisees who were waiting for the Kingdom to be inaugurated upon the earth. And in his answer that "...the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21), indicates that only those who seek inwardly beyond the barrier of organic human consciousness, can find and connect with the inner Kingdom. @@@
The UnAnswered Question:
Jesus taught the Kingdom is within us. Jesus taught that we are to
learn exclusively from the One Teacher within us -- see
One Teacher
-- as stated by the
Apostle Peter on the defilement of the Wedding Garment:
the ways in which this garment may be spotted are these: If any one
withdraw from God the Father and Creator of all, receiving another
teacher besides Christ, who alone is the faithful and True Prophet"
The Sin Of The Defiled
Wedding Garment
http://TheCall.Nazirene.org#DefiledWeddingGarment ).
If the True Source of Knowledge is within each of us at the Core-Essence
of our Mind and Being, then we must pose the question: Why would we attempt to teach a child the
wisdom of mankind? Why wouldn't we instead teach the child how to
tap into their own Inner Source of Knowledge? The Answer: Because as a culture
and society, we totally lack any degree of self-knowledge. We have
many times been confronted by the adage to Know Thyself. On
Delphic Oracle it is
written: "Heed these words, you who wish to
probe the depths of Nature: If you do not find within your Self that
which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the
wonders of your own House, how do you expect to find other wonders? In
you is hidden the Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you will know
the Universe and the Gods." In the Gospel of
Thomas Jesus portrayed self-ignorance as intellectual poverty -- i.e.,
Jesus said ...But
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who
are that poverty".
But few people in our modern culture have any idea how to acquire the
necessary self-knowledge to fulfill the adage to Know Thyself.
In the ancient philosophical systems, the process of tapping into an inner Source of Knowledge was by employing what is known as Anamnesis -- but few people in our modern culture are even aware of its meaning. Under the heading of Anamnesis (Philosophy), the Wikipedia states: It is the idea that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us". The article then goes on to say: Socrates' response is to develop his theory of anamnesis. He suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly incarnated; knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity... What one perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has forgotten. (Once it has been brought back it is true belief, to be turned into genuine knowledge by understanding.) And thus Socrates (and Plato) sees himself, not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was already there in the student. What this means is that the mainstream religions, modern academia, our culture and the vast majority of philosophical schools of thought, all base their teachings upon the empty-mind foundational paradigm of thinking -- which is in total opposition to the teachings of Jesus, the New Covenant scriptures and the wisdom of the wise and enlightened ancients. And when rightly understood, modern faith-based believers fail to understand the very foundation of the scriptures they promote, because they fail to understand even the nature and purpose of the Gospels. The word EDUCATE: is derived from the Latin, “educare,” and it means “to draw out that which lies within.” Yet, because we are totally ignorant of what can be portrayed as the Cosmology of Mind and Being, we attempt to educate by using rote programming on the young minds of students -- thereby inflicting almost irreversible harm when we suppress and atrophie those areas of mind that are necessary to develop, in order to tap into the Inner Source of Knowledge within us -- at the Core of our Mind and Being. Further, our system of education inhibits religious people from understanding and embracing the core New Covenant teachings -- inhibiting them from receiving the Divine Manna that is essential in fulfilling the very purpose of the life that we are presently living (see The Divine Manna - The Gospels - The foundation of the New Covenant http://BrotherOfJesus.org#NewCovenant ). Jesus taught his followers to seek out The One Teacher Exclusively ( http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher ).
The author and visionary Philip K. Dick developed the ability to recall his Soul's previous lives -- especially the life he lived as a first century follower of Jesus. Based upon this knowledge, he once wrote with respect to the original disciples of Jesus that: "Christ ...taught his followers how to enter the kingdom while still alive, where other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here. He causes it to come here, and is the living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos)." This is true -- and that the original Gospel message was to develop the mind through the transformative process of the mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of consciousness, and then enable the disciple of TheWay to gain entrance into the Inner Kingdom, is easily demonstrated at the subheading: The Third Fatal Mistake - Not Proving The Truth. But how is this done? A man whose genetic structure is "XY" -- thereby to some degree, retaining the original pattern of AdamEve -- the male polarity is so dominant, that it is virtually impossible for most men to develop the "X" chromosome factor. And this is why the Natural Laws divided the pattern of AdamEve, and manifested divided halves in Adam and Eve -- that had the capacity to unite and work together to fulfill the Law that brings about an evolved Wholeness of Mind and Being. Therefore, the answer would be: By bringing together and restoring the two halves of the mind. In a Consecrated Marriage which can be portrayed as a Coverture-Union (see The Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage http://BrotherOfJesus.org#FoundationOfCovertureMarriage ), the man and woman become "one flesh" -- INITIALLY, through the exchange of DNA from the man into the woman. Paul correctly presents the problem of immorality and unfaithfulness when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'". Thus, through the sexual exchange of DNA, the man and woman create a connection between the two halves of the divided opposite spheres of mind. What they do with that connection is an opportunity to bring about higher development -- the results of which is in accord with the exercise of their freewill and the choices they make with respect to the application of their self-knowledge.
The foregoing statement by Paul has been confirmed in a recent study where it was found that: "Women retain and carry living DNA from every man with whom they have sexual intercourse, according to a new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center" (see Study). Further explaining: "This has very important ramifications for women. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you for life. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had been carrying the living male DNA inside them for well over 50 years. Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine. Like something out of a scifi movie, it becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it. We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse." And as halves of the whole that has been brought about with their united physical connection, the weakness in the man, is a strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of the man -- and in the same way that when a sperm and ovum unite in an embryo, and a fetus begins development, the same is true on a mental level with the joining of the man and woman in a Consecrated Marriage union -- wherein. together they can conquer all obstacles that they encounter in their advancement toward Wholeness, Perfection and the Anointing of the Mind.
Allegorically, what is portrayed as the (forbidden) fruit of the Tree of Duality (a.k.a. Knowledge of Good and
Evil), represents the thoughts and impressions of the divided male and
female columns of the Tree of Life (see
). And this is why it is written in the Gospel of Philip:
“When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist.
When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again
and attains his former self, death will be no more”. Adam and
Eve is of course representative of the divided male and female halves or
polarities of mind that are portrayed allegorically in the outer columns of the
Tree of Duality. As explored in great depth at the subheading entitled
Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#OriginalSin , the account of Adam and Eve is not about two people that
existed in each of our distant genetic family tree. But very
much is representative of our own duality of mind that limits our cognitive
development of mind and spirit. The portrayal of death in the
Gospel of Philip -- i.e.,
"...When she was separated from him, death came
into being" -- is a
condition of limited growth and development beyond organic ego/earthly
consciousness. And in the same way that the physical is expanded as
the embryo begins the process of physical-birth, the same expansion of mind
can begin when a man and woman enter into a Coverture-Marriage Union
together -- thereby creating a Mental-Embryo.
In the allegorical account of Genesis, it is the divided mental impressions and thoughts that are portrayed as the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality that brings death to the eater thereof. Which means that within the mind of each person, when the Adam/Male Impressions/Thoughts are able to unite with the Eve/Female Impressions/Thoughts -- generated by the Male/Positive polarity and raised up through the feminine-transforming process -- and returned back to the Husband/Adam on the higher breast-level plane of consciousness -- that the mind of the man and woman is able to break through the ego/earthly level of organic consciousness (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#foundation ). And in the same way that a sperm or ovum that fails to unite, exists in a condition of death because the sperm and ovum failed to join and begin the process of birth by forming an embryo, so too is Adam/Man and Eve/Woman who fail to join as a Mental-Sperm and a Mental-Ovum in a Consecrated Marriage/Union. And when rightly understood, the process of birth on a Mental Level of Being, is the same as on a physical level of being.
The Development Of The Mental-Embryo: If a man and woman enter into a
Consecrated Coverture-Marriage where the two begin the process of becoming
united as
"one flesh" -- dwelling in devoted faithfulness and
moral/spiritual integrity -- and they seek to develop each other's unique
gender-based abilities -- then their minds will begin to develop beyond the
limits of organic male/female human consciousness. But because of the
exercise of freewill and choice, there is no guaranteed outcome such as when
sperm and ovum form and create a physical embryo that evolves into a fetus.
What this means is that, in the same way that in order for the process of
physical birth to be brought about, the divided male and female must engage and join
together in oneness, this same process must also take place on the mental
level of development. Each divided impression and thought must be
openly expressed and openly engaged between the two halves of the mind as
manifest in the Male/Husband and Female/Wife, where they are provided the opportunity
to be joined in oneness where they can act as a fertilized mental-seed that can
grow and evolve. In a practical sense, what this means is that the husband
whose male-oriented linear thinking and mindset must not only encourage the
development of the purely feminine intuitive strengths and abilities of his wife that he
does not himself possess to the same level, but he must explore and develop the abilities of his
wife into their metaphysical supernatural realms of mind and being. And
in like manner, the wife must assist in the metaphysical supernatural
development of her husband, to make him all that he has the potential to
become. And together they must seek Oneness with the Divine
within them. In the same way that the Natural Laws immerse a physical
embryo in a womb of growth and development in order to bring about the next
stage of physical birth, a man and woman who seeks to develop the mind of
their spouse in a Consecrated Marriage Union -- exploring and supporting the
development of the unique areas
of mind in their spouse that are opposite to their own -- and together, bringing about
and manifesting the higher metaphysical abilities -- are able to experience the transformative
process of supernatural mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that
institutes the necessary Wholeness to achieve the subsequent stages of
non-physical birth -- i.e., Metaphysical-Birth which can also be portrayed
as Supernatural-Birth.
In the Gospels this process of achieving the subsequent stages of birth is stated in the words: "There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him. Jesus answered and said to him, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"(John 3:1-2). Thus, Jesus asked the paramount question that is relevant to everyone who is considered a teacher or philosopher: How Nicodemus could even be considered a "...teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?" And this critique of Nicodemus is relevant to anyone who performs the role of a teacher. When Nicodemus further questioned Jesus about the need to achieve the next stage of birth, Jesus replied: "...Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness." Which provokes the question: Who is the "We" that Jesus was making reference to? The "We" is portrayed in the words: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- which portrays those who have achieved the restoral of self as portrayed in the Gospel of Philip in the words: “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more”. Thus, those who have achieved the reuniting of the Adam/Male and Eve/Female, and successfully evolved the Coverture-Marriage into Wholeness, is the "We" that Jesus was making reference to who do not need a physician. And this Wholeness was achieved through the development of mind through the interaction of the Male and Female Half's that were able to bring about the transformative process of Mental-Expansion and Spiritual-Deepening. Thus, by virtue of his own words, Jesus was not speaking only of himself -- i.e., in the singular -- but rather, he is speaking in the plural with respect to the higher reality that ALL who achieve the next stage of birth know, have seen, and can witness to. And when Nicodemus still did not understand what Jesus was stating with respect to the need to bring about the next stage of birth, Jesus stated that he (Nicodemus) was yet too carnal and immature to comprehend -- i.e., "...If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?" And this higher reality remains as true today, as when Jesus stated these words to Nicodemus: Organic man who does not understand the need to bring about the next stages of soul and spiritual births, are incapable of understanding the "...heavenly things" -- and even fail to understand the esoteric reality of what Jesus portrayed as "...earthly things".
When Jesus said to Nicodemus "...If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe", reference was being made to the process of bringing about physical birth -- and the fact that someone who is portrayed as a "teacher", should understand that what is true on the physical, is also true on the mental and spiritual levels of being. And in view of the fact that the man or woman is a Seed-Of-Self that has been projected into this world which is a Mental-Womb, any person who is personified as a teacher, must understand how the Seed-Of-Self becomes joined as a Mental-Embryo that has the capacity to evolve into a Mental-Fetus that has the destiny to bring about the subsequent stages of Mental and Spiritual Birth. Those people who are personified as a teacher, and does not know how to guide the student into achieving the subsequent stages of birth, are pseudo-teachers. And any religion or philosophy that does not guide the members into achieving the necessary Wholeness that is the result of bringing Adam and Eve into a restoration of AdamEve as portrayed in the Gospel of Philip, is a pseudo-religion or philosophy that Jesus portrayed as the blind guides who are the "devil's spawn" (see The Devil's Spawn http://DevilSpawn.Ebionite.com ).
Contrary to Church dogma, Jesus did not take credit for the reality of the Facts of Life. And this is demonstrated in the crucial teaching that the Church removed and suppressed from the Gospels, that has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas when he was asked by his disciples: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" And when rightly understood, the reply of Jesus when asked this question was basically the Facts of Life in accord with The Law when he stated: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." When rightly understood, the Law of God drew Woman/Eve out of the side of Man/Adam, so they could interact and evolve through the subsequent stages of birth that would enable them to become Whole and Complete -- i.e., "You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt 5:48). But it was the Church that was conscripted under the ruler-ship of the secular power of Pagan Rome and the sentence of death for whoever did not embrace the religion of the Emperors (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors http://ChristianReincarnation.org#emperors ), that re-engineered the Spiritual Opportunity of Birth, into the man-made dogma of Original Sin (see Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#OriginalSin ). Quoting from Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#OriginalSin : When rightly understood, what is portrayed as Original Sin is not an inherited condition that was committed by a man named Adam and a woman named Eve who are part of each person's distant family tree -- but rather, it is a condition that each man and woman is born into as a Seed-Of-Self, that provides mankind the opportunity for growth, development, wholeness and perfection. The name and concept of Original Sin was imported into Christianity directly from Manichaeism -- and in no way does this Manichaeism doctrine represent the Gospel teachings (see The Original Sin Of The Church http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#TheOriginalSinOfTheChurch ). Therefore, to the detriment of the faith-based believer, the foundational framework of the modern Church is based upon the teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani, and not at all based upon the teachings of the and objectives of the Gospels. And in total opposition to the Manichaean and Mithraic dogma of the doctrine of Original Sin, when rightly understood from a Gospel perspective, what is personified as Original Sin would more accurately be portrayed as Original Opportunity. Which provokes the question: If the modern Christian is faithful to the Original Sin teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani, while rejecting the Original Opportunity teachings of the Gospels, can they even make claim to belief in Jesus?
In posing the question: Is achieving this next stage of birth a religious belief? Not at all! The answer is found in the question: Is sex and procreation a religious belief? It is very much a Fact of Life that is the birthright of every man, woman and child to be aware of. Jesus asked Nicodemus: How can you be called a teacher, and not understand these realities of earthly life that have been presented to you? And this question has been presented to all peoples -- sectarian and non-sectarian alike -- who purport to be teachers. Why? To put one's self forth as a teacher, and not understand the process that brings about the next stage of developmental birth, is to be the equivalent of an mental-abortionist -- robbing the children of the factual knowledge that provides them permanence. And it is a fact that as a people, mankind is more often than not inhibited from inheriting his destiny by those who teach him, than by any other force of obstruction to achieving his rightful destiny. Counterfeit teachers and pseudo-secular authorities have destroyed more innocent lives, than all the wars and conflicts throughout man's history.
The Natural Laws Ensure Enlightenment:
Among the philosophers
in the ancient world, Pythagoras was the first to understand what is
portrayed as the Law of Octaves. Pythagoras was also the first to understand
the balance and development of mind across the spectrum of man and woman.
Quoting the Wikipedia:
"The biographical tradition on Pythagoras holds
that his mother, wife and daughters were part of his inner circle.[64] Women
were given equal opportunity to study as Pythagoreans and learned practical
domestic skills in addition to philosophy. Illustration from 1913 showing
Pythagoras teaching a class of women. Many of the surviving texts of women
Pythagorean philosophers are part of a collection, known as pseudoepigrapha
Pythagorica, which was compiled by Neopythagoreans in the 1st or 2nd
century. Some surviving fragments of this collection are by
early-Pythagorean women philosophers, while the bulk of surviving writings
are from late-Pythagorean women philosophers who wrote in the 4th and 3rd
century BC. Female Pythagoreans are some of the first female
philosophers from which texts have survived."
The ability to understand and comprehend man's higher Soul-Reality, is
dependent upon the bringing together and the balanced-development across the
two polarities of Mind as divided across the spectrum of Man/Positive and
Female/Negative and Higher-Truth-Center. In the same way that birth must begin with
the joining of sperm and ovum, so too is the development of mind when a
Mental-Embryo is formed to begin the next stage of birth. Man's ignorance is
the result of his eating of the fruit of the Tree of Duality -- not in the
distant past -- but in the present (see Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#OriginalSin ). From the perspective of a
male, woman being the other half of the One, is his greatest teacher. And
sex is the means for the two halves of the mind to connect and begin to work
together to transform the organic ego/earthly consciousness of man, through
the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. In
order to bring this process about, the mind of the husband must be balanced,
and the generative power imparted to the woman, raised up, and transformed
within the woman, and returned back to her husband on the breast-level
higher plane of the mind.
The Womb Of Mother-Earth:
God is the Ultimate Consciousness within which all
of Creation Exits -- "for in Him we live and move
and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are
also His offspring’"
(Acts 17:28). The Divine Pattern of
Positive/Male Polarity, Negative/Female
Polarity, and Third-Force Balance or Offspring, is holographically replicated into every aspect
of Creation -- Spiritual, Mental and Physical. From the
perspective of energy, this is expressed as Positive-Polarity,
Negative-Polarity, and the Third-Force Balance or Offspring. When the
Essenes prayed, their prayer was directed to Mother and Father God.
Consciousness is the Product or Third-Force Balance of the interaction of a
Positive and Negative polarity interacting together.
When this Fact of Life is understood from a holographic perspective of reality, when we emerged from our mother's physical womb, we had evolved through the first stage of the birth process. Our mind could not advance so long as we existed in the womb of our mother. Why? Because we needed a different type of womb to advance to the next stage of birth which enabled us to enter the next phase of birth in a Mental-Womb that is necessary for the proper development of the mind -- with the objective of evolving through the stages of development permitting us to bring about and experience the next subsequent stage of Mental or Soul-birth (see http://SoulSelf.org ). In the Gospel of John when Jesus was asked about entering the Kingdom, Jesus stated to Nicodemus: You must bring about the next stage of birth -- i.e., Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Jesus made reference to this next stage of birth when he replied to Nicodemus: "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit". The first stage of birth is physical, as stated: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh" -- and after the formation of our physical body, we needed a Womb-Environment to bring about the next stage of birth -- i.e., "...and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit". And when Nicodemus did not understand, Jesus asked him: "Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?" Our physical birth is the first stage of the process of birth -- and the pseudo-teachers of this world who fail to convey to you how to achieve the next stage of birth where you are "born of the Spirit", are inhibiting your birth process as stated to Nicodemus: "Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?" The personification of a number of people in the word "We", portrays those of whom Jesus said: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Which means that other people had achieved the necessary Wholeness without the help of Jesus who was a physician who was sent to heal the sick. Clearly, in the very words of Jesus, he was not sent to those who had achieved Wholeness without the assistance of a spiritual physician. But what exactly was Jesus making reference to? Is the birth process the repeating of words, in what is commonly portrayed by many Christians? In the same way that physical birth requires the merging and development of male and female essence in the womb, the next stage of birth requires the merging of the male and female paradoxical opposite spheres of mind within you -- as stated in the Gospel of Thomas saying 22 (see Saying 22): They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then will you enter the kingdom."
Holographically, in the same way that an embryo which is the merging of male and female essence (sperm/ovum), must evolve through the stages of embryo, fetus, infant and eventually to maturity, the third-force balance of the male/female duality within your own mind must evolve to maturity -- bringing about the necessary Wholeness that permits the next stage of Mental-Birth. But the mind evolves differently than the body which serves as a vehicle for our development. Where physical birth is a cookie-cutter operation, the development of mind must be achieved through (1) the process of the choices each person makes; (2) the manner in which the person exercised their freewill; (3) and the wisdom attained by living out and experiencing the result of the choices which that person has made. Even more important is the fact that if a person makes the wrong or unwise choices, there must also be the opportunity to make additional choices so they can learn and develop the mind through the wisdom of each person's experiences.
the problems confronting man in completing the next stage of birth, is that man is a complex being -- with the great diversity
of Mind patterned in the image of the Tree of Life which is manifest in
the image on the right -- being a representation and pattern of your own
mind. Mankind's
great intellect is the result of the divided complexity of his mind that
is able to see and understand from different and often opposing
perceptions. Therefore, the mind of man is segmented, so as to provide
different images of the same vision or interaction of the life that he
is living. If you embrace the perspective of one area of the mind,
and you fail to achieve results that bring about the subsequent stage of
birth, then you must be provided the opportunity to embrace the opposite
perspective which you did not initially follow. Those who have
achieved enlightenment, understand that each person's advancement is
achieved by the Natural Laws that returns back to each person the fruit
of their own ways and choices -- and to achieve this process of growth
that leads to the development of mind, the Laws that orchestrate a
person's advancement contains a Mental-Checksum testing facility that
auto-corrects each person's Impressions and Choices. Imbalanced
Thoughts, Words and Actions cannot pass through the process of the
spiritual checksum-attribute that is embedded in the Laws of Creation as
explained at
the subheading
The Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate
. In modern computer terminology, the term checksum is
representative of a block of implanted code that is used to check the
integrity of a data string or transmission that is necessary to evaluate
the wholeness of the message. In the case of the Laws of God and
Creation, there is the equivalent of a checksum embedded in the Natural
Laws that evaluates the Impressions, Thoughts, Words and Deeds of each
person for Wholeness that is necessary to spawn and bring about growth
and development in the mind of the person. In the same way that
junk food is not beneficial for the nourishment of the body, neither can
imbalanced junk-thoughts, erroneous beliefs and actions bring about
development or growth of the consciousness of the person.
What has
been traditionally called the Law of Three -- the Law of Seven -- both of which
portray separate action-intervals within the Law of Octaves, act as a type of
checksum implanted into the Laws of Creation that functions as the Osmosis
Testing system for what the Gospels portray as the
"narrow gate" of the mind and the Consciousness of Creation. In the
same way that our cells are surrounded by a membrane that selectively allows
only what the cell needs to enter, what is portrayed as the
"narrow gate"
can be portrayed as a
mental/spiritual-membrane that only permits Whole Impressions and Thoughts that
can bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening about to
enter therein. The term Cell Membrane is defined as "a
gatekeeper, guardian, or border guard" that protects the organism.
When rightly understood, what is portrayed as the Law of Octaves is a checksum
attribute that is a
protective barrier of the "narrow gate"
acts as a gatekeeper that insures developmental Wholeness of the Mind of man
beyond that level of what can be portrayed as Organic Consciousness.
And what this means is that
embedded in the Natural Laws of God and Creation is a checksum osmosis-membrane
that insures Wholeness and Balance in the development of the mind beyond organic
(natural) levels of consciousness.
There is an important statement of reality in the words: Show me your strengths, and I'll show you your weaknesses. And when rightly understood, it is this segmentation of mind that is man's strength -- permitting him to conquer and prevail over the obstacles of life by seeing all sides of the choices and equations of life -- but this division of the spheres of mind is also man's greatest weakness. In the pattern of the twelve mental-spheres of mind, each mental-sphere sees and understands all realities of life from a different and often opposite paradoxical perspective. Paradox meaning that with respect to the opposite polarities, both opposing realities are equally true, and must be elevated to a higher plane in order to be comprehended. A paradox is often portrayed in the image of the Triangle at the left -- where the two opposing paradoxical truths are represented by the points of the opposite horizontal line -- with the (evolved) third-force balance existing on a higher plane. In the symbol, equality or balance between the two paradoxical opposites is represented in the angles on the left and right -- which are representative of the Laws being equal but reversed on the horizontal line -- and equal again on the third-force balance on the higher plane. The consciousness of an immature (earthly) intellectual understanding, would be portrayed with the third-force balance existing on the same horizontal line as the two opposing paradoxical truths. Thus, in the symbol, as the mind matures and evolves, the Laws (angles) are prevailed over on the elevated higher plane, and only then can the paradoxical opposites be resolved. And from a Trinitarian perspective, this is a reality of the Three being One and Equal.
What this means is that the twelve-spheres of man's consciousness is the embodiment of a diverse and often opposing pattern of mind that is the manifestation of four (4) trinities -- comprised of four (4) male and four (4) female paradoxical opposites which comprise the Tree of Duality (a.k.a. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) -- with the essence of the Tree of Life being the four third-force balance spheres where the duality of the opposites must be brought together and evolved to maturity. The process of birth requires Wholeness -- a term not understood that is used throughout the Gospels. In the same way that the Doctrine of the Trinity is portrayed as Mother/Father God and the Third-Force balance/offspring portrayed as the Logos, all of Creation is a manifestation of the Divine Pattern that is holographically imprinted into every aspect of Creation. Wholeness, from the perspective of man that brings about the next stage of birth -- thereby permitting the person we are in this world to be At-One with our higher Soul-Self (see http://SoulSelf.org ) -- is achieved when the third-force balance of the four trinities within our own mind and being have achieved a condition of fullness -- and this fullness enables the next stage of birth to be brought about. In the Gospel of Thomas (GofT) saying 22 this reality is portrayed in the question: They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" With respect to these four trinities and their respective third-force balance-spheres that comprise the Essence of the Tree of Life, they can be portrayed as the perfect balance of what is often spoken of as Earth, Water, Fire and Air -- which when in the condition of evolved balance and wholeness, is portrayed as the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed. And the references to receiving the Kingdom as a child in the four Gospels, is a corruption of this reality where you must evolve the third-force balance within the four trinities of your own mind, and achieve the next stage of birth -- which birth we often portray as Soul-birth -- in that, this next stage of birth enables you to become At-One with your higher Soul-Self which is your True Self that you are an expression of. After all, as stated that a House Divided cannot stand. After achieving the next stage of birth which we portray as Soul-Birth, there are still two additional stages of birth which can be portrayed as Spiritual-Birth, and the final stage of birth which is allegorically portrayed in the crucifixion where one is At-One with God in the Totality of their Being -- thus, reuniting the divided realities of Adam and Eve on all levels within you, permitting a return to what is portrayed as the Garden of Eden (see http://GateOfEden.com ).
The Process Of Mental-Expansion: In this three-dimensional realm, the
mind grows and evolves through the interactions of Opposites -- without
outward restraints or censorship. While the highest expression of the
duality of opposites is man and woman, lesser mental development can be
brought about through a variety of cultural interaction of opposite
polarities of mind. Which means that modern day Cancel Culture
is a detriment to mental development. And this is why these lesser expressions of
duality between individuals and groups of opposite perspectives are brought about by the Natural Laws
as a means to bring about mental-development.
And this fact of the Natural Laws that bring about philosophical opposition
and confrontation between both individuals and groups, was understood by the Deist founders of the
American Constitution. It is a fact that both secular governments and theocracies
always strive to rule by negating the natural rights and expressions of the
people. And it is the individual freedoms that is the foundation of what has been portrayed as American
Exceptionalism -- which is in reality the expression of the Laws that
evolves the people upwardly. In Marxism, a Theocracy or any form of a
Monarchy, the Laws that evolve the people are undermined and negated -- and
therefore you can't achieve the Exceptionalism that has immersed the US in
the American Dream. And if we pose the question: What brought
this Constitutional Republic about?
Many of the Souls who had previously lived as the original followers of
Jesus, re-entered this realm together, in order to bring about and establish the
Constitutional Foundation of the United States -- which was necessary to
provide an environment where the Natural Laws could properly function and
supercharge the mental and spiritual advancement of the people.
Perhaps this article you are reading now, is the perfect example of the suppression of the
Natural Laws by any other worldly government with the exception of the
American Constitution. Parts of this article would be outlawed in many
countries. Others would declare this article heresy. Many parts of this and other articles that
restores the Original Gospel teachings that were suppressed by the various
powers of church and state through which the control of the teachings has
passed, has alienated and corrupted the Gospel teachings to make them serve
the powers of secular and non-secular controlling factors.
Rendering many of the teachings worthless to bring about the original
objective of the Gospels.
If the foregoing is true, then a rational person would pose the question: Why would God permit this corruption to take place? First off, those who corrupt, receive their own corruption in the future when the Laws return back their own actions to them. Therefore, people inherit whatever government they embrace -- as well as the corruption of the groups responsible for the corruption -- until they oppose the corrupting influences. And since everyone has the ability to learn and know the Truth of all Truths -- uncorrupted -- then everyone is held responsible for not seeking and knowing the Truth of all Truths. Secondly, the Natural Laws have a provision that can be portrayed as the DNA of the Laws that is beyond the ability of man to obstruct and corrupt. And this provision is recognized as the natural expression of the Laws within a genuine marriage between a man and woman who are themselves the epitome of core opposites interacting together. While man authors and writes books and civil laws God manifested His Laws in the Creation of Man and Woman. Which places the Laws of God beyond the corruptive influences of mankind. And this to the degree that if a man and woman are born on an island -- without any formal religious, academic or cultural philosophical teachers -- the husband and wife stand a better chance at bringing about the process of mental-expansion beyond organic consciousness, than the people reading these words. Why? The Laws of Nature provide for all aspects of growth and development to reach man's ultimate destiny. In the same way that an embryo evolves into a fetus, and the fetus evolves into an infant, and the infant evolves into a mature person, the same Laws will evolve a person to the highest expression of the Offspring of God. With respect to the next stage of Mental-Birth, the only thing inhibiting man's development into the upper levels of Enlightenment and Anointing (Messiah/Christ), is the beliefs that the person has embraced and clings to. Further, the Natural Laws has provided a means for a husband and wife to prove all beliefs, and become immersed in the Light of Ultimate Truth. And this is why Jesus taught about the Natural Laws and how to embrace them to fulfill the spiritual objectives of the Gospel teachings (see The Law Of The Gospels http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com ). If you understand the Natural Laws, and put this knowledge into action in your life, then the Natural Laws will insure and bring about your ultimate success. Thus, no one can therefore attribute their condition to God -- because the path of success is built into the very fabric of our DNA. And this is why the Deists who orchestrated the framework of the American Constitution, based their philosophy on The Laws of Nature and Nature's God. Thereby guaranteeing the Individual Freedom for every person to reject the shackles of both church and state, in their path to ultimate success.
If we interpret the above from the perspective of a physical union between a man and woman who are both striving to live and bring about a Spiritually Ordained Coverture-Marriage, the substance of the Union is totally dependent upon the thinking and mindset of the husband and wife -- i.e., the fruit of the duality of the male/husband and female/wife thinking and mindset that has the ability to evolve the marriage into truly the embodiment of "one flesh", Without the connection of Mind, the union is nothing more than divided physical bodies that have had sex. It is therefore important to understand how the two opposites become "one flesh" -- and it is therefore important to examine the teaching which was removed from the Gospels that has been preserved in the Second Epistle of Clement where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in the words: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. How can "...the male with the female [be] neither male nor female’”? The answer: When the two become "one flesh" within a Spiritual Divine Marriage -- which holographically merges the husband/wife into a spiritual embryo in the pattern of the physical embryo that becomes a fetus. As explained with respect to the creation of what can be portrayed as a Morphic-Field (see Gender Blindness http://SoulSelf.org#GenderBlindness ): "Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration... loving couples -- resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to their own "private frequency.' In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own private stations." In the same way that the mind of each person is in the Etheric-Field that surrounds the physical body, when a husband and wife become connected through the sexual DNA exchange, they create a Field or separate Atmosphere that becomes the Mind of the Marriage-Union. And this Marriage-Field-Mind which insulates the husband and wife as a single Unit, begins at Marriage-Infancy, and in the same way that a physical embryo begins to evolve in the mother's womb, the Mental-Embryo that is created in the marriage-union, has the capacity to grow and evolve the husband and wife within the Marriage-Mind -- enabling them to evolve beyond what can be portrayed as the organic consciousness of a divided man or woman.
The problem that each man and woman encounter in a Consecrated Marriage Union, is seen in the fact that as the Marriage-Mind begins to evolve, the husband and wife begins to develop beyond organic male or female intelligence, and they begin to see and understand what is beyond the consciousness and comprehension of organic consciousness. The greater Intuitive abilities of the Wife, more easily enables her to begin to see the previous lives that she has lived with her husband. And with the exchange of Male/Female Impressions and Thoughts, the husband begins to achieve a level of Male-Logic that far exceeds the intellectual depth of other men -- most of whom remain blind to man's higher Soul-Reality. Resulting is in the fact that both husband and wife begin to understand the higher meaning of the symbolism of this world that is beyond the perceptive-comprehension of organic consciousness. With the evolving ability to see and understand their past-live accomplishments together, all the enigmas of life begin to make perfect sense. And as they begin together to connect with their Higher or True-Self that is a Being of Light (see http://BeingOfLight.com ), their development of mind and intellect begins to advance to the degree that they cannot share their insights with the limited consciousness of organic man.
Throughout history those men and women who have attempted to share their higher more evolved insight into mankind's Higher Soul and Spiritual Reality, have been perpetually hunted down as heretics who were often tortured and put to death. The Gospels portrayed this world as the Far Country of the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- i.e., organically blinded to man's higher true reality (see The Cause Of Organic Human Blindness http://OriginalGospel.Ebionite.com#OrganicHumanBlindness ). While the analogy of Plato's Cave portrays this world as "shadow-images" that are illusionary and not real. Modern science has confirmed the findings of the mystics, as demonstrated in the words of Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Niels Bohr, who stated: “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.” Can we portray a projected shadow-image real? While totally ignoring the Source of that image in the manner of the high-priests of Scientism (see Science Vs Scientism http://KnowThyself.Nazirene.org#ScienceVsScientism ) who masquerade as scientific investigators? This statement of Niels Bohr is perhaps clarified by Werner Karl Heisenberg who was a German theoretical physicist, and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics, where he stated “The smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language.” The foregoing statements of Niels Bohr and Karl Heisenberg is further confirmed in the words of Max Planck who is portrayed as the originator of modern quantum theories and one of the most important physicists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, who explained: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Further explaining that: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.” And these findings of the physicists confirm that what man sees as concrete matter, is a projected thought of a "conscious and intelligent mind" that the mystic and spiritual visionary portrays as God. Thus, that we exist in the Mind of God, and to even begin to contemplate the Higher Reality of Creator-God and our relationship thereof, we must understand the statement in one of the most ignored Gospel verses in the New Testament where mankind is portrayed not only as the offspring of God, but as dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28). Put this together with the statement by astronomer James Jeans that: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” More recently, described as “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source. The holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.” (Cyberneticist David Foster). What is being stated is that the images that each person sees that appears to them as concrete matter, is actually thought-forms that your physical brain is interpreting in the manner that you see it. Which confirms the position of physicist Niels Bohr when he warned that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.” Which further supports the statement of William A. Tiller who cautioned: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination” (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University).
Division Of Consciousness Enables Developmental Growth: Today we use computers to perform many mental functions. The modern telephone is a Smart-Computer/Phone that simultaneously performs many mental functions that we interact with. But to perform these functions, on one level each application must run separately, while on another level the separate applications must interact with each other. Further, they must all run simultaneously on the operating system -- i.e., DOS, Windows, Apple or Google. When computers were created, they could rightly be portrayed as an Amoeba-Consciousness, because of their limited ability to perform a single function. It therefore required the whole computer to run a single application. In the case of what is personified as the Amoeba-Computer, there was no ability to interact between the applications. The first hand-held computer was a calculator -- the phone was a stand-alone device to make calls -- movies were watched on a television -- people used paper to write text -- they used a record or tape player to listen to music -- a camera to make pictures. The modern computer does all of this and more. But what can be portrayed as Higher Development of Mind, requires the interaction of the consciousness-applications that enable it to run and function on a higher plane.
superior intellect and ability to know, to understand, and evolve to a
condition of Enlightenment in the Knowledge of all Truths and realities,
is manifest in THE POTENTIAL of man's great diversity of Mind that has
the unique ability to perceive all sides of any given equation.
When rightly understood,
the pattern of the Tree of Life that Jesus taught his inner core of
disciples, had Twelve (12) Spheres that presented to the seeker the
blueprint of the mind -- i.e.,
"In the middle of
its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which
bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves
of the tree were for the healing of the nations"
(Rev 22:2).
This esoteric body of knowledge could not be given to the undeveloped
and spiritually immature (see
The Eyes Only See At The Level
Of Comprehension
http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#TheEyesOnlySee ).
Without understanding the pattern of
the Twelve Spheres of Mind and the testing of the
Law of Octaves
-- and how the Intervals of the Law of Octaves tests every word,
thought, desire and deed that a person generates (see
Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow
) -- and the process of development that permits entrance through
the "narrow strait gate"
The Narrow Gate And The Enigma
Of The Law Of Octaves
) -- it will remain virtually impossible to to develop the mind and
begin to understand the process of spiritual growth and transformation.
As stated in the Epistle of Peter to James, that if the body of esoteric
knowledge that Jesus taught to his faith core of disciples were to
become lost, that "...it will remain
even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error"
-- and when this essential knowledge was thrown away and even outlawed
by the fourth century Church of Constantine -- along with the
application of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge (see
Application Of The Key Of Knowledge
), the faith-based believers of the Church has blindly
"...wandered in error".
But this unique ability is derived from different spheres of mind that are able to see and understand from a totally different and unique perspective than the other spheres of mind. And therein lies the inherent problem as seen in the fact that to maintain this great diversity of vision, understanding and comprehension, each of the independent perceptions must be maintained in their independence -- while still interacting and communicating on a higher level or plane of consciousness. Further, one unique-vision cannot be dominated by another unique-vision -- thereby maintaining their separateness. When all the spheres of unique perspective all come together and achieve a higher vision of reality, then the community of differences can be portrayed as Wholeness of Mind -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). And if a person is able to evolve the mind through Wholeness, this evolved balance enables the person to begin to become of an Anointed Mind (Messiah/Christ) -- and ultimately achieve a condition of being At-One with the Mind of God (see At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God http://BrotherOfJesus.org#AtOnement ).
What can be portrayed as the infantile mind, chooses one of the twelve unique perspectives, and basically ignores the other eleven. By choosing one of the twelve different perceptive solutions, the infantile mind rejects the other eleven.
Which means that the Higher Level of Mind and Consciousness must either choose one of the unique-perceptions, or raise each unique-perception up to a higher level by bringing the unique-fragments of mind as manifest in each of their unique perceptions, together onto a Higher Level of Consciousness.
-- diverse, complex and often conflicting perspectives that can in many instances be portrayed as paradoxical opposites. What is a paradox? A paradox exists when two opposing truths are equally true (male and female), though often conflicting -- and can only be harmonized by an evolved third-force (offspring) balance of mind that functions on an higher plane than the two opposing opposite truths. A paradox is often portrayed in the image of the Triangle -- where the two opposing paradoxical truths are represented by the points of the opposite horizontal line -- with the (evolved) third-force balance existing on a higher plane -- with the angles which are representative of the Laws being equal but reversed on the horizontal line, and equal again on the third-force balance on the higher plane. An immature (earthly) understanding would be portrayed with the third-force balance existing on the same horizontal line as the two opposing paradoxical truths. Thus, as the mind matures and the Laws (angles) are prevailed over on the elevated higher plane, only then can the paradoxical opposites be resolved. And from a Trinitarian perspective, this is a reality of the Three being One and Equal.
The Fact Of Mental Immaturity: The consciousness of organic man is immature and undeveloped, because it's development is grounded in the lower three earthly kingdoms. Which is exactly why Paul profoundly stated to the very people who he had personally taught the Gospel message: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3). And this is why Jesus said when asked why he would only speak to the multitude of people in parables: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it. But without a parable He did not speak to them..." (Mark 4:33-34). Why? Because the minds of the multitude of people had not yet matured enough to comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. And thus, when Jesus was asked by is disciples as to why he would only speak to the multitude of people in the enigma of parables, he stated: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12). Why? Why could the few understand what the multitude could not? What forced Paul to speak to the people he taught the Gospel to as "babes in Christ" -- saying: "...I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal". And when Jesus was asked about the meaning of the parable, he warned: Then Jesus said to them, “If you can’t understand the meaning of this parable, how will you understand all the other parables?" (see Mark 4:13). The parable that Jesus was referencing to was The Sower And The Seed http://SowerAndTheSeed.Ebionite.com -- whereby Jesus stated that if you fail to understand this parable, then you will not be able to understand any of the Gospel teachings. Why? Because there is a process to developing the mind -- enabling the mind to comprehend man's higher Soul and Spiritual Realities that are incomprehensible to the organic consciousness of mankind.
Why does a body of esoteric knowledge exist that can be portrayed as too secret to openly reveal? Why can't a straight-forward rational statements be made that is understandable by the average person? The answer is: Because higher knowledge can only be understood by a mature and evolved mind. In reality, there is no such thing as secret knowledge -- only knowledge that requires various levels of maturity to understand. And this fact of reality is the reason why Paul portrayed himself to the Ephesians as an ambassador in bonds: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak" (see Eph 6:19-20). And how difficult is it for the "natural" mind of organic man to comprehend his own higher Soul-Reality? To the Corinthians Paul wrote: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14). Why? Why does the person who Paul portrays as being of a "natural" organic consciousness perceive the higher spiritual knowledge as "foolishness"? Therefore, the problem is seen in the fact that organic ("natural") man must attain a higher evolved level of consciousness, in order to comprehend his own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality.
When rightly understood, what the ignorant portray as Original Sin, is in reality the Opportunity for each person to evolve out of the chains of "organic consciousness", and open the door to spiritual Anointing and Absolute-Knowing.
Matthew 24:8 RSV "…all this is but the beginning of the birth-pangs".
My little children, of whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in you Gal 4:19
In man's more distant past, self-knowledge was of the utmost importance as demonstrated in the words of Jesus that have been preserved from censorship in the Gospel of Thomas: "(3) Jesus said ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty". Intellectual poverty is paramount when a person lacks the knowledge of their True-Self. And to overcome man's self-ignorance, the authors of the scriptures used allegorical catalysts that have the ability to connect the lower earthly levels of man's consciousness with his higher mental and spiritual levels. If you understand what you see as you look out in the world, the deeper level of reality will begin to be revealed to you as stated in the words: Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you". But what this also means is that what is true of the relationship of man and woman on a physical level, is also true on a mental and a spiritual level of mind and being. Which means that what the parent conveyed to their child about the Facts of Life with respect to the relationship of man and woman from a physical perspective, is equally true on a mental and a spiritual level of Higher Being and Reality. And therein lies the problem in the fact that because of censorship, few parents have any idea as to how what was traditionally portrayed as the Facts of Life with respect to gender, is not only true, but is of the utmost importance on a mental and spiritual level of being. And while in the past, few people understood the mental and spiritual dynamics of the gender differences, no one attempted to homogenize those differences in the child's mind. In our modern culture there is an attempt to erase even the physical attributes and roles that exist between male and female. Why is this important? Because it is through the dynamic physical, mental and spiritual differences between man and woman that will determine your own ability to advance and fulfill the very purpose of the life you are living.
From this perspective, the man would then rightly be portrayed as a mental-sperm, and by entering into a Divinely Consecrated Marriage, he would be able to bring about the next subsequent stage of birth within his own and his wife's mind? Why do I use the term Divine Marriage? When man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the mind meeting it's opposite half. And while this recognition of Self is rare, there are some men and women who understand the full mental and spiritual dynamics of Wholeness and Spiritual Marriage. These few understand that sex is a catalyst that joins and connects the two halves of the Mind (see DNA Exchange http://BrotherOfJesus.org#study ). And as halves of the whole, the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of the man -- and together they can conquer all obstacles that they encounter in their advancement to Wholeness and Perfection. In the words of Jesus: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).
A Spiritually Consecrated Marriage requires Absolute-Fidelity that has developed over the course of many lives together, the vast majority of the common people are incapable of entering into a Spiritually Ordained Marriage. A Spiritual Marriage is the interaction and union of opposites to restore Wholeness.
Because when rightly understood, sex is the catalyst for the exchange of impressions
On a mental level, man has choices that exert control over all aspects of his life. Where on a physical level the embryo is formed with the merger of sperm and ovum one time, on a mental level the process is much more complex, and the growth and development of mind is brought about over the course of continual interaction of man and woman over an extended period time.
In the same way that such an assertion is beyond the understanding of the vast majority of men, their ignorance is the result of the censorship of the knowledge of the dynamic power of an evolved woman in a spiritual marriage where the same Natural Laws with respect to the Facts of Life are manifest. If each of us came with a Users Manuel, we would be shocked at our innate ability to know and be all things. And while highly evolved spiritual men and women have worked to reveal what would be written in a Users Manuel for mankind, this essential self-knowledge has always been equally suppressed by the self-appointed archons of both church and state.
The bottom line is this: While a man and woman may come together in marriage to have children and raise a family, what man enters into a spiritually-intimate relationship with a woman in order to form a Mental-Embryo with her -- and in forming a Mental-Embryo, his wife would enable him to bring about the necessary expansion of mind that allows him to advance beyond the level of organic consciousness. In our modern culture, what man enters into a relationship with a woman in order to initiate mental-expansion? With the possibility of mentally advancing beyond the
In the time-frame when the man Jesus walked the face of the earth, the physicians or healers were called Essenes. And with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls which were the sacred writings of the Essenes, the biblical scholars found what was summarized by Prof. John Allegro who was quoted as warning the people that what has been revealed in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is a great amount of overwhelming evidence that “...may upset a great many basic teachings of the Christian Church. This in turn would greatly upset many Christian Theologians and believers. The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine” (August 1966 issue of Harpers Magazine). Why? Because the Essenes understood the application of the Natural Laws and the process of the subsequent stages of birth that enables a person to evolve to a level of Wholeness and Completion. Why would the discovery of the Essene-Healers "...greatly upset many Christian Theologians and believers"? Because the sacred writings of the Essenes proved the Church wrong and the man Jesus correct. And while the man Jesus taught his original followers about the Natural Laws and how to apply them to their own lives so that they would develop to their true potential where their minds would had evolved to the level where they would be Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by the Spiritual Divine Light (see Jesus Taught To Become The Christ http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#BecomeTheChrist ) -- and as Full-Bodied Beings of Light (see http://BeingOfLight.com ), they would possess become the embodiment of all the Divine Knowledge and Light of Creation.
This universal expression of the Laws on each level of physical, mental and spiritual, was the reason why the Church Father Origen said of the scriptures: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”
From the perspective of understanding the deeper meaning of both the scriptures and one's own mind, the key is in the words that "...those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.” Why can they -- on their own -- work out the deeper meaning of not only the scriptures, but all of Life itself? Because the Divine Pattern is HOLOGRAPHICALLY replicated into every layer and dimension of Creation. Therefore, what is true on the physical plane, is true on the mental, and is also true on the spiritual levels of Mind and Being. In the words of Origen: “But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge". What does this mean? What it means is that (1) "...all the narrative portion [of the scriptures], relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever", do not at all pertain to historical accounts of man's more distant past -- but rather, to the Forces and Laws that are presently working within man's own mind and being; (2) the scriptures are not written to teach you -- but to draw out of you knowledge by opening a stream of Higher Knowledge that your inner self already knows as presented in the words: "...As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn"; (3) and because they ignore this Inner Source, and learn from external sources of pseudo-knowledge instead of tapping into what they already possess, "...the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge". Why? Why is the consequence of seeking knowledge from this world have "...the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge"? Since we are examining The Real Facts Of Life and the Divine Pattern that is holographically replicated into all of Creation -- and the fact that what is true on a physical level, is also true on a mental and spiritual level -- when we attempt to learn from the people of this world, that can be portrayed as attempting to have a child in a same-sex union.
Sexual Infidelity is rejected, and can be portrayed as poison in a Spiritually Ordained Marriage, because it has the effect of acting as an anchor that grounds and undermines the process of transformative development. How? As stated above, each man implants his DNA in the body/mind of the woman with whom he has had sexual intercourse. This implantation of DNA connects, and enables the man and woman to interact together on a deeper level of consciousness. In the case of a woman who has had many sexual partners, this would be the same as if a number of sperm, from a number of different men, was able to successfully join and connect with her single ovum. If such a merger of sperm and ovum from a number of men could actually take place, then who would be the genetic father of the developing fetus? By Divine Design, in the case of a woman, she receives the Impressions of every male who she had sex with -- which means that she could not reflect the Impressions of her husband, because she is receiving a multitude of Impressions from any number of different male sources. Thus, the whole process of mental and spiritual growth and development beyond organic ego/earthly consciousness, would be undermined and negated. Resulting in the fact that the Impressions and Thoughts could not be channeled through what the Gospels portray as the "narrow gate" of the inner center of the mind, to bring about the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening beyond ego/earthly consciousness (see Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate http://TheLawOfOctaves.com#Osmosis ).
Click To Access The Below
When the first century Christian Justin Martyr quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms from his scriptures, the sacred writings that he used did not read as ours does today. “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, Justin wrote, "I said, Ye are gods, and are all children of the Most High...” (Dialogue of Justin). In addition to Justin, this verse is also found translated in this same manner in the works of Tertullian, Origen and Cyprian. Thus, we have the witness of four of the earliest of Christians that “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, when the scriptures are speaking about us. Justin then goes on to explain that all men were made like God, “free from suffering and death, provided that they kept His commandments, and were deemed deserving of the name of His sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam and Eve, work out death for themselves... thereby it is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becoming ‘gods’, and of having power to become sons of the Highest...”. Is the statement of Justin any different with respect to the potential of Man/Adam and Woman/Eve than what is presented in the Gospel of Philip in the words: “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more”. And isn't the restoral of Man/Adam and Woman/Eve the objective of the suppressed teachings of Jesus found throughout many of the earliest of Christian scriptures in the words: The disciples asked: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."
Even our very own Bibles at one
time more clearly taught this same concept. In the third century 1 John 3:2
read somewhat differently than it does in our present translations. Quoting
from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it doth
not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear, we
shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”. With regard to
our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48 that
“...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And
therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is
The great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and
Christian visionaries is that the knowledge of the mysteries of God and the
Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of
our Heavenly Father. It is for this reason that the second-century Church
Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is “…the
greatest of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows himself, he
will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man
becomes God, since God so wills”. In his treaties on The Soul
and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the
Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in
its original form’”, and states that there will come a time
“…when the complete whole of our race shall have
been perfected from the first man to the last”. This statement
should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception
that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or
daughters who are lost in this world. If the whole of our race will one day
be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave
misconceptions on the part of believers today.
The great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and Christian visionaries is that the knowledge of the mysteries of God and the Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of our Heavenly Father. It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”. In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’”, and states that there will come a time “…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to the last”. This statement should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or daughters who are lost in this world. If the whole of our race will one day be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave misconceptions on the part of believers today.
While it may be true that the religions of the world -- most of which only vaguely possess any understand the Natural Laws and the subsequent stages of birth -- may possess various teachings on the process of achieving the subsequent stages of birth -- the fact that the physical birth of man is the first of four stages of birth, is a factual reality that Jesus made note of. And the fact that science possesses little to no understanding of the subsequent stages of birth, is only because science has chosen to only investigate the physical -- often portrayed as limiting their research to what can be proven in a laboratory (see The Emergence Of Science Against Scientism http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org#ScienceAgainstScientism ). Those who have overcome man's inherent carnal limitations, understand that the physical is one-tenth (1/10th) of the Whole -- which means that a person's physical body is one-tenth of the Self -- which is the bases of the ancient adage to Know Thyself -- which is the words of Jesus stated: ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty" (see The Gospel Of Thomas http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org ). Someone who believes that one-tenth of the self is the Whole of Self, must be portrayed as dwelling in intellectual (scientific/religious/philosophical) poverty. Which Jesus further portrayed as a sick or diseased mind -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). What Jesus was stating was that those people who he portrayed as "righteous", did not need him as a physician who came to heal the sick, because they had on their own taken advantage of the proper application of the Natural Laws and the acquisition of self-knowledge that brings about Wholeness, Perfection and Completion. Which raises the question: What, then, is stopping you, the reader, from achieving the Wholeness that Jesus himself confirmed you have the innate power to bring about in your life without any need of him (Jesus) or any other physician? The correct translation of the words: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand which is preached in our Churches, is more accurately translated: "Open and unloose the mind" -- meaning, that you must release your thinking from the shackles of dogmatic ignorance -- i.e., scientific, religious, philosophical and cultural ignorance.
The analogy of Plato's Cave is built upon the reality that
there is a Trinitarian Divine Pattern that is holographically replicated
into all levels of existence. When the allegorical Genus account
states: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he
created them; male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:21) -- this
means that the Divine Pattern was holographically replicated into all the
lower levels of Creation -- Male/Positive Polarity, the opposite
Female/Negative Polarity -- and through the interaction of the Positive and
Negative Polarities, what can be portrayed as the Offspring or Third-Force Balance, being the expression of the two Polarities -- with
all of Creation existing within the Divine Mind of God as explored at The
Cosmology Of The Divine Mind
http://BeingOfLight.com#CosmologyOfMind .
While both man and an amoeba can be portrayed as ONE, because of the complexity of mind and body that makes up man, no comparison can be made with respect to intelligence, intellect and reasoning. In the case of God or the Divine Mind, all the Soul's dwell as Neurons in the in the Mind of God. In the same way that the organs and systems of man's body are segmented in order to create a harmonic segregated environment for the mind to function at a higher level -- with the amoeba being the opposite of man -- it is important to understand that the very complex human body and mind were all drawn from the One Primary Cell -- and that within the One exists the genetic structure that manifested the complex organism known as man. Thus, in the same way that the very complex mind of man is comprised of the great number of neurons that make up the networked perceptive-intellect that perceives from many perspectives, holographically the mind of man is an image of the Soul-Mind -- which Soul-Mind as a single Neuron in the Mind of God, is an Image of the Mind or Logos of Creator-God. And what is holographically true of the Divine Pattern of the Mind of God, is also replicated into each Soul, as the pattern is also replicated into the mind of man. Which of course provokes the question: Where, then, is the individual neurons that comprise the Soul-Mind?
In the same way that all the Souls of Man exist within the Divine Mind,
You -- the person reading these words -- possess an infinite level of knowledge that you have no idea exists at the core essence of your mind and being. And when the ancients stated the adage to Know Thyself, it was in acknowledgement that you also possess the innate ability to tap into this infinite source of knowledge and become Enlightened to all Truths. And if you ask the question: What inhibits your ability to arise to a level of enlightenment? The answer is seen in the fact that you continue to listen to, and cling to, the teachers and self-appointed faux-authorities of this world. Why do I portray them as faux-authorities? The answer to the dilemma is presented in the fifth saying of the Gospel of Thomas where you will find the assertion: "Jesus said, Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you". What it is stating is that if you begin to understand the nature of the images you see in the outer world, that all the hidden knowledge will be revealed to you.
In the analogy of Plato's Cave, you are portrayed as a prisoner who sees what can be called shadow-image which you assume to be real.
Both Men and Women possess a great depth of knowledge that they remain ignorant and totally unconscious of from the perspective of the cultural organic thinking of the vast majority of mankind. And when rightly understood, this ability to develop and tap into this Source of Knowledge is why Jesus barred his followers from taking the position of a teacher -- i.e., "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers" (see The One Teacher http://BrotherOfJesus.org#TheOneTeacher ). And this is why Jesus taught his original followers how to fulfill the Law that enables them to arise to their true potential, and be reunited to the Divine Mind (see Jesus Fulfilled And Taught The Natural Fulfillment Of The Laws Of God: http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#JesusFulfilledTheLaw ). When we begin to understand that the Anointing or Christing of the mind portrays the Enlightenment of the person -- and how the Natural Laws develops and brings this Anointed Enlightenment about -- then everything we thought we knew is subject to change -- i.e., The Christ or Anointing is not a person. It is a Natural Power that is developed in the mind of the person who attains the necessary Wholeness to achieve and receive the Anointing. Which is why Jesus taught his disciples about the Laws that must be fulfilled to become Anointed/Christed (see Jesus Taught To Become The Christ http://TheLawOfTheGospels.com#BecomeTheChrist ). Then you have different levels of Anointing in accord with the Wholeness achieved by each person. And this fact is demonstrated in the Gospel of the Hebrews/Ebionites, in the words: "And it came to pass when the Lord was come up out of the water, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended and rested upon him, and said unto him: My son, in all the prophets was I waiting for thee that thou shouldst come, and I might rest in thee. For thou art my rest, thou art my first begotten son, that reignest for ever." To which the Church Father Jerome correctly explains "not partially as in the case of other holy men." All the original followers of Jesus received the Anointing/Christing as they fulfilled the Law of God within their own Consciousness. Further, that Anointing Received has remained with the soul of each of these people over the course of their future lives -- i.e., "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him" (1 Jn 2:26-29). Why? Where the Soul of the man Jesus was able to receive the Full Anointing, each soul evolves to that level over the course of the many future lives they live. To the degree that eventually they too will receive the Full Anointing.
But both church and state were unable to comprehend the original Gospel teachings, so they suppressed and corrupted the teachings -- declaring the original followers of Jesus to be heretics. Why? In order to rule over the people.
And since the mind is in every way metaphysical and what we would portray as spiritual -- and since neither traditional science or academia deals with the metaphysical -- few men or women are capable of even comprehending their own true potential. In fact, it can rightly be stated that our leaders of both church and state, in conjunction with both science and culture, are all in business to rob the people of their potential (spiritual) inheritance, and to maintain the people at a level that can be rightly portrayed as dumb and stupid with respect to their true nature and reality. Why? Because a man and woman can be born on an island -- apart from any religions or schools -- and they possess the ability to tap into the very Source of Knowledge that is superior to the finest universities created and known to mankind. And when the Natural Laws of God and Creation are understood, the question is not how to teach the person -- but rather, how to develop the ability to manifest our True Intellectual and Spiritual Potential.
does not While a man has a much greater potential than he can even begin to understand, his wife's superior intuitive abilities has the ability to fill in all the gaps in his developmental-understanding, thereby enabling the two to develop together to reach heights far exceeding their ability to understand. In a Spiritual Marriage the husband is their in the birth of their offspring as a midwife who draws their offspring out of the womb of his wife -- being the first to touch and make contact with their new born child. The husband must become a Spiritual Midwife who develops his wife's intuitive abilities to tap into their inner source of knowledge. Which means the question then becomes: How to draw this vast source of knowledge into the consciousness of the husband and wife. When rightly understood, within each of us are Two Sources of Higher Knowledge that most people know nothing about -- i.e., (1) knowledge drawn from our Soul's previous lives; and (2) and knowledge drawn from our Higher Soul-Self directly. Under the heading of Anamnesis (Philosophy), the Wikipedia states: "It is the idea that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us." The article then goes on to say: Socrates' response is to develop his theory of anamnesis. He suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly incarnated; knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity... What one perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has forgotten. (Once it has been brought back it is true belief, to be turned into genuine knowledge by understanding.) And thus Socrates (and Plato) sees himself, not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was already there in the student.
If the husband learns to as as a Spiritual Midwife who is able to explore his wife's greater intuitive abilities to tap into past incarnations -- especially the incarnations they lived together --
in the words of the visionary and author Philip K. Dick who could recall his life as a first century follower of Jesus when he said: "Christ ...taught his followers how to enter the kingdom while still alive, where other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here. He causes it to come here, and is the living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos)."
The word amnesis is defined as: Amnesia is a general term describing memory loss
What is Anamnesis? Under the heading of Anamnesis (Philosophy), the Wikipedia states: "It is the idea that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us." The article then goes on to say: Socrates' response is to develop his theory of anamnesis. He suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly incarnated; knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity... What one perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has forgotten. (Once it has been brought back it is true belief, to be turned into genuine knowledge by understanding.) And thus Socrates (and Plato) sees himself, not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was already there in the student.
Word II
In the allegorical account of Genesis, when Eve was drawn from the side of Adam, what is being personified is the fact that the mind of mankind became divided across the polarities of male and female when we entered this world. What this means is that when man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the mind meeting and interacting with the other half -- both of them divided opposites with greatly differing mental perceptions and abilities -- each with the capacity to fill the mental void of their spouse. Therefore, when man meets woman, two halves of the Mind are brought together with the capacity to interact, grow and evolve to Wholeness. From the perspective of Plato's Cave, physical birth is a symbol of the process of mental birth that is possible when Man and Woman come together in a Spiritual Marriage (see The Divine Marriage http://DivineMarriage.org ). And from the perspective of man and woman, as the man assists in the development of those unique Intuitive abilities possessed by his wife that are suppressed and often absent in him, his own Intuitive spheres of mind begin to develop. And as the woman channels, transforms, raises up and returns the generative energy of her husband back to her husband, both begin to evolve beyond organic male and female levels of mind and consciousness.
In explanation of the allegorical account of Genesis in the Gospel of Philip, man became subject to the cycles of birth and death when Eve was separated from Adam -- i.e., “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more”. With the division of Mind through the separation of Adam/Male and Eve/Female, Wholeness of Mind did not exist. And when it is understood that death portrays a level of consciousness -- i.e., "...let the dead bury their own dead” (Matt 8:21-22) -- the objective of this life is to restore Wholeness through the process of Birth. When Jesus said to "follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead”, he was making reference to the condition and level of consciousness noted in the Gospel of Philip which portrayed the undeveloped levels of male and female consciousness of organic (carnal) man as a state of death. Why? Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church Jesus stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness of Mind achieved? With the division of Male and Female in conjunction with an undeveloped mind, the consciousness of organic man is unable to perceive and understand with any degree of Wholeness.